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Created by - pudge
13,481 ratings
Purge's Welcome to Dota, You Suck guide is well regarded as the premiere guide for learning the basics of Dota 2. It covers things like heroes to pick when you're new, basic strategy breakdown, controls, lane setups, basic game mechanics such as damage typ
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2,041 Hours played
Are you attracted to minors? Do you have depression? Do you have anxiety? Do you get sporadic panic attacks throughout the day? Are you a racist, xenophobe who wants knows how to curse in 12 different languages? Do you and your homies cuddle and kiss all the time? Are you addicted to dopamine? Then fear not. This game will give you all the above.

On a serious note :
Don't play this game , play any other game you can find , find other game do anything else with your life , take a walk go to the park , eat ice cream. Please if you read this , go do something else , read , study, do sports, eat good food, learn to cook , learn to ride a bike or anything anything else .
She's Not Just Another Face 21 Aug, 2024 @ 11:13pm