Kaltor || Trading
Bob Spaytan
You are now entering Kaltor's Profile

Moderator of Opium Pulses Trading
Moderator of Opium Pulses Giveaway Group
Administrator of Traders Revolution
Staff of Indiebundles.org
Moderator of Inventory Traders (Itraders)
Moderator of Cards Trading
Moderator of Indie Kings
Moderator of Game Interface
Moderator of STradingGroup
Staff of Indiegamebundles.com

If you want me to add you to my daily deal rounds please add me and we can discuss it :)!

I also offer announcement cleaning services where i spell check, and format your announcements!

My services include managing giveaways, posting daily deals for Steam games, getting more people in your group, and helping with the chat, comments, and forum.
This is Joe Kaegan

I am a really BIG gamer!
I am from the United States!
I make Mods for games.
My favorite games are: Minecraft, Uplink, Portal 2, and Skyrim!
I like building computers!

Hello everyone,
My name is Joe Kaegan and I am from the United States. I have played games for a very long time and even own an old D&D game. I have recently been introduced to forum roleplaying which is pretty cool in my opinion XD. I know Java coding and I really love to learn new computer languages. I am currently in High-School.

Joe Kaegan
I never go first with keys.. I use a trusted steamrep middleman or someone from the traders guild.

If you have a problem with using a middleman, don't add me.

Please don't get angry if a trade seems like a lowball.. Just tell me so :). I also know whats a "lowball" and whats not so don't try to cheat me.

Also.. I apologize for my low number of games.. Just note that this shouldn't affect your opinion on my trading rep.

|steamID: Greynor || Trading
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42002038
|steamID64: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198044269805
|customURL: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/Greynor99
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044269805

Steamtrades profile: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Greynor

I do Middleman services!

Be careful of my impersonators... It's kinda easy because of my low number of games. Please notify me of any!

After a trade I expect to be +repped on profile and steamtrades.

I report for random group invites. Don't Invite Me!!!!

If I have banned you from any group, submit a ban appeal. Please don't add me or comment on my profile for that reason.

I will accept random friend requests
Currently Offline
Kaltor || Trading 6 Jun, 2013 @ 11:35am 
I am Greynor.