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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
NERO: Dark UI + GFX Tweaks
Collection by Kryo
A collection of my visual mods for Imperator: Rome. Everything in this collection is ironman & achievement compatible. Proof of Achievement compatibility:
Revolutionary GFX
Collection by Kryo
All mods in this collection have been updated to 1.6.* This collection contains all the mods from the Revolutionary GFX mod series. They can be used together in any combination. Every mod is ironman/achievement compatible because they don't change the chec
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ironman Collection
Collection by Kryo
This collection contains Theatrum Orbis Terrarum + all Add-Ons that are achievement-compatible. The Add-Ons can be used in any combination but you need to pick one of the Opacity Add-Ons.
Kryo's Map Font Collection
Collection by Kryo
Revolutionary Ironman GFX
Collection by Kryo
Eisenmann Kollektion
Collection by Kryo
Updated for 1.28 Every mod in this collection works in Ironman and is achievement-compatible. Activate them all (but choose between "HOI4-Style Dynamic Colored Mapmodes" and "Translucent Colored Mapmodes") and have fun!
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