Theodore   United States
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Memorable Quotes That I Need To Remember:
1.) "Magic magic dog/Magic magic frog kerbal/Is labrek backwards." -Myself.

2.) "Hello, I am Lester, I sell you chicken egg, goose egg and kerfuffle egg. Kerfuffle egg is made when you take chicken and put it inside of goose, then you have kerfuffle, then kerfuffle lays egg and you have kerfuffle egg." -Lester.

3.) "The Non-Believers would say, 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' The FATHER would say, 'Why the f*** would you make lemonade when you can make cocaine?'" -The Book of Mystery, Chapter 6 Verse 3.

4.) "You cannot suppress my heroic African nationalism." -Unknown.

5.) "How much gasoline would it take to actually set fire to the rain?" -An Arsonist.

6) "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being chain smoker for the past 40 years and 10 being Blake Shelton, how is your voice? On second thought, don`t answer that." -Myself.

7.) "It`s not about the Lamborghini, it`s about the knowledge." -An Advertisement.

8.) "Could your soul dynamite be a newfound passion for sandwich making fetishes?" -Myself.

9.) "For my good men criminal record of all the stolen items, Swagger, and I was all "Convienio!" I cried at my door. We are sitting in hands of all sleep, man ring spin stand my head." -Bad Translator.

10.) "Sorry, I was trying to get rid of the spinning top by throwing it at Richard Nixon." -Rage: Filer Of Oblivion.

11.) "Why do Chuck Norris and his infinite amount of knives hunger for my skull?" -Myself.

12.) "The old 1-2, hit em' with a bullet and then hit em' with a bullet again!" -Scott Manley.

13.) "I TOOK TWO BITES ♥♥♥♥♥!" -Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

14.) "Multidimensional Meth Wizardry? I`d like you to die!" -Iris.

15.) "Don't do school, eat your drugs, go to vegetable." -9595w.

16.) "Organization is the spice of organ harvestation." -Myself.

17.) "They're developing society while I'm hiding in an airplane." -Myself.

18.) "Is it space whales? My money is on space whales.” -D Gray.

19.) "He looked me in the eyes and shot me in the testicle." -Iris.

20.) "Come to think of it, most apocalyptic scenarios are only dangerous to telegraph machines." -Myself.

21.) "Take it, eat it, smell it, I don't care. Just get the game inside you." -Myself.

22.) "Your opinion is just an onion, if you don`t have Pi." -Caius.


24.) "Someone who's a ♥♥♥♥ is perpetually in the state of dickness, not like someone who isn't a ♥♥♥♥, who can just occasionally be like a ♥♥♥♥." -Iris.

25.) "Did you just assume my boat JTS?" -Stratzenblitz.

26.) "If Harry doesn`t like to think about birds, then why does he own Hagrid?" -Iris.

27.) "That`s an astute deduction, mmm." -Sensually Sherlock.

28.) "Lesteringians are fiercely patriotic." -The Holy Empire Of Lester.

29.) "Inhaling deeply? I know you shouldn`t do it before marriage, but still." -Iris.

30.) "I know he`s dead, but that doesn`t change ass liquification." -Myself.

31.) "Until we stop being selfish, and start teaching giraffes how to talk, we`ll never know." -YSAC.

32.) "Are you a die-hard gerbil junkie?" -Myself.

33.) "Wait! I dropped a nut! HWWUGH! This is important!" -Avera9eJoe.

34.) "A butter dish makes a house, love makes a home." -Lynni.

35.) "I can avoid their finger if it comes for me." -Drunk Ant Man.

36.) "You don't watch anime, YOU ARE ANIME!" -Carson Kachelmier.


38.) "I think it's worth $60 to replace all of my extremities with whisks." -Myself.

39.) "A clothing store! Perfect! Now I can bye! Or, I mean, buy something to slap across a window." -Kevin.

40.) "The meth heads, prostitutes, drunks and THE PEOPLE WHO PUT MICROPHONES IN BUSHES AT BURGER MASTER?" -Myself.

41.) "Honestly, being 21 is only special because then you can play pinball in bars until like 2 am." -Bagelrabbit.

42.) "Like a picturesque Norwegian cabin mysteriously appearing around a downed player during a revive." -DICE.

43.) "Those were the good days. The days of muffled screams, lingering in the fetid air." -Bagelrabbit.

44.) "I canonized Bob Ross as a Golden girl." -Myself.

45.) "Ohio, flick!" -Bad Translator's take on quote 42.

46.) "For all my faults today I have discovered I'm very proficient in the art of traversing staircases using motorized vehicles." -Myself.

47.) "The Earth is actually a giant Kinder Egg with a velociraptor toy inside and during the second coming of Jesus Christ, Ragnarok will show up, awaken the raptor which will subsequently eat Jesus during an epic battle, then betray Ragnarok, eat him, resurrect Robert E. Lee and the confederate army so the South will rise again and they can reclaim Jerusalem for the Southern Empire." -Brendan.

48,) "Don't scoff at the Hoff." -Lupi.

49.) "You idiot, there's a soccer ball. That's the best gun." -Nubble.

50.) "SHUSH, GRAMMARLY!" -Bagelrabbit.

51.) "Yeah, love those deep octopus." -James Cameron.

52.) "Are you fat-shaming Chris Hansen?” -Myself.

53.) "Speculation only makes a speck out of you and some guy named Lation." -Gregory House.

54.) "His emotions raw like a straight, stagnant sausage." -The Timotainment Discord.

55.) "Now we are gonna start taxing Amazon and Jeff Bezos is gonna hecc off into space." -Myself..

56.) "Tony's house is made out of weed." -Ca Exempt Death.

57.) "Die in a vat of warm pie crust." -Iris.

58.) "Everyone asks "OwO what's this?" but no one asks "OwO why is this?"." -Bagelrabbit.

59.) "Gender politics makes strange bedfellows." -Shaun.

60.) "This is why I hate mediums, every time I'm talking to one of them, Bill Murray comes along and shocks me." -Myself..

61.) "Instead people found things that intrigued them, like some weird gelatinous fish." -Gavin.

62.) "You just put ISIS and Resident Evil 7 in a blender." -Zechariah.

63.) "Although many have speculated that the moon is made of cheese, the moon is not real." -Timotainment.

64.) "My toes... they hunger! HUNGER FOR EGGS!" -Sam O'Nella.

65.) "You couldn't make a prism out of... you know... justice." -Michael Stevens.


67.) "I said osmosis, not car." -Myself.

68.) "Cream of glass shard, magazine, avocado with added hint of artificial plum and crumpet flavoring soup." -Iris.

69.) "Small stepladders everywhere are fearing for their futures." -Colin Furze.

70.) "Today we can steal people's kneecaps, tomorrow we can steal their skin color." -Myself.

71.) "Trust yourself before you thrust yourself." -Kurie.

72.) "F*** yeah, forcing Amish squidwards to reproduce so we can buy books." -Iris.

73.) "Nothing says comedy like lynching your neighbor's dog." -Owen.

74.) "Swaggeriffic." -Sophia.

75.) "You miserable fool! Your antics will not be tolerated!" -Iris.

76.) "Eggs, lay low I'm chewing your tongue." -Lone Digger But Beats 2 & 4 Are Swapped.


78.) "The after-gargle of death." -Iris.

79.) "Deploy Anti-Cowboy Measures." -Cowboy Precautions Guide Vol. 12.

80.) “You don’t do pity, now eat the beans!” -Myself.

81.) "Beans and melting plastic were all the remained." -Iris.

82.) “Losing a few limbs won’t stop you from fighting, and it’s nothing the insurance won’t cover.” -Frozenbyte.

83.) “Excommunicate the default cube.” -CGMatter.

84.) “My bitchass rheumatologist won’t diagnose me.” -Charlotte.

85.) "Soul elongation is a process only the highly enlightened can handle." -Myself.

86.) “This roaring fire, brought to you by my deflated sense of self.” -Amiel Stanek.

87.) “After peanut butter and chocolate, my favorite combination of two things is probably gross incompetence and high explosives.” -Sam O’Nella.
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Stirrcrazy 10 Jan @ 6:35pm 
thanks! gg
SpaceKowgirl 9 Jan @ 2:24pm 
that was an insane match! nice ac btw!
Stirrcrazy 5 Jan @ 9:14pm 
thanks lol
96nairra 4 Jan @ 6:18pm 
pizza god
Stirrcrazy 1 Jan @ 7:26pm 
no worries! gg
P 1 Jan @ 3:23pm 
yo bro sorry for letting you wait there my controller disconnected and i had to go grab a spare one but thx for wating good match