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838.3 hrs on record (662.7 hrs at review time)
An amazing game, but beware, the danger of addiction is really high, because there is always something to to, something to build, something to improve...
Posted 16 April, 2022.
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2,246.8 hrs on record (2,070.6 hrs at review time)
First and foremost:
Yes, the new UI has many issues, and things to improve. Crytek already communicated, that they are working on it and will push out an update, as soon as possible. Informations can be found in this video: https://youtu.be/ovMwwccxMLM?si=G1Ku-IyTmzivRZTW

With that out of the may, i have to say, i love the recent update, of wich the key points are:
- new Engine
- new Mag (Mamons Gulch, aka. Map4)
- new User Interface
- new Event

New Engine and Map:
The new engine, wich made the new map possible gives the game some much needet futureproof and quiet a lot more of visual fidelity. Sadly there is no map inspection, like there was before the update, because id like to walk through it and enjoy all the little details i mostly overlook if im in a match. This is something i hope Crytec will ad back in the future, but i belive this is not their top-priority right now. Yet no hard feelings about this.

New User Interface:
I already mentioned, the new UI needs some love, and i wont go into every little detail, but there are 2 things that bother me quiet a lot.

First of all is the hotkey mapping. For me it does not feel consistant. Sure its nice if you get used to the hotkeys, i can tell that from personal experience, what bothers me here is, if i have to move my hands off their current position, for example to press [Enter] to confirm something. Its a hassle to get back into the original position, so id like to see this changed, either i can map the hotkeys myself or crytec makes some changes.
My suggestion would be to move the [Space]-menue to the [Tap]-key and use [Space] to confirm. Maybe add rightklick as an uption to go back for good measure as well.

The second point, that i have issues with is recruting new hunters. I usually recrut my hunters in bulk, either after prestiging or if i dont have any hunters to play with in my roster. Sadly right now i have to navigate trough quiet some menues for recrouting about 42 hunters (right now i have that many hunterslots and if i recruit i fill all of them).
For this id like to suggest adding an option to set a number of hunters i can recruit at once.

New Event:
I like the new event, especially the way the weekly system works right now, yet the weekly tasks being the same for everyone is not my favourit, but for me, this is just a minor issue. Why this new weekly system is so good in my oppinion, is because players, that have not a lot of time, have a solid chance of catcing up if they spent not as much time as others in the game.
Also a good thing, is that everyone can earn back the blood bonds (ingame currency bought with money) from the battlepass that had to be spend, if you want all rewards. 600 can be earned directly in the pass and 400 in total trough the weekly tasks.

I cant stress this enougth, yes the new UI needs a lot of work, but besides that, i still think this is one of, if not the best shooter ever existing. With the new updates Crytek achived a big milestone with his game.

I can recomend this game wholeheartedly and will play this game as long as i can.

Thank you Crytek for making and maintaining such an awsome game.

A personal note: I had to fix some issues on my persinal rig, cause i had issues with my performance, yet to be clear, those issues were on my end, not on the game side. Many people complaining eiter missed, that Crytek announced about a year before the update, that the minimum specs will rise or most likely have similas issues with their rig, like i did.
Posted 8 January, 2022. Last edited 27 August, 2024.
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128.9 hrs on record (58.4 hrs at review time)
Doom Ethermal is such an awsome game, a good improvement to Doom 2016 :P
Posted 23 May, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
32.6 hrs on record (12.4 hrs at review time)
Unglaublich schönes Spiel mit einer super guten Atmosphäre.
Eines der besten Spiele, dass ich je gespielt habe :D
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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3.8 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Für den Preis ein absolutes top Spiel, für alle die gerne knobeln.
Die Grafik ist absolut minimalistisch und die hintergrungmusik vollkommend ausreichend.
Für das einmalige durchspielen aller Level habe ich etwa 40 min genötigt,
dennoch wird es nicht das letzte mal sein, dass ich dieses Spiel spielen werde.
Posted 12 December, 2016. Last edited 12 December, 2016.
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