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69.1 h registradas
The criminally underrated Hong Kong masterpiece that was about to get a sequel, but unfortunately got cancelled. It’s pretty much Chinese GTA, except it competes and in some areas, does better than GTA V. Here’s why.

Not every fight you get into, will be the same ol’ boring and repetitive gun fight. Instead, there’s martial arts involved and the best part about it, is the fact that it’s kinda like if Sifu had a little brother. So do with what you will with that info.
The side quests which are fundamental for open world games. Are fun and fit right in the streets of Hong Kong with Racing, chicken fights, karaoke, cop jobs, shootouts, drug busts and much more
The Chinese rap’s/music are absolute bangers. Listen to “24 Herbs - No brothers.” Or “H-Klub - Mumbo Jumbo” or H-Klub - The Life.”
The story is absolute peak and everything you want in a game like this. With thrills, chills, action and peaaaaaaak story writing.

Overall nothing much else to say about this game other than the DLC's. Which "Nightmare at Northpoint" is a complete snooze-fest and "Year of the Snake" was alright, however its still nothing special other than 2hrs of repetitive fighting. Regardless Sleeping Dogs is an amazing game and the fact is, if you want a spin on the GTA series then play this game!


- Chinese GTA
-Sifu - style combat
- Meaningful Sidequests
- Fun Open World Activities
- Excellent Story Telling
- Memorable characters
- Customization Variety
- Chaotic and Fun
- $20 or discount version $2.99


- None

Story Overall: 9.5/10
Game Overall: 9/10
Publicada el 10 de febrero.
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38.9 h registradas
Intro: If I could describe this game in a single quote. It would be “At least I finished it once.” Now, truth be told the games not all bad, In fact. It’s alright. But because of its repetitive slog and because of its biggest missed lay-up….the game somewhat is a let down.

How the game works: But just so that everyone’s on the same page, let me explain how the game works. So at the start. You load in to your match to play as an emergency operator; however as you load in, you get to see these “tips” on your screen, which pretty much are detailed procedures for each scenario just in case you need it. Such as procedures for: snake bites, hypothermia, choking, fire, heavy bleeding, CPR and such. Once the game loads in however, you finally get to play as an operator, which now you are responsible of allocating and managing your units. Whether that be firefighters, paramedics, cops, plus with an extra task of also responding to emergency calls. Now thankfully when you start, the first area you manage is like a small neighborhood, but as you progress. The area you manage gets bigger and bigger until you reach the entire city.

My Experience: Now when I first played, everything was fine...I was learning how to manage my units, Sending paramedics to people who had strokes, sending fire fighters to gas explosions, sending cops towards people who had committed theft. And sometimes sending a mix of two units or even all three. And so far the game was fun…. I even took some emergency calls and learned how to do basic CPR. Plus I will like to add, that I even admired the certain aspect of the game and how it puts things into perspective. Like for example how important it is to have someone at least responding to the scene or having lots of units. Politics aside however , this game is a great representation of why we shouldn’t “dEfUnD tHe PoLiCe”for all those people with brain dead takes, but going back to the game. With each passing level that I completed. Thus far nothing changed, and here’s where the problem lies….

The Problem: Now I’ll admit….I did play on normal because I was clueless. But only because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, but later on like in mid-way I decided to start a new run! And this time I switched difficulty from normal to hard in hopes of getting something different. Or idk. At least more detailed calls where I had to memorize what I saw in the loading screen. Or at least make very tough calls…..nope. Every time you progress. The situations you respond to. Get this. Don’t change. The calls you respond to, are all. the exact. same. way. and as long as you memorize what to do! (which isn’t hard) then the call that you are responding to is always going to be cleared. Shoot. You don’t even have to even try to respond in a certain way. Because most of the calls can either be solved in the first instance using basic f***king common sense or through asking them 1. “Where are you?” and 2. “I’m sending units over.”…….That’s it! Forget “the 4 W’s” And for a game that prides itself and tries to be an operator simulator, it really is a major disappointment. Especially since more than half of the “tips” in the loading screen. Aren’t even used or applied or questioned. So like?!?? Why even have it there in the first place? I don’t get it. And this entire game in its entirety can be summed up as a rinse and repeat of the same missions. Except. Each time it’s bigger and you got to do it. Hear me out. For 32 Missions….each one lasting 12-15 minutes each. That’s boring. That’s stupid. That’s mind numbing.

The End: Overall. I don’t expect every game to be warping my reality or flipping my worldview upside down….but if you have one of the biggest lay-ups ever by having an idea such as this. Then at least, at the very least….do a good job doing it….This game is super mid, and it honestly wouldn’t have made a difference if I didn’t play it. However if you decide to do play it. Get the game when it’s discounted, and when you got nothing to play.


- Unique
- 8 hr game
- Impressionable
- Scenarios
- Is an Updated 911 operator


- Repetitive and Tedious
- No replay-value
- Buggy + Crashes
- Missed Opportunity

Game Overall: 5/10
Publicada el 18 de enero. Última edición: 18 de enero.
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9.4 h registradas (9.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
From the masterminds and god-tier writers behind the novel masterpiece that stretched out the corners of this world, inspired millions to respect the point-and-click story-telling genre, and is the creme of la creme certified 10/10 and the game that we all have heard as TellTale: The Walking Dead. Comes another story that is made from that same studio, that is also worthy, of its TellTale title. Batman....Now, when talking about a game such as this, everyone already knows who Batman is....A vigilante hero who is.....idk. One of the most recognizable and inspirational characters to ever walk the face of comic book history. So just imagine the potential of having a god-tier creative writing studio....collab. and have the licensing. w/ one of the best character in comic book history from DC....you can only get. A must play, must watch.

In all honestly though, this game is truly awesome, you have just about everything from a TellTale and a DC story. Such as quick time fighting events, detective work, and hard choice/decision making. and obviously some of the best writing and turn of events that you would expect from a TellTale and a Batman game.

But hey if that's not enough, just know that the entire licensing and reputation of DC was placed in the hands of telltale developers. That's trust right there and that means something.


- Animation DC comic style
- Characters are Legendary
- Writing is Legendary
- Playtime is about 7 - 8.5hrs.
- Price is $15. Winter Deals are $6.


- Some in-game stuttering

Story Overall: 9.5/10
Game Overall: 9/10

Publicada el 28 de diciembre de 2024.
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57.3 h registradas
Hell Divers 2 Is what happens when you have Starship Troopers X Terminator. A chaotic surprise, but a very welcoming one. From having the choice to fight between two factions, cool weapons that you can use, Equipment to try out, Difficulty options that ramp up the chaos, the ability to play with friends and a unique game idea that just came to life. And it really is a game that captured lightning in a bottle for quite some time. However " The brightest of stars burn the fastest, so we must love them while we can. "

Now I say this because while the game really is lots of fun for the first 30 hours, afterwards the game starts to get stale. All due to the fact that Hell Divers 2 wasn't meant to last very long. Like for example, Missions after a while become repetitive because its the same task over and over again, Difficulty becomes more "Meta" based, and you really can't mess around with any of the serious builds, "big" updates either don't add anything major to bring the player base back or just update the game in order to kill the fun with the " weapon balancing". and the biggest game killer. A lack of some serious progression system. Now while some Hell Diver fan boys will dive onto their sword, saying that this game is "perfect." In reality its not, it's just a game that has a fast burn. And that's fine, because this game isn't trash. It's just a game that is missing that replay value that allow a player to play this game for days, months and years to come.


- Multiplayer - based
- Chaotic and engaging
- Unique
- Terminator and Starship Trooper vibes
- Fun w/ Friends
- $40
- Game for everyone


- Boring and Repetitive after 30hrs.
- Not a lot of Replay Value
- Lack of Progression System

Game Overall: 8/10

Publicada el 31 de julio de 2024.
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53.3 h registradas
For the longest time, I have always been a Dragon Ball fan. From Z to Super and yes....even GT. Which....let's be real. Everyone only watched it because of Super Sayian 4, which is very badass. So when I heard about Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. A dragon ball game, I was pretty much hyped up, Only to 100% the game and tell you the good...and the bad. So. prepare yourself...as i'll go in-depth by category so you don't have to buy the game blindly.

Story: While the game is based off the anime. At the end of the day....its still a game. Not an anime. So don't expect the quality of narrative and story telling, to be on par of that of the shows. Because since DB is a game. They have to skip most of the episodes, and character developing moments, only to get to the parts that are major plot points in each arc. As doing the opposite would literally take forever. One problem the game has however, is how in some scenes of DB, does the game not savor those moments, or hold that emotional weight and tension like they do in the show. Some cut-scenes from the game that would be epic moments, are kinda killed with the rushing and awkwardness of the cut-scene, however when DB does it right. Not only are some scenes. BADASS. Like the fight between Goku vs. Vegeta, Fight on Namek, SS1 and SS2, Fusions scenes. etc. But the visuals...are such an art piece to admire. With its blooming and brimming colors to the flashy visuals that make those scenes so much memorable.

Gameplay: When it comes to combat, everyone has their own opinions. Visually, it was a masterpiece. From seeing signature moves in action like: Kamehameha, Galick Gun, Special beam cannon, Dragon Fist, Masenko and more. From transforming to: KK, SS1, SS2, Potential Unleashed, SS3 and Fusion. Especially when you perform a "Breaker" and "Z-combo's" (which leads to mini-animations in mid-fight, go look it up its cool) Mechanically, the way the combat works in Kakarot just fits right in. All from guards, stuns, flying, ki-blasts and stamina. However...despite all this, the "magic" of the combat felt repetitive and meta-based. As in most situations, I never felt the "flow" or "rhythm" as I did in Sekiro, Sifu, or Ultra Kill. Granted I get its a Dragon Ball with lots of factors which I do understand, but honestly...everytime I would play, I would always steam roll through the enemies. As they were so easy to read and never felt like a real threat to me.

Fan Service: The level of fan service that DB has is amazing, from seeing characters in the older dragon ball show interact with you in the open world, to its enriching and ever expanding lore that explains how the DB world works, as well as its characters from the community board that help you become a stronger fighter, while having cool dialogue quips in between, to the 3-D layout of the open world that is DB. The fan service. is clearly there, and its mostly clear that the developers definitely cared about the fans, and this game is just another way of saying "Thank You."

Now...for the very bad open world elements in this game....

Sidequests: Sometimes other RPG games can really make you fall in love with the side quests just as much as the main story. So much so that you can get lost and lose track of time. However in DB.....the game just makes you want to plow through the main story, and literally makes you forget that side quests even exist entirely. Just because of how little reward they offer, how boring they are, and how irrelevant the side characters you are helping are. I swear for all side quests I had to put a clothespin on my sack just to keep myself awake. As I never gave two s*** about the character, or their desires to send me on a fetch quest for cheap materials that they can get on their own. I tried literally doing like 5 sidequests just to see if I just chose bad sidequests. But nope, surprise, surprise most of them are complete utter trash.

Enemies and Late game: Main Story enemies were all fun, all of them served their purpose and all of them had sick and legendary signature moves, that when performed looked just as epic as the Z fighters, maybe even better. But when it came to the open world. The enemies were so f****** annoying....like holy f*** like I don't know who green-lighted this or thought this was a good idea. But how in the f*** am I supposed to enjoy the world of Dragon Ball, when like a gazillion enemies are just sh***** and dumped everywhere??? Like I swear I would be trying to collect unique collectibles that would showcase a random scene of an OG Dragon Ball episode and give like a cool piece of lore, and then I would be spotted by the millionth "Skull Robo Type" or "Freiza Force Member." Just so I could run away and be chased by another one 30 feet away. It seriously felt like being forced to fight pokemon trainers in a small hallway like in Red/Blue. And the lvl that you are at, once you get done beating Buu has such a huge gap. That it doesn't make it fair for when you have to fight the "Villainous parties." which are level 80-100. Which in DB, if an enemy is 6 levels or higher, makes the fight tedious, long, and such a f****** slog. Like if it weren't for the achievements and beating buu was the last achievement. I wouldn't even have bothered with grinding my way to being level 95. Thankfully however I had my ways of beating all "Villainous Parties." but it still took forever.

With all that out of the way, DBZ Kakarot Is honestly just a game for the fans. I say this because while I do love Dragon Ball, I don't love the RPG, Open World, or even how the game itself is as much as I want to. Mostly because other RPG's do it much better and are more fun and don't require you to be in the "DB club". While DB's Open World is mostly just there as a way to pay respect to the fans, rather than to entertain. It also leads me to say that even as a big hardcore Dragon Ball fan, this game is honestly just a big hit or miss. And isnt a game that people are going to reunite together and clamor "Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is amazinggggggg!" and If it weren't for the fact that I know or love Dragon Ball as much as I do, I would have never. everrrrrrr. touched this game. I was even thinking about not getting it, because it seemed alright. Which I get. Not every game has to be a masterpiece, but realistically from a gameplay perspective and not a Dragon Ball perspective, its not even a good game, at most its super mid. So unless you love Dragon Ball or you are a hardcore fan. Don't get it. Also R.I.P Akira Toriyama.


- Visually Stunning Cinematics and Animation
- Dragon Ball Lore Galore
- OG Dragon Ball Characters
- Not a lot of Investment or Commitment
- Amazing Voice Actors
- Lots of Fan Service


- Horrible Open World Enemy Encounters
- Generic and Bland Open World
- Repetitive Tasks and Chores
- Cutscene's somewhat rushed
- Can be Grindy

Game Overall: 5.5/10
Publicada el 6 de junio de 2024.
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6.5 h registradas
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SCP + Survival scavenger hunt...if you wanted a sentence that lays out what the game accurately represents...then I just laid it out for you. Lethal company is about 4 hired looters who travel planet to planet to find valuable loot as a job. However...its harder than it sounds. Because with each desolate planet, lies monsters, traps, and other beings that are not as welcoming as the person who hired you for the mission. Thankfully, with the help of your crew (teammates). You can easily work together, to navigate your way through these planets and hopefully find what you are looking for, just as long as you make your pay grade.

With that being said, there is not much to say about Lethal Company. Other than the fact that its just one of those trendy "games" that you pretty much play to either: Play for a bit then put it down for later, kill time, or play with friends when you're bored.


- Perfect to play with friends
- Has Lobbies if you don't have friends
- Worth only $10
- Spooky and Terrifying at times
- Doesn't require that much commitment


- Repetitive
- Not the "go to game"

Game Overall: 7/10
Publicada el 1 de junio de 2024.
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17.1 h registradas (14.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you like tell-tale games or any choice based game. Then it looks like you'll be headed towards Road 96. With so many cool missions, characters to interact with and decisions to make, you will definitely have the best 10 hrs of your life. But it doesn't come without its flaws. For starters lets start with the positives.

For the positives, I was a big fan of the setting in which the game revolves around the most, that is. always being on the road. Because on a real life road trip anything can happen and I like that because its exactly what happens in game, as you never know whats going to happen and the sense of wonder is always there. The characters for the most part were always interesting and unique, as each character had its own special mission that always freshened up the experience every time you were on the trip. As for the way the game is played, I like how its different and not your classic tell-tale where you only watch a movie and are given dialogue inputs to choose from, instead you can pretty much interact with things and move along, as well as almost "be inside the story."

Now for the flaws, one of my biggest gripes of the game is the fact that the game doesn't tell you, whats your objective. And with that, I mean its sense of direction. (ex: You must do X to win the game or Y is what you have to do. I wont say anymore things because I want to avoid spoilers). But another flaw that this game has is its "risk" factor. While in your classic story based tell-tale games, A bad choice could ultimately lead you into a harsh or brutal situation, or potentially leave you missing out on very important clues that would otherwise help you in your journey or sometimes lock you out of a good ending. In this game, it pretty much has little to no effect in the grand scheme of things, and I say this because the way the game is built. Not to mention the fact that most of the dialogue choices (90% of them minus when I was with a very specific character) in the game never had me scratching my head, or flip a coin, or made me re-think my entire life and everything that led to that moment. Most of the time I was always casually picking dialogue choices without a care in the world.

Overall if you want a game where you can safely dump 20$ into, Road 96 is a game that you should definitely give a crack at. Although I will say, uhh the trailers somewhat overhype this game way wayyyy too hard and I dont think its a 10/10. Plus dont get Mile 0, its trash.


- Choice Based Genre
- Short and Sweet
- Nice Music that you can Switch at anytime
- Unique and Pleasant artstyle
- Interesting Characters
- Interactive Gameplay
- Decent Story
- Cheap for 20$ / 7.95$ (w/Discount)


- Little to no Replay Value
- Low Risk Factor in Overall Playthrough/Run
- Unexplained Game Objectives or Mechanics (Karma)

Story Overall: 7/10
Game Overall: 7.5/10
Publicada el 11 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 23 de octubre de 2023.
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51.3 h registradas (41.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Big Robot RTS that you can play with cool gimmicks like being able to build anywhere or using faction troops that are capable of dealing damage aside from that though the game is pretty fun and can be challenging depending on what difficulty you are on. Learning the game can take a while but after 10 matches you should have already grasp the basics. Regardless im not huge on RTS but this one is a good one try if you are bored or wanna chill with some friends


- 3 Factions
- Tons of Maps
- Overall Balanced Gameplay
- Awesome Flexible Features
- Challenging


- Online is dead

Game Overall: 7.5/10
Publicada el 5 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 5 de octubre de 2023.
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95.0 h registradas
As someone who is a die-hard Mortal Kombat fan and a fan of NetherRealms design and games throughout the years, especially with the "Injustice" games which are definitely a 10/10 btw. I had to give them a kouple extra bucks and pre-order the premium edition and play 5 days earlier in order to live the hype. Which I must say certainty lives up. Now I'll go more in depth though as I try to break it down. So feel free to scroll and see what you are looking for.

Story: If you read my MK11 review, then you know that I made a fact saying how people don't usually buy/play fighting games for the sake of the story. However in MK1....all that changes. Especially since MK1 is a complete reboot of the mortal kombat universe and takes place after the events of MK11. (if you arent up to speed, just watch a quick MK timeline video) but I gotta say, when it komes to the story. The story is soooo interesting and actually entertaining for once in my life. In previous MK games like MKX and MK11 the story was a mess, most characters were a joke, the cutscenes were a snooooozefest. and the power-leveling didnt make any sense. Like how the hell does Cassie Cage beat Shinnok. Smh. But in MK1 the kharacters are fleshed out, the writing is actually good and more humane, and the story is actually captivating. Plus the MK universe is resetted. Meaning you dont have to keep up with the kharacter lore or even the messed up trash timelines anymore. But with that all aside while the story was great the ending felt a tad bit rushed and kinda anti-climatic. But nonetheless does not downplay the story at all. The story was great.

Kombos: Some people just like to skip the story mode and jump straight into Kombat, and thats fine. Because when it komes to kombos. Holy f*** does this game bring back the MKX style kombos. With its flexible, fluid and long cinematic movesets, it really is awesome seeing how it all pieces together. Especially since the kombos you can pull off can be kombined and extended with the Kameo fighters making it a lot more interesting and fun to mess around with, sure sure some people might think its hard to get used to or just want to hate on it at first, but the more you get used to having an assist fighter jumping in and extending kombos or dealing some damage, the better you get at doing it and the better you are as a player in the game. So give it a chance. Forget about the same boring strings that you saw everyone pull off, over and over again in MK11 when playing as scorpion or Noob Saibot. and just try out kombat in MK1 , as you will most likely see a different combo for a different character every time.

Character Customization: While MKX had the coolest skins ever, and MK11 pretty much extended MKX and gave us an array of gear to give to our characters, with multiple color pallets to choose from. The design choice for MK1 is pretty basic to say the least. You can only get to choose the basic things like masks, swords and clothes.....thats it. No more outro/intro customization and no array of color pallets. Just what they give you and while I understand the reason behind it, which is because people skip intros or some dont grind their way for the skins, it does suck for those who do want options. Like at least let us have outro customizations like in MK11 those were dope.....

Krypt (Invasion): Interesting idea with how they made invasion into a board game type of game and replaced the krypt, as well as make the seasons have a different story for different kharacters. Like for example right now is season 1 scorpion's revenge storyline, but I gotta say. The invasion game mode feels so mind numbing and its grindy for no reason, like im not joking go look it up.....and while I do understand what they were trying to do with invasion. By not making it into an RNG scavenger hunt for gear like in MK11 which sucked, I still would rather take the Krypt since It doesnt take long to get the gear than the invasions anyday.

Online: SBMM is a game killer....its one thing to add it in call of duty and other shooters and its another to add it in a fighting game....like at that point, why even have ranked? Especially since the whole point of Online fighting is to get better, why make it worse with every match being "nail-bitters" at some point I just want to relax and not have to worry about being on the top of my "A-game" every. single. time. Plus I dont like how they made ranked mode. Its not like MK11 where its best 2 out of 3 and then the match is over, or like in MK11 where if you lose a ranked round you can switch your kharacters. In MK1 its whoever gets to 3 wins first. Which is weird when....best 2 out of 3 was more interesting and the worst part about it is, before you go to ranked, you have to choose what kharacter you want to play first. So if you select x kharacter and then go find a ranked match with x kharacter and then you find a match and it is with a player who has y kharacter. and your x kharacter is weak against y kharacter. Then kiss your W goodbye. Because you pretty much get counter picked and are most likely to lose 3 matches quickly. Without the fault of your own, but of just bad match ups. So it sucks how you cant switch kharacters in between rounds. Especially since its whoever gets to 3 wins first.

Kharacter Towers: Just add more to the story and are cool as f***.


- Amazing Story
- Fleshed out Kharacters
- Beautiful Scenery and Kharacters
- Very Good Writing
- Awesome, Fluid and Flexible Kombos
- Hype Fighting Roster
- Lots of Replay Value


- Online Mode (Ranked & SBMM)
- Online Mode Matchmaking
- Invasion
- Less Cosmetic Options (No outros smh)

Story Overall: 8.5/10
Game Overall: 6/10
Publicada el 1 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 4 de enero.
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31.3 h registradas (18.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you like a game that's story driven - with multiple paths/endings, has meaning and doesn't require so much commitment, then play this game. Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, is a timeless - must play from people who just love a bunch of good laughs, stories, and good times. With comedic exchange between the narrator and the player (you), you can experience lots of Funny, Sad, Scary, and Happy multiple endings from multiple paths. Trust me....when you start playing this don't put it down until you have beaten it.

I will say, while the game was fun. They could have made it, just a bit better by having a checklist or something, to let you know how many endings you needed left. Because apparently this game has a sh*t-ton of endings that I don't think normal people are going to find in their first play-through. On top of that, they also could have also added a skip button. Because some scenes and dialogue drag out way too long and in a narrative-driven game based off choice, with multiple different paths to explore. It would just make the game a bit more enjoyable and encouraging to explore if they added a skip option.

Regardless the game is a must-play and everyone must give it a try.


- Narrative Focused
- Insane Accessibility
- Multiple Endings
- Comedic
- Short and Sweet
- Historical
- High - Quality and Polished Game


- Needs a Skip Feature

Game Overall: 9/10
Publicada el 5 de agosto de 2023. Última edición: 1 de octubre de 2023.
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