1 person found this review helpful
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Not Recommended
7.0 hrs last two weeks / 701.4 hrs on record (109.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Sep, 2018 @ 1:57pm

Do you enjoy not being rewarded for cool stuff like hitting the ball? Do you enjoy being matched with overweight sausage finger no lifes? Are you dissappointed that no other game on the market has extreme lag spikes everytime a new player joins the game? Well I do too! I Love it when i try to hit the ball, adn then someone joins and causes me to lag, and i miss. I savor every moment of that lag.

I also greatly enjoy when i join a game with my friend in a friendly game of 3's. and we are split up on the teams and one team somehow has 4 players. This is my favorite feature in the game. I am so glad these hard working american developers who are definetly not chinese in ANYWAY possible, added this feature and so many more, like when your profile pictures are for some reason jumbled up and you dont end up with yours.

If in the event you do not have a human person on your team, you are paired with an elite, cold blooded, insane madman from detroit who knows this game in and out. he will NEVER miss the ball. he simply only wants blood. and goals.

The maps are scenic and beautiful. You can see how the real world inspired it, and where they got their inspiration from. My favorite map is the japanese one because I LOVEE AMINE! i learned japanese from this map alone. I think its really really cool. thank you.

this game is definetly not broken and misfigured. You should totally buy this heaping pile of tr- i mean wonderful bundle of joy. Thank you for your patronage
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