76561199474651933 15.8. klo 9.19 
Imagine being the gayest of gays and beating your meat to gay black hairy men. That's you, you big black lil penis ♥♥♥♥♥
Itz_JOE 29.4. klo 14.01 
I used to jerk 0ff to angry birds
When I was about 13 I LOVED angry birds, I had every game and bought every toy they had. One day I was playing angry birds when all of a sudden the big red bird turned me on. I couldn’t stand it, I was going crazy. I decided to pull out my big long Willy and start jerking. I never had felt so good, I soon continued to do this daily and never got bored of it! That big red bird was so hot and those blue ones were some cuties. I am glad to admit I still do this to this very day.
76561199367013166 25.4. klo 10.42 
Itz_JOE 1.8.2023 klo 8.55 
-rep looks like a ♥♥♥♥♥ from Africa
Manuel Neuer 25.7.2023 klo 14.53 
-rep griefing
Manuel Neuer 25.7.2023 klo 14.47 
Du kleiner scheiß Bengel. Ich hoffe du kackst dich ein. Wie kann man so beschissen spielen?! -rep
Gustavo Lives 2.6.2023 klo 12.24 
+Rep really good players, just need to get a bigger penis
Gustavo Lives 2.6.2023 klo 12.23 
In your country u are all gays your father and ur father during the night panck panck panck and u cry
76561199260313034 29.3.2023 klo 23.46 
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