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Sterling 27 Feb, 2018 @ 8:23pm 
make new videos!
sneaky 3 Jul, 2014 @ 11:34pm 
ew what is this league of legends crap. come play dota .
Le.GATO 25 Dec, 2012 @ 12:52pm 
Endgame Frozen Heart and Runic Bulwark are great team support items that also make you extremely tanky and should be all the defense you really need. A good health item (Warmog's or something) should be your last defensive buy if you need to buy another defensive item. If you get the full build, you'll be looking at Merc Treads, Muramana, Triforce, Frozen Heart, and Runic Bulwark. The last item can be wards and whatever else you want.

This gives you basically all the damage you could want while still being virtually unkillable. Due to AD it also makes you a great split pusher. In teamfights you should be the leader (not the initiator, but you do have high defense and Bulwark, so never be without your team in a teamfight) and if possible pounce onto the enemy squishies to burst them down. If you intend to split push a lot - which this build is great at - consider taking Teleport as a summoner spell so you can quickly get into teamfights when they happen.
Le.GATO 25 Dec, 2012 @ 12:52pm 
If someone else (your jungler/support) intends to get Aegis and it's feasible for them to do so, you can consider getting another Mres item like Banshee's Veil instead. If not, get Aegis as soon as you start roaming (like after pushing down your first tower) so you can start supporting your team in teamfights.

You should be sitting on Merc Treads, Tear, your armor item, and Aegis around the mid-game point. If you didn't have to build so tanky early on, you could start getting components for Triforce as well (Phage is particularly good). Upgrade to Manamune whenever you have the gold to burn on your primary offensive item, priortizing it if your Tear is at max charge already. You should have easily built it up, so your damage will spike extremely hard when you get Muramana.
Le.GATO 25 Dec, 2012 @ 12:51pm 
Here's the build I was telling you about: I like to use 9/21/0 masteries and start with crystal flask, but you could do a standard boots + 3 pot or something if you wanted. Get Tear whenever, Nid can only build it up superfast post-6 anyway. Post-6 with Tear, always be in cougar form while not in battle spamming W to build up your mana.

Only buy Null-Magic Mantle for Mres if you need it. It builds into Merc Treads and Aegis of the Legion/Runic Bulwark which will be your main Mres items. Against your laning opponent, assuming they're AD, build Glacial Shroud or Warden's Mail for your main armor item. Both build into Frozen Heart anyway, so pick whichever seems better to you at the time.
L A 5 Jul, 2011 @ 11:21pm 
What up?