
d(゚Д゚)!! 「」 ∼ Iηc | → ★ ( ´,_ゝ`)b (へ_へ)
Currently Offline
(eco round)
dank kush: i got an AK
Mr. Clitsmasher: no you gotta farm money man
dank kush: im not mexican i can't farm muney

("killing chickens adds to your stattrak")
Mr. Clitsmasher: dude wtf you doin in apts
dank kush: im testing the stattrak myth

Lock-On Stratos: I play better when I'm screwing around
Maestro: you play better when you're happier.
dank kush: dude u should become the gandhi of counter strike

Mr. Clitsmasher: the charger's in my library
yur mom is my ride: u have a library?!
Mr. Clitsmasher: fine its a den
yur mom is my ride: is that where you slaughter your chickens???

MAMA TAV: guys should I take a shower today? i'm too lazy
hmk: there's gonna be a hot chick that's gonna come up to you and smell you and she's gonna be like "nahhh"

GN-002 Gundam Dynames: When you get a girlfriend you'll have obligations to do other stuff
Mr. Clitsmasher: wait
Mr. Clitsmasher: that means you'd actually have to shower

THE ♥♥♥♥♥ STANDARD: call me when we're gonna play
hmk: im not gonna call you unless were gonna ♥♥♥♥

SHiFT^up: damn. hope your wrist recovers soon
SHiFT^up: so you can fap. XD
Gengar: lmao I'm not like you lower males
Gengar: I don't fap
SHiFT^up: joking...
SHiFT^up: what, you use an onahole? Mr. upper male
Gengar: I'm saving all the fluids for the first time and then boom, hydro pump

Maestro: ♥♥♥♥♥ let me just tell u
Maestro: i talk to girls.
Maestro: unlike u
Maestro: OOOOOH ♥♥♥♥
Maestro: your ass is coocked more than peking duck at hunan homes
Maestro: bith
Maestro: ♥♥♥♥♥

(about Civ)
Gold Dust: u just straight balls out kublai khanned that ♥♥♥♥♥

(still about Civ)
pieforlife: you act as if im warmongering as much as you are
pieforlife: im like hey ♥♥♥♥♥ get off my land like the indians
pieforlife: and ur like no ♥♥♥♥♥ im genghis khan
pieforlife: heere i take 5 cities form you
Gold Dust: ♥♥♥♥♥ but u consider the whole ccontinent ur land
Gold Dust: so u declare war im like
Gold Dust: give me a bit of land dun atack pls

(about Nether)
LFG.shift: can you melee people in the game?
Lock-On: Yeah, you always start with a melee weapon
LFG.Andrew: yeah you start with a butter knife
LFG.shift: imagine if you started with a plastic spork lol
♥♥♥♥: hell yeah
♥♥♥♥: i'd eat my way out of the apocalypse

Lock-On: Can u buy me a SG?
(pile of ♥♥♥♥ buys a scout)
Lock-On: Not that "sg" you idiot

LFG.Andrew: where the hell is everyone
(이 게임을 진짜싫어요 joins the call)
LFG.Andrew: where's williegay
이 게임을 진짜싫어요: hey i heard that

LFG.Andrew: yeah ataraxia changed so much in 1 summer
이 게임을 진짜싫어요: no u were the one who changed hella
이 게임을 진짜싫어요: u went from like
이 게임을 진짜싫어요: nerd
이 게임을 진짜싫어요: to
이 게임을 진짜싫어요: super ♥♥♥♥♥♥

LFG | Andrew: anxiety
LFG | Andrew: do u remember 7th grade
Anxiety: no
LFG | Andrew: those were our Brood War days. do u remember the brood war days
Anxiety: i remember brood war
Anxiety: but i dont remember 7th grade :(

vindictivecorrupter: gotta treat all my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ equally

Iηc | Andrew: Slow motion and smooth movement
The Red Comet: are you high?
The Red Comet: how many fingers am I holding up?
Iηc | Andrew: Maybe a bit
Iηc | Andrew: Maybe 11
Iηc | Andrew: LOL WAIY
Iηc | Andrew: U ONJY HAVE 10 fingers
The Red Comet: yeah, you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ high.

(Apple's infatuation with de_dust2)
Apple: dude
Apple: when I do stuff 2 days in a row it gets boring and stuff
Apple: but
Apple: dust
Apple: dust is the only thing I never get tired of in my life dude

Iηc | Quartz: alright I'm gonna go eat now
Iηc | HIV+: yo if it makes you feel any better
Iηc | HIV+: im gonna be jacking off
Iηc | HIV+: while you eat dinner

tuxxi: cya later gonna go party and smoke 5lbs of weed cus im from california nad thats what californianas do

shift LEONHART: bomb's at tree with a banana--err, I mean
shift LEONHART: bomb's banana with a bomb

(about Diffdou's "gf")
Diffdou: yeah we had a thing for each other
Quartz: dude, "liking" is not equal to "sucking your ♥♥♥♥"
Diffdou: she needed gas money

No0n: shift why are you so good at the game when you're sick
shift LEONHART: because it channels my inner ♥♥♥
No0n: oh
No0n: ok.

(shift doing hw while everyone else playing MM)
No0n: i'm 5-4-14
No0n: see what happens when shift doesn't play?
No0n: when he isn't here i have to be the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of the team

(soh after popping a pimple)
No0n: guys im bleeding out
Red Panda: so you finally got your period huh
No0n: yeah, im a woman now :)
Red Panda: yeah
Red Panda: cuz you take it up the ass every day

llllllllll: ♥♥♥♥♥ u cant be smart 24/7
llllllllll: sometimes u gotta be dumb

Red Panda: diffdou taking pictures with phone
Red Panda: i heard shutter and told him to stop takin pictures
Red Panda: he said he needed a good one
Red Panda: i asked of what
Red Panda: he said of his ♥♥♥♥
Red Panda: and i was like
Red Panda: Oh
Red Panda: so you have to zoom in

Red Panda: man
Red Panda: i just blew 17 bucks at Carl's
Iηc | shift LEONHART: ?!
Iηc | shift LEONHART: what did you get, a blowjob?

(a haiku about shift by soh)
Alone with money
I sit here all by myself,
Memories float by.

shift LEONHART: ofc P90 on GTR because he sucks so much
shift LEONHART: spray on, my friends
Red Panda: ♥♥♥♥♥
Red Panda: you spray on friends

(1so to shift)
MoDok: how do I put this
MoDok: you're a loony on the inside
MoDok: and a ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ everywhere else

P18: im going to indonesia for a wedding
Iηc | HIV+: where the hell is
Iηc | HIV+: indoemahleesia

(about the new Pokemon game)
Iηc | HIV+: yea i got pokemon
P18: wtf???
P18: are u even smart enough to understand evolutions

Red Panda: Diffdou's thirsty for anything.. If you gave him a cucumber he'd use that as a ♥♥♥♥ cause he can't get one

Red Panda: We're the Knights of Kappa
Red Panda: Lol
Red Panda: Or KoK for short since Diffdou wants it so badly

Red Panda: there's gonna be more naruto
Red Panda: it's about bolt uzumaki
mTw.Mindfactory | shift: lol wtf that sounds like the japanese version of usain bolt
Red Panda: yeah when he grows up
Red Panda: he's gonna be the fastest ninja ever
Film: more like
Film: the fastest ♥♥♥♥♥ ever

Deadweight| Thyroid Disease: i think theyre walling
Film: no, you're just ♥♥♥♥.

u are fast like ketchup: yeah i went downstairs to refill my water
Quartz: you drink water?
Quartz: i drink ice cream

Mher #1 ♥♥♥♥♥♥: and i aint about that life if you look like a gorilla but have a nice ass

shif[t]: I want to be a cheesecake
Quartz: ...
Quartz: ...you want to be rich and white?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: ♥♥♥♥ im getting baited harder than a whale in the japanese ocean

The Dove of Peace: I am sorry
The Dove of Peace: for calling you cancer
shiftmeister: :'(
The Dove of Peace: youre more like a common cold
The Dove of Peace: something we just have to deal with
The Dove of Peace: cause it will never go away

tsukiko: did you see sanedane's tattoo
shift: yeah
shift: it's real??
shift: not scratch n sniff???
tsukiko: bruh its ♥♥♥♥♥ sented
tsukiko: reminds me of you
shift: still burning me from 50000 miles away

Staunch Marsupial: when do u ever see a bad ♥♥♥♥♥ at PT
Staunch Marsupial: like never
Staunch Marsupial: its like finding an articuno in the desert

Sproiet: Bruh, I'm sweaty, irritated, and really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gross from the shoot today.
soh: ok
soh: just ♥♥♥ should fix the problem

Eric the Kangaroo: i'm going to hit on someone at the gym tomorrow
Eric the Kangaroo: i've seen this chick day in and day out and were always ♥♥♥♥♥♥ making eye contact and my friend told me to just hit on her
Crowdster: i make eye contact with some dudes in the gym too

the best csgo player ever: call of duty has taught me many life lessons, like not to be a ♥♥♥♥
Za Lemon 19 Mar @ 9:20pm 
I can do 100 quid
y@¥E3[t] 19 Mar @ 2:30pm 
one thousand quid mate
Za Lemon 13 Mar @ 4:17am 
man, i just wanna ask about that redline awp, my dream awp, please?
Za Lemon 10 Mar @ 7:36am 
add to ask about your AWP redline with LGB sticker
[PEPAH] zhe xie dan dan 18 Jul, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
Will not come to BA, -rep :meso:
Prism 9 Jun, 2024 @ 1:53pm 
Hey, im interested in your dreamhack souvenirs. lets talk.