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79.8 ч. всего (7.7 ч. в момент написания)
3/5 pretty good game.
Опубликовано 10 октября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 21 ноября 2022 г..
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8.6 ч. всего

4/5. Itorah is a great game. The art is fantastic, the music is even better, and it is enjoyable from start to finish. A mix between metroidvania and 2D platformer, Itorah is a simple yet well designed game that is perfect if you're looking for something relatively short, yet engaging. It took me around 8 hours to beat this game, and in my opinion it was well worth my money and my time. I recommend that you buy and play this game.


The game begins with the titular character trapped in some sort of dungeon. You play as the young girl Itorah. You meet your companion at the start, a sentient melee weapon that is full of character, and you immediately set off figuring out what this beautiful world is all about. Throughout your journey you encounter various characters. All of them are strange and interesting, and breathe life into the game.

One of the main reasons that I think this game is great is because almost every aspect of it is very well done. The artwork in this game is absolutely fantastic. It looks like it belongs in a game that is much more grand in scale and scope. This is AAA art design in my opinion, and the only complaint I have is that there isn't more of it. Itorah is full of color, clever enemy designs and animations, and gorgeous backgrounds. Looking at this game just feels great.

The audio is amazing as well. I was constantly surprised by how much I was enjoying it. For almost a year I waited for this game to release, after playing the demo, and I was apprehensive that it could meet my expectations after that. This game far exceeded my expectations. The music is just one of the aspects that seems like it belongs in some expensive movie or multi-million dollar game. It is very well done.

There is only one area of game-play that I was not ecstatic about, and that is the controls. They aren't bad or anything... just a little bit unresponsive. You eventually gain the ability to wall jump in this game. Jumping off of walls takes some getting used to, because Itorah takes a second to actually 'stick' to the wall before you're able to jump off of it. This feels a little weird at first but when you actually get used to it, it's just as smooth as wall-jumping in any other game. There is also an ability to throw your melee weapon. When you throw it, Itorah is able to move yet not fully while the weapon is in flight. Sometimes it seems like you're unable to double jump while the weapon is flying. When it returns to her, there is an animation that she does where she catches the weapon, and it stops her dead in her tracks. This leaves you vulnerable to enemy attacks, and unable to move until the animation finishes. Though it's not game-breaking or anything, it doesn't feel great, and you really have to get used to it.

A lot of the combat in this game has a 'Souls-like' feel to it. Which I am usually not a fan of, but it is done well here. The difficulty in this game does not spike, and you are given plenty of generous checkpoints and save-spots if you need to take a break. Bosses can be surprisingly difficult, but they do have well telegraphed attacks and somewhat memorable attack patterns. It feels great to fight them because they are challenging, but not overwhelmingly difficult.

This is a simple game. It doesn't rewrite the book on game design, or anything like that. It's elegantly designed and perfect for what it is. The level design is generous, as it loops back on itself in the dungeons, and it's very fun to navigate them. The over-world is a little bit more lacking in that department, however you don't have to traverse it too often, and it looks great while you're doing it, so it feels welcome the few times that you have to travel. I think this game is fantastic, and I eagerly await this studio's next release. Hopefully it is everything that Itorah is, but better.
Опубликовано 30 мая 2022 г..
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128.0 ч. всего (32.6 ч. в момент написания)

1/5. Elden Ring is a bad game. It is mechanically sloppy. The collision detection is trash. Enemy AI is absolutely abysmal. Your character controls like a tank when on foot, and like you are driving a car when on your horse. Everything in the game is poorly explained. The menus are clunky and hard to navigate. Mentioning the technical aspects of the game aren't even necessary to get my point across, and besides, everyone else is already doing that. So I'll just say that the frame rate is laughable, and the game crashes more than any other game that I own.


As I have always said, the world, the music, and the art of the Souls games are second to none. I honestly cannot think of another game that has better exploration than Elden Ring. It is perfect. In fact, perfect doesn't really describe how great it is to wander this world. It is majestic, wonderful, and awe-inspiring. The game is beautiful, and around every corner you will be surprised by what you find. I love that aspect of this game. Nothing else.

I've done my due diligence when it comes to playing the Souls games, and trying to see what people love about them. Video-games are important to me, so I feel an obligation to experience the games that many people say are must-plays, as often as I can. I want to have a well-rounded viewpoint on all types of games because I feel as though that will allow me to enjoy them more, as a whole. Dark Souls, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are not for me. If you like them, then I am happy for you. I genuinely am glad that you've found a place in the medium that you can invest time and feel joy. That is not my experience.

It's 2022, and people are jumping for joy about the fact that they can jump more easily in a video-game. Let that sink in. The addition of a jump button was praised when Elden Ring was released. I repeat... let that sink in. Stop reading this for a little while, and go ponder on the fact that in 2022, people are praising a game for a dedicated jump button. They are praising a third person action-adventure game for having a jump button in it. Mario 64 was released in 1996 and it feels better to play than Elden Ring does ... in every way.

The 'camera boss', as I've heard someone refer to the camera, is still trolling you through the entire play-through of this game. The lock-on, and the camera, are woefully inadequate. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came out in 1998. It basically invented our current 3rd person lock on mechanics. The z-targeting in Ocarina of Time is better than the lock on in Elden Ring. Let that sink in for a moment. If you need to take another break to let your mind absorb it... just go do that.

The combat in this game is garbage. *ends paragraph here

I've reached a point of apathy in regards to my experience of these games. When raging, I had a reason to finish the game. I felt as though I had something to prove, and I needed to complete it in order to get that sense of satisfaction. I do not feel that way anymore. I couldn't care less about completing this game. Like a friend who makes the same type of joke every hour on the hour, Elden Ring has worn out its welcome. From Software games have become a lame, repetitive, and transparent attempt at being 'deep'. Elden Ring is the joke that conquered my tolerance, and I have no energy to oblige it any longer, or even attempt to crack a smile. I'm just kicking it out of my house.

This game, is the one that has ensured I will no longer purchase or play From Software games... or at least games by Miyazaki. I'm so 'meh' about them now, that no amount of hype or FOMO is going to get me back on that boat. I'll just watch videos to experience the world, and look at fan art to 'wow' at the characters.

Elden Ring is a bad game. It is a wonderful experience. But, I play games... because I want to play games... not because I want to look at pretty worlds and listen to good music. I watch movies for that. When I play games... I want a challenge that I can understand, predict, and overcome with skill. I want a good game. And... as I've said already... Elden Ring is a bad game. You're going to buy it and play it anyway. So why did you even bother getting this far into the review? Just go buy it, and try to enjoy it. At least you will feel something.
Опубликовано 6 марта 2022 г..
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10.5 ч. всего

3/5. Fundamentally, Omega Strike is a pretty good game. That is to say, if you look at the basics of what makes a game, then this one is firing on all cylinders. It feels as if it was ripped straight out of the SNES era, and slapped onto the PC. There is nothing new here, however. Familiar, as it is fundamental, you will be right at home if you're used to playing platformers or metroidvanias from the old days. I enjoyed my time with this game. Sometimes it is difficult and frustrating, yet most of the time it was a simple and pleasant experience.


You begin with an introduction to the main antagonist. An evil scientist type, who is hell belt on creating a legion of super soldiers to carry out his nefarious deeds. Heroes are then introduced, your goal is spelled out for you, and you're on your way. As with most things in this game, it is nothing new. It is not unique, but it is done right. There's a feeling of comfort that every aspect of this game has.

The catch to this game is the character switch mechanic. Arguably, this could be the 'new' thing that this game has. Yet, in practice, it amounts to changing weapons and abilities... so it is kind of like Mega-Man if he changed his sprite every time that he changed weapons or power-ups. There is Sarge, the basic soldier with a rifle, Bear, the heavy with a grenade launcher with bouncing rounds, and Ghost, the specialist with the shotgun and double jump.

Omega Strike sounds awesome. The music is surprisingly good in this game. You get the old-school SNES music, with a 90's action movie style to it. I would even say that the music is the best part of the game. It definitely adds that special something to it. Each area has its own theme, and they are varied enough that your ears won't start bleeding two hours in.

This game is a metroidvania with a lot of platforming. Tumbleweed town, the hub world, serves as your home away from home. Here you can buy upgrades for your characters, and items such as food to replenish your health. You gather 'life cubes' throughout the game, which are used to increase your amount of total health like in Zelda: A Link to the Past. While traversing the different areas outside of the hub world, you will be leaping across platforms, climbing chains, and fighting various types of enemies.

There are several boss fights that you will have to complete to make your way through the game. Pattern recognition, and quick reflexes are must-have skills if you are to win these fights. Bosses are old-school through and through, and if you have played games like this before, then you will probably enjoy them. They are deceptively difficult, though. I had more than my fair share of deaths when trying to defeat them. It is an enjoyable experience though, and it seems fair when you die every time.

I recommend that you buy and play Omega Strike. Do not expect something novel or unique, however. If you're looking for a simple game to sink a few hours into, and perhaps even turn off your brain, listen to a podcast, and enjoy something simple... then this game is for you.
Опубликовано 22 октября 2021 г..
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55.6 ч. всего (45.3 ч. в момент написания)
This review is for Final Fantasy X only.


5/5. Final Fantasy X is my favorite Final Fantasy game. It was not the first game that I experienced in the series, but it is the first game in the series that I played all the way through on my own. Since that time long ago on the Playstation 2, I have completed Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. Final Fantasy X is still the best in my opinion. Being the first one that I completed, and arriving in my life at that perfect moment, Final Fantasy X holds a special place in my heart. Even in my attempt to be as unbiased as possible, I still find it to be the best of the games in the range from 7 - 10. If you enjoy RPGs and/or JRPGs... then you should play this game if you haven't done so already.


Usually, I do not start reviews commenting on the music of a game. Yet, just as this game begins, I will begin with the music. The classic opening is graced with the song 'To Zanarkand'. If you follow anything Final Fantasy X, then you may have seen videos of people covering this song on their keyboard, or piano. It is such an amazing song, that it almost steals the show when you are first introduced to the game. Great music is nothing new in the series. You may as well have your pen and pad ready to jot down your new favorite songs as soon as you hear them while you play. A little further into the game, and an unexpected rock song becomes the star of the cinematic, as your character prepares to compete in a game of Blitzball. Never will you find yourself bored with the music here. This game sounds amazing.

When the designers were creating this game, they did not use the traditional styles or settings that are most often used with JRPGs or RPGs. To my understanding, there is a heavy amount of influence from Pacific Islander culture in Final Fantasy X. You can tell when you examine the character's clothing, their weapons, and the environments. This gives Final Fantasy X a completely different feeling in comparison to the other games. The world is vast and alive. From sunny beaches to the depths of the oceans, every inch of this world is unique and memorable.

Tidus, the main character, is an interesting fellow. He is more upbeat and outgoing in comparison to Squall or Cloud, the main protagonists from Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 respectively. Zidane, the protagonist and nimble thief from Final Fantasy 9 more closely mirrors our hero in this game. You will meet several other characters, whom all feel familiar in terms of their 'niche' in the party. Even their personalities will seem familiar if you've played other Final Fantasy games. As amazing as the world is, the characters are the center stage in Final Fantasy X.

My first playthrough of this game left me completely confused about the motivations of the main antagonist. I remember distinctly not understanding what they wanted, and why my character was even necessary for them to achieve that. Over the years, I have remained in the dark about what the main story was really about. There were more than enough videos on the internet to catch me up to speed, but I never got around to watching them. After purchasing, and finishing this game on PC, I found the story less confusing. Still, I am unsure of some small details, yet the plot is more or less complete in my mind.

One of the main differences found in this game is the Sphere Grid. When you level up your character, you do so by moving their position around a grid. Each character begins at a different node in the grid. The nodes of the grid offer different abilities, and increase your characters attributes if you have the corresponding sphere to place in the node. I was not a fan of this type of leveling when I first played the game. It seemed awkward and tedious. Now, I love it. It gives you more control over how powerful your characters become, and what type of character they will be in combat. Spells and abilities are not blocked off by character classes or types. If you want any character in the game to be a mage, you simply move them to the part of the grid that has all the magic spells that you want them to have.

When I see or hear people critique this game, one thing that always comes up are the awkward character interactions. There are a few moments like that in the game. They're inconsequential, in my opinion. My immersion was not broken, and I continued on as if it were a strange or awkward moment in any other context. Aside from those moments, which are few and far in between... I had a great experience replaying this game. Final Fantasy X is an amazing part of the franchise, and one of the better games that I have played in my life. It is unique, beautiful, and audibly perfect.
Опубликовано 20 октября 2021 г..
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5.8 ч. всего

3/5. The sequel to Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek, Enigmatis: The Mists of Ravenwood sees you take on the role of the same character from the first game, in an attempt to track down the villain who escaped from your grasp. You end up in a strange amusement park, after you come across a wrecked RV on the road. The story unfolds, and you learn more than you could have imagined after happening upon a seemingly unrelated wreck. A worthy sequel, that doesn't live up to the first game, yet is still good in its own right, is a good game to play if you have some time to kill.


I immediately bought and played this game after my experience playing through the first one. I was expecting more of the same, which would have been great. This game didn't necessarily disappoint, but I don't feel as though it lived up to its namesake. The game isn't bad... it's good in my opinion, yet not as good as the first one.

The artwork is pretty decent, but not as sharp and colorful as I would have liked. There are also CG characters in this game that seem off-putting and strange. Their animations are sort of stale and creepy, and the voice work isn't the best that I've ever seen. Still, it's not bad, but it is noticeable and it stands out.

It sounds pretty good, though. You will hear some familiar songs if you played the first game, and they are very welcome here. I never get tired of the music in these games, and I have yet to have any complaints. It is one of the games strengths.

Throughout your playthrough you will visit a board of clues, that helps you piece together what has been going on and who is connected to each other. This part of the game was a nice touch, because it serves as a constant reminder of what you're supposed to be doing. There is a pretty nice payoff toward the end of the game, that draws everything together.

Overall I would recommend this game. I had a great time playing it, even though I have my complaints about it.
Опубликовано 19 октября 2021 г..
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6.9 ч. всего

4/5. One of the better hidden object games that I've played is Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek. In the search for a missing girl, in a small New England town, you continue your journey after a car crash that has effected your memory. You are introduced to the backstory by your journal that your character has been keeping. Notes of your objective are kept in the journal, along with some hints about what you're supposed to be doing. This is a murder mystery style game, where you will be playing detective in an effort to close a case.


I believe that the main character in this game is the town that you're in. It's a small town in the Northeast of America, during the fall. Pamphlets about the town describe it as a popular tourist location. You really get the sense that you are in an almost forgotten corner of the country, with its own rules and strange community. The illustrations are gorgeous, and very pleasing to look at. Fall colors are on full display, as yellowing leaves fall from the trees to the rain soaked ground, and cloudy skies cast an ominous shadow across everything.

The puzzles in this game are some of the better ones that I have experienced. It has its fair share of easy and hard ones, as most of these types of games do. I can remember being stuck on one puzzle because I just didn't put two and two together. It is not fault of the developers, because in hindsight it wasn't that hard to understand. I just wasn't paying attention closely enough.

Audibly the game is pretty good, as well. I did enjoy the music during my playthrough. There's a main song that plays throughout most of the game that is very simple but easy on the ears. It doesn't rub you the wrong way after hours of exposure, and you eventually just forget that it is playing. The best kind of background music in my opinion, is music that can actually blend into the background and not constantly remind you that it is there.

During your search for the missing girl, you will meet many characters and uncover many secrets. The main antagonist is well written, and becomes a prominent figure through the entire game. I don't remember any big twists and turns in the story. It's pretty straight forward, but good nonetheless. If you are a fan of these types of games, then I would say that this one is a must own.
Опубликовано 19 октября 2021 г..
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16.7 ч. всего (12.2 ч. в момент написания)

5/5. The sequel for Little Nightmares is already out as I write this review. I played that game first, and then went back and purchased Little Nightmares because I loved part two so much. This game, however, is the better of the two, in my opinion. Little Nightmares is a side-scrolling puzzle game with a dash of platforming and action. It is a must play for puzzle game and horror game enthusiasts alike. In this title you take the on the role of Six, a yellow raincoat wearing girl trapped in a terrifying world of unsettling creatures and discoveries called The Maw.


When you begin your adventure, you are greeted with an intro cinematic video of The Lady. Who is The Lady? What does she want? How does she relate to your character? I have no idea. After finishing this game, and the sequel, I still do not know. This is a great thing, though. Here, the story is not one that is spelled out for you. It is up to you to figure out what it means, or what it means to you. The world does the storytelling in Little Nightmares, and it's up to you to experience and understand it. And, what a great job the world does of telling you a story.

It's dark, and Six has a lighter that she carries with her as she navigates several different types of environments. Along your way you will meet small creatures with strange hats, humongous suffocating leaches, and large twisted humanoid creatures that stalk you every chance they get. The character and world design is outstanding. This game, and part two have something that no other game has. The development team at Tarsier Studios are truly something special.

Sound is a big part of Little Nightmares. When you push a crate across the floor it scrapes and scratches the wood beneath it. While running, the bare feet of six pitter and patter along the floor beneath her. Enemies in the distance go about their business, and you can hear their echoed footsteps and labored breath as they unknowingly await your arrival. The electrically charged metal bars hiss and pop as sparks fly off of them.

The music is also grand. It's not constantly used, as in some games. Most of the time, you may hear a melody in the background. Yet, there are just as many other times when it's quiet... and almost dead silent. It makes the moments when the music builds so much more impactful. When you are faced with a boss character, the sound fills your heart with dread, and the thumping heartbeat at the backdrop of if really puts the tension into the atmosphere.

The puzzles are simple in design, yet difficult in practice. Difficult the first time around, yet when you know how to solve them, you are not hindered by the actual gameplay when you try to complete them. Six controls well, and the world feels as though it's built for her to navigate, while being a completely unwelcoming place. The designers did a great job making this game.

This franchise is my favorite among all franchises in the video gaming world. It is different from anything that I have come across before, and I don't think anything will get a hold of what Little Nightmares or Little Nightmares 2 has in its grasp. Every once in a while, a team of developers come along that are firing on all cylinders, and marching in perfect unison to achieve a clear vision. This is one of those times.

Buy and play this game, if you haven't done so already. With Halloween rapidly approaching, it would be a great time to take the plunge, and delve into the real world of survival horror. The world of Little Nightmares. I love this game.

Опубликовано 19 октября 2021 г..
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22.7 ч. всего (18.3 ч. в момент написания)

5/5. Every game has its strengths and weaknesses. We often remember them based off of their strengths. Little Nightmares 2 is strong in so many areas, but the most outstanding achievement of this game is its atmosphere. There are only two games that I have ever played that elicit the feeling that Little Nightmares 2 does, and those games are Little Nightmares 2 and Little Nightmares. The gameplay is good, the music is awesome, and the art direction is superb. However, these are all secondary to the overall mood that this game has. If you're looking to immerse yourself into a spooky and creepy world, then look no further. This is the perfect game for you. Personally, I played Little Nightmares 2 before I played Little Nightmares. Both games are great, but I suggest that you play them in order for the best experience.


This game does horror better than most horror movies do. It is surprisingly well crafted, and will scare and perhaps terrify children and adults alike. When I was first gifted this game by a family member, I assumed it was a niche and child-friendly experience that had its own dedicated fanbase. I was wrong. This game is a universal representation of fear and creepiness. You will find yourself wandering dark and uninviting forests and buildings, all the while, wondering what is just beyond the next rock or corner.

Without its atmosphere, Little Nightmares 2 is a competent puzzle game. If you strip away all of its charm, and you just take a look at the bare bones gameplay, it is still something worth your time. It is more on the slow paced side of games. Your character can run, but it doesn't feel like you're playing a platformer. Even during chase sequences, you will be more concerned with maneuvering around obstacles, and keeping your eyes pointed ahead of you to avoid them. There are some sections where the movement feels a little imprecise or janky. Mono, the main character, will sometimes snap into position suddenly while platforming. My biggest complaint about the characters movement, is that you do not turn and suddenly change your heading when you try to reverse your direction. The character turns almost like a car would turn, and this type of control, though smooth looking, just feels bad. There were several times when I was not where I thought I would be after I reversed my analog stick, and was killed shortly afterward.

The music is so good... it's scary. My favorite song is the simple piano tune that plays when you first encounter another character in the world. It is the entire game's atmosphere boiled down into one slow and flowing melody. It is what I think about when I think of Little Nightmares 2. Often, you will hear enemies before you see them. A rustling or banging from the next room will preface the introduction of a new monster. A muffled and distant crescendo of ill-natured work will grow louder and more clear as you approach its source. There is so much that you can speculate from the sound in this game, that it is almost as important as what you see.

What you see is unsettling, foreboding, and memorable. The character designs are second to none. They are unique as they are stomach-churning. This 'little person in a big person world' experience is made all the more special by the types of enemies and static items in the environment that you come across.

Storytelling is another one of this games strong points, which is fascinating, because there is no traditional storytelling going on. There is no dialogue, there is no text crawl, there is no explanation of what is happening. Everything that you know is conveyed through the art direction and the music... and that is all you need to know. This type of storytelling, when done right, is the best type of storytelling there is.

All in all... Little Nightmares 2 is a masterpiece. I love this game.
Опубликовано 19 октября 2021 г..
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11.7 ч. всего

5/5. Moon Studios, once again, has created something magical. This game is a perfect follow-up to Ori and the Blind Forest. After my experience with the first game, I was reasonably assured that I would love the second one. I was correct. I bought Ori and the Will of the Wisps immediately after beating Ori and the Blind Forest, and I have no regrets. This game is another fantastic addition to the series, and well worth a playthrough.


Our favorite lovable little leaf creature returns to us in the form of a more mature, more difficult, and more complicated gaming experience. In a lot of ways, this game is the perfect sequel. It repeats what the first game does right, and builds upon that. Along the way, it corrects and modifies things that could have been better in the first game. And, at its peak, it adds in a fantastic and over-the-top new gameplay mechanic that is simply astonishing. The visuals, the sound, and the design are just as great as the first time around. In short, the artwork is amazing, the music is fantastic, and around you is a world that is so beautiful and rich that you actually feel as though you can smell the breeze, and run your fingers through the grass.

One thing that Ori and the Will of the Wisps does better than the first game, is the introduction. When you first arrive at the title screen, the music greets you and just slaps you in the emotions with lovely vocals humming a sweet tune. I distinctly remember being in love with the song the instant I heard it. There is a small amount of gameplay during the intro, which is a welcome way to refamiliarize yourself with the controls and movement. The story this time around is a little bit better than the first game. It feels as though the stakes are raised, but not to a ridiculous level. It's just right.

Ori now has multiple weapons and gadgets. You can select three different active abilities from a nice sized list. There are close and long range attacks, you can heal yourself, and there are several movement abilities. My favorite addition is the sword-like attack. It feels great to use, especially when you combo an enemy into oblivion. It seems weighty, and the sound of it never gets old.

The big change to this game are the boss fights. And what a change it is. Ori was always fast paced, and fun to play. Now... it's really on another level. The bosses are difficult and will require a myriad of abilities, and perfect timing to defeat. Their designs are awesome, and the fights are always a show. Your platforming skills will really be put to the test this time around, as you dodge and dash through various arenas, striking fierce blows to these giant enemies, and dodging waves of their attacks.

Another noteworthy change is the addition of a second playable character. Ori now has a companion with a gliding ability that will help Ori navigate obstacles and reach new places. The sections of gameplay are few and far inbetween, and they don't seem to add much to the game. I was honestly having more fun while I was playing with Ori, than with the new character.

Overall, this is a great sequel, and a great game in its own right. It's quick, fun, challenging and gorgeous. Somehow, the developers have made this game even more beautiful than the first game. In a display of mastery of their craft, they have made the music even better this time around. Ori and the Will of the Wisps is fantastic.

Admittedly, it is just as frustrating as the first game is. There are sections that seem difficult beyond reason, and sometimes are hard to navigate and understand. Yet, just like the first game, these issues are inconsequential when contrasted against the rest of the game.

I love this game.
Опубликовано 18 октября 2021 г..
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