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Posted: 12 Oct, 2024 @ 11:48am

This is a faithful remake of the original. If you’ve played the original and compare them side by side, you’ll notice that this game truly took the effort to replicate the quality.

While I personally prefer the original voice actors because they felt more fun and unique, I still like the new ones—especially James, who did an excellent job with the line deliveries.

If you plan to play on Hard like I did, good luck! By the end of the game, you’ll be exhausted. I actually expected an achievement for beating the game on Hard (but there isn’t one), so I recommend playing on Normal for a better overall experience.

What else can I say about this game besides that it’s fantastic? It’s a 10/10: beautiful graphics, great gameplay.

There is one thing they could improve, though—interacting with objects and grabbing ammo. You have to aim the central dot at the ammo box to pick it up, which becomes a hassle, especially during boss fights. This led to several deaths for me near the end.

Yes, the price is high, but it’s worth it. You get New Game+ (which I believe includes new content), and you’re supporting Konami and Bloober Team for their great work in finally releasing this long-awaited remake.
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