2 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
17.3 hrs last two weeks / 2,556.0 hrs on record (1,878.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 May, 2023 @ 4:17pm
Updated: 21 Dec, 2023 @ 11:50am

Once I enjoyed this game, but over time it has gotten worse and worse. I even considered paying for a battle pass, but the game was not enjoyable at the time, so buying it didn't make any sense. You wont be able to have an ok progression with premium (not even fast progression, just ok). It will take too much time. And the game will actively punish you for playing. repairing vehicles costs in game currency, and at higher tiers, you will simply run out of money. You pay for: vehicles, repairs, shells, new upgrades and crew training. And the prices are to high. Meanwhile, even good battles will net you little rewards in currency and research points. The higher you go in this game, the harder it becomes. And the game can also become harder through time. I noticed it first hand, the game became much worse.

All of that ramble, is only a part of what is wrong with the game. It also has questionable balance issues, gameplay issues (horrible maps, hitboxes, dated gamemodes and etc), events which WILL drain your soul (this game will become a 2nd job, if you want to get something good for free) and developers ignoring the playerbase.

It's a shame, really. It was a rather nice game when I just started, but the economy nerfs (and speed of research nerfs), coupled with aforementioned issues made this game rage inducing. I only come back to look at models of tanks and to fly in test drives, nothing else. And I don't think I am bored of the core idea of the game, even with dated gamemodes. I just know that I will get punished for playing it, for being active, for spawning all tanks, making daring moves.
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