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Created by - HUNGRY AS A HIPPY
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Ohmwrecker Dumb bitch alert - (26/08/2020) TWO year's later and they accuse me of hacking it lolol
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11,847 Hours played
Dead by Daylight

2020 Review
Dead by Daylight... What a game. There is so much I want to say about this game but I don't know where to start. Dead by daylight is a very enjoyable game, which I believe can be backedup with the amount of hours I have on record (7.1k at the moment of writing this review). However, there is one major thing which brings this game down, and that is most of its community. While the game is very enjoyable at the most, it would improve the overall health of the game if the community came together as one, instead of attacking one another when the boot does not fit.

The community in Dead by Daylight is one of the most toxic playerbases I've ever come across, and this is because the community does not come together as one. Instead it is separated into two groups. You have the survivor groups and the killer groups. Both groups continually fighting against one another, and this has been like this ever since I started playing (in 2016!). Dead by Daylight is all online and it is this factor that contributes to the high toxicity that players see throughout the game. As players play and improve their performance, whether it be killing or surviving, they will begin to "rank up". There are 20 ranks between the killers and the survivors. Rank 20 being the starting rank and rank 1 being the finishing rank. When players first begin playing, they WILL see the dark side of the playerbase, however, as they make their way through the ranks down to rank 1, the community generally shows a brighter side.

Please note the key word in that last sentence is generally .

The one thing that makes the community so negative is when one side (killer or survivor) plays in a way that the other does not like. Both sides have their objectives. For the survivors, their main objective is to escape. This is accomplished by repairing 5 of the 7 generators located around the map which will power 2 exit gates which will allow them to escape. As for the killer, their objective is to stop the survivors from powering the exit gates and prevent them from leaving by hooking them on meat hooks located around the map. While this does not sound too bad, most of the community take it as a life threat and will yell at the killer or at the survivors if they do all they can in their power to achieve their goal. There are many play styles which are looked down upon that create such dramatic events when a player chooses to bid by them. At some point, these "play styles" became "rules" in which, if a person "breaks" one or more of these "rules", then they will be abused in the after game chat.

Survivors have a variety of tools which they can use to keep distance between themselves and the killer. These tools arrange from windows, which everyone can use - including the killers, except the killers cannot climb through as fast as a survivor can - and pallets, which is the survivors' main source of protection when it comes to gaining distance against the killer. While the survivors cannot be prevent from using the windows, their pallets are limited. Survivors can stun a killer for a short time with a pallet from which they can then use as a vault to get away from the killer in chase. However, if a killer decides to break a pallet once it is thrown down, it cannot come back. As a result of this, many survivors will preseve as many pallets as they can by looping them. This is known as Pallet Looping and is a "rule" in which killers say survivors should NOT do as it makes the game a lot harder on the killers. If a killer is in chase, and a suvivor is looping them around a pallet, the other survivors can complete 2-3 generators by the time the killer has caught the looping survivor. This is why killers say survivors should not pallet loop, as pallet looping is a major "waste" of the killers' time.

Camping and tunnelling are two "rules" in which survivors place against the killers. In Dead by Daylight, camping is when a killer puts a survivor on a meat hook and stays protecting the hook, ensuring the survivor cannot be saved. This is frowned upon from the survivors as survivors believe that every game should be a "fair" game. This means that if a survivor is placed on a hook, the killer should not be within 32 metres of that hook unless they are in chase with another survivor. This is because, if a killer is camping a hook, it makes it a lot harder for the survivors to rescue their teammate. While many survivors will continue to repair the generators instead of attemping to save their teammate when being camped, other survivors will stay around the hook, waiting for the killer to leave, and if the killer does not leave the hook and the hooked survivor dies, then the killer has "breached" the "rule" of "no camping" and they will be abused in the after game chat. Tunnelling is when a killer targets one survivor until they die. If a survivor is on the hook and they are rescued and the killer comes back and decides to go for the survivor who just got rescued instead of the survivor who did the rescuing, then the killer will be "bashed" in the after game chat, as tunnelling is heavily look down upon.

For the best experience when playing Dead by Daylight, I HIGHLY recommend closing the chat box. This is because the players DO NOT care if you are playing your first game. If you play in a way that affects another player, they will abuse you in the chat. As I said previously though, only when you are starting out will you see the dark side of the community, as the community is generally a brighter side at the lower ranks.

Do I Recommend Dead by Daylight?
The answer is YES!

After reading all of that, you may be questioning whether or not you should go through and buy Dead by Daylight. My answer to you is yes! Do go through with buying it as the game is amazingly fun! While the community is not the greatest, you can still have loads of fun slashing people, hiding from killers, and most of all, surviving with your friends.

What's better than dying alone? Dying with the people you love!

So let's get it!

- Purchase Dead by Daylight!
- Pick your side: Are you a Killer or a Survivor?
- Pick your play style - Will you lead your team or are you a sole survivor?
- Pick your character - Will you slaughter them with your chainsaw? Will you surprise them with your invisibility? Or will you chuckle at the sound of your prey's leg snapping in the closing of a bear trap?

I invite you to join me and 50,000 others in a realm that belongs to The Entity in The Fog of the unknown....
Dead by Daylight - Personal Stats
Dead by Daylight Community Member

Escapes, Deaths, and Kills (23/03/2018 - Current)

Player Level - Devotion 19 - 5

Escapes :whiteward:

Deaths :theskull:

Kills :sacrificed:

Survivor Games Played :thetrap:

Killer Games Played :thehook:

Megs Moried (from 19/12/2019) : 5

Disconnects (from 13/11/19) : 116

Profile Saves lost : 3

Killers Versed (23/01/2022 - Current)

The Trapper : 51

The Wraith : 59

The Hillbilly : 42

The Nurse : 65

The Shape : 57

The Hag : 12

The Doctor : 38

The Huntress : 127

The Cannibal : 53

The Nightmare : 28

The Pig : 45

The Clown : 42

The Spirit : 43

The Legion : 70

The Plague : 26

The Ghost Face : 70

The Demogorgon : 40

The Oni : 42

The Deathslinger : 43

The Executioner : 44

The Blight : 76

The Twins : 13

The Trickster : 32

The Nemesis : 71

The Cenobite : 28

The Artist : 31

The Onryo : 59

The Dredge : 33

The Mastermind: 48

The Knight: 34

The Skull Merchant: 3
FranJack 9 Jan @ 3:32pm 
whats wrong with these ♥♥♥♥♥♥ haters in the comments llol
Tripod 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:39pm 
Ew a person who makes DBD his entire personality who never even played the game to begin with since 2016 FARMING AFK hours
HUNGRY AS A HIPPY 27 Nov, 2024 @ 12:24am the lol I lel'd. @Etern continue with what you were saying about being trash.
Holden 27 Nov, 2024 @ 12:15am 
-rep, extremely hippy guy, smokes constantly and boofs it when they get downed fast (which is often because they're a stoner)
HUNGRY AS A HIPPY 27 Nov, 2024 @ 12:13am 
Uh, I don't know who you are, where you came from or what you're talking about... But ok Jan.
etern 26 Nov, 2024 @ 8:39am 
-rep, extremely weird guy, ragequits constantly and griefs when they get downed fast (which is often because they're trash)