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Posted: 19 May, 2019 @ 4:07pm
Updated: 15 Jan @ 1:56am

I have Just Cause 2, Just Cause 3, and recently I installed Just Cause 4. At first I was quite happy I had bought this game. Now I'm just disgusted. There is no way to conquer anything. You blow up some enemy fortifications and capture a village and find the hidden goodies and then go on to the next hamlet - only to find out that the one you just finished taking over is no longer yours and everything has been rebuilt to it's previous uncaptured condition.

The game had me scratching my head forever just trying to figure out what the objective was. The sub titles are super small and disappear really fast as well so I couldn't figure out what to do. It wasn't a fun game for me at all. But I persevered and actually at about 20 hours into it I realized it was fun - in a stupid sort of way. Fun to not play. I think it's the worst of the series so far. The graphics are awesome, the weapons are super badass. I wish they had pistols but - it is what it is. I can understand the bad reviews now, most people who buy it think it's an extension of Just Cause 3 but really it's an entirely new playing style. An entirely new sort of fighting. Don't try and kill all of the enemies - they simply respawn faster. You need to figure out creative ways to solve missions. I figured out finally how to adjust my loadout, figured out how the guns works when I decided I didn't want to play anymore.
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Developer response:
Square_Enix_Oscar  [developer] Posted: 23 May, 2019 @ 4:14am
Thanks for the review HOTSHEEP, we appreciate it and it's great to hear you're having as much fun with this installment as you did with previous games in the series.
Naregatzi 28 May, 2019 @ 6:29pm 
If only you made other fans happy as well, not only die hards.
Attrition 28 May, 2019 @ 4:54pm 
Well it would be pretty cool if there was a way to liberate areas. Then later if wished to go back and re-oppress.