(2018 memories I'd rather not delete for now) My short opinions on some of my Noteworthy Friends I've been gaming with:

id/DaddyR - Ronnie
A teammate you would want during tournaments. Very mature and level-headed. Excellent awper.

Zero team-toxicity, blames only himself and never his teammates, decent player, good spray and still gives effort improving, knows aug and sg553 :-) held back by cheap pc, rip dust2 20 fps

profiles/76561198363397800 - Ronan
Young but skilled with excellent aim&movement and wow prefires/preaim for his rank. Really willing to learn good nades. Grinds in 1v1 and retake servers almost daily. Held back by poor internet and domestic problems x(

Humble friend with a very positive attitude and excellent skills

id/KenKen99 - Ken
Humorous kid, good player for his age, always positive to the team

Good communicative teammate even if it's a struggling 4v5 or an ez pz game

id/scento - Julius
Decent teammate, SMFC+ game sense, phoon-like bunny hops. Somebody give this young man a large desk and a large mat.

id/kielramirez - Kiel
Very good awper and friend, very young but clutches like a boss

id/pieguy_ - Stephen
Nerd like me :D, excellent teammate, can lead, excellent aim and spray, not afraid to entry frag for the team. Has led a team through the semi-finals in a lan tournament. Please come back to CS GO T_T

Can definitely carry, will never blame teammates even if he's already carrying like really really hard XD

9-year old KennyS

Calm AF. Very patient lurker. Good clutcher. Definitely underranked.

++attitude, ++excellent teammate, underranked, very good friend


Toxic players/teamblamers/racists I've destroyed in 1v1 (mediafire links 4 anyone who cares):

(2018) /file/lq5dpc8bomcrz8l/zera5.dem
(2017) /file/6r3m0mpq7k42ek7/coldzera.dem
-blames bottomfragging strangers, blames 'throwers', blames 'hacks'
luckily I was topfrag during our compe so he was nice to me

-we easily rekt the enemy team because this guy kept ♥♥♥♥-talking his mates. barked a lot about sg556 being a noob gun and then invited me for a 1v1 ak only lmao

-will berate you whenever he thinks you made a mistake. it was an ez comp game, though. curious to see how he would behave otherwise

-a little bit toxic, although he became nice to me when I rekt him 1v1.
Turns out he was using wallhacks. VAC banned when we played compe. And yes, he was using wallz @ aim_map :\

-Racist GE and SMFC who seem to hate Filipinos (saying "pignoy", "pinoy maid", etc) got rekt after bullying me in a community 1v1 server for using sg553 and being a Filipino. Then the GE accused me of using aimlocks. Best compliment ever lmao. Couldn't accept that you're both rekt by a DMG with only 1 taps M4 no spray? Rip 5k hours racist players lol u suck

(I'm a try-hard and I'm proud)
If you feel like I betrayed or am offending you, think about how your victims felt when you berated them while they were having a bad time.
If you're desperate for a win/rank up, toxicity won't get you there.

Looking forward to building a team with players who are good people during difficult times ^_^
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207 ratings
Created by - kurozawa
GlaceVee 11 Aug, 2022 @ 11:40am 
Rebelleliously 17 Feb, 2021 @ 1:57am 
best partner ever :3
Shuutora 11 Feb, 2021 @ 8:39pm 
+rep Good teamwork in l4d expert, too bad i got dc out of nowhere xd :Kotori:
Pan 29 Jul, 2020 @ 1:19pm 
Ronald where r u bro
Coalescence 2 Jan, 2020 @ 7:18am 
Team player, cheers m8
requiem 6 Dec, 2019 @ 11:16pm 
Signed by Kaka :steamsalty: