The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
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yunoWho 7 Mar, 2024 @ 1:32am 
Great Vicky 3 WC guide! Thanks for your work. Sad that it doesn't get the recognition it deserves. You are the man.
CZOŁGISTA DANIEL 21 Jan, 2021 @ 4:00am 
Gonio 14 Feb, 2016 @ 6:14am 
OK. Thats to bad. If you go for World Conquest Ottomans are one of the best accessable countries for it. No razing ofcourse, so you need to plan ahead more and use the traditional ways of expanding.

This also means you can use my guides overall layout. Westernize asap ofc, and keep on claiming. Keep building your economy by buildings. Don´t waste MP, and pick groups that make sense. Since you have no use for exploration early on you can go for influence early on = easy vassals. It is ok to fall behind in adm and diplo a bit if rulers are sucky, but be able to sprint to lvl 23 once you are near 20. Better a bit less conquesta round tha ttime. If you have the economy behind it, and you manage your wars and manpower well it should not be to hard. Ofcourse WC is no easy thing to do anyway, so put it in the right context when I say easy with Otto´s.
Maliton 13 Feb, 2016 @ 4:32pm 
so in hordes 60% of your provinces got 50% autonomy, full manpower and forcelimit. So it was too bad.
Maliton 13 Feb, 2016 @ 4:31pm 
i got 400 k forcelimit, and no money to 200 k :P, I just gave up there was too bad to make it, so play new ottomans
Gonio 13 Feb, 2016 @ 3:19pm 
The way I see it is
1: strengthen your income and economy. Do you have advanced CB already? Go to America and bank in from the natives.
2: increase force limits. You can also use buildings if you have no other option. But idea groups might be more suitable.
3: Integrate some vassal asap
4: avoid France for the time being. If possible try to break their alliance by getting Great Brittain involved in another war without calling France in.

Not sure what year you are currently, but 120k troops seems way to short, compared to what I had halfway 1600. This might be casued by the razing method.