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After 2 complete playthroughs of Elden ring I can say its not the best (ds1) but not the worst (ds2) fromsoft game to come out. It does a good implementation of open world in an ARPG style but with many continuously compounding flaws baked into it from previous fromsoft titles. Even though I'm focusing on flaws due to this being a critical review I'd give the game an overall 8/10 rating and highly recommend it because despite there being tons of things to complain about the flaws are only heavily apparent when pointed out and focused on. I'm not going to gush about all the positive aspects because they're all readily apparent from previous games, trailers and other reviews that will suck this games genitals for being a fromsoft title.

Mixed feelings

Difficulty: Most encounters are challenging with most not entering the realm of unfair. Usually when you're struggling with an encounter either you're misunderstanding the battle, you're missing reads, or you're under leveled for that area. The game has many areas to explore with more than half of them being available from the start, however if you explore into an area you're not prepared for yet enemies will be insanely challenging and will often force you to flee. That said there are areas and bosses that can spike in difficulty even when you're on the expected level. This being because there is an intended way to beat said enemies that builds or players may not specialize into or may be intentionally avoiding.Example being stone type enemies which are weak to blunt/magic damage but taking vastly reduced damage from all other sources, or knights with infinitely long combos that snap on a dime to abuse melee users with no breaks but have incredibly easy parry windows and no mobility skills.

Mobility: The addition of a horse opens the game up to exploration and allows players to travel the much expanded open world map, however this breaks the streamline of the game and allows players to go places and do things in ways that can grant access to absurd power spikes before the game even starts. For example there's a defenseless dragon with around 100k health in the middle of one of the mid game areas you have access to at the start. Its health is an absolutely absurd number sure but meaningless with bleeds that deal % hp. Popping a rune (souls, etc.) boosting item nets you around 100k runes, which is enough to go from level 1 to level 25 and get a +6 weapon right off the bat with a bare minimum amount of effort. This puts you well past all the initial starting areas in terms of strength and lets you essentially skip the early game entirely. Depending on how you look at it though this could just be a good thing.


Poise and Damage Mitigation: Poise has been reworked in almost every fromsoft game but this time its nearly worthless. Getting into why requires some discussion so the tl;dr is that its entirely worthless for anything but the heaviest builds, and is mostly worthless even for them. The reason behind this is a hidden unexplained mechanic where during certain weapon swings poise damage taken is partially negated. This allows you to trade blows with certain weapon types rather than getting staggered out of swings but doesn't allow you take standing hits from enemies. The problem being that in order to get even ONE light hit traded you need to be in medium to heavy armor, and to get ONE heavy hit taken without staggering you need to have some of the heaviest armor in the game. This would be an okay tradeoff if not for the slower weapons also weighing an absolute insane amount pushing even more moderately endurance invested builds into the fatroll territory when using the proper heavy weapon + heavy armor setup to take advantage of poise. The biggest problem with all of this being that with that heavy investment into poise + armor, damage mitigation gives a pittance when compared to dumping points into vit until vit softcaps at 60 making armor virtually useless till NG++ in favor of going with naked fast roll + vit scaling.

Mid attack random delays: Most enemies have a randomized animation delay added to their attack, during which they'll backswing informing you that after an unannounced amount of time they'll follow through with the rest of their attack as indicated by a second animation. This isn't something new, but its heavily relied upon in this game to the point where almost every enemy does this on at least one attack (and usually more than one). This breaks up the fluidity of combat and minimizes windows to abuse enemies before and after attacks as they can delay a previously placed attack into the beginning of their next chain of attacks forcing players to sit on the back foot for much longer. This would be infinitely less of an issue if the previous poise and damage mitigation changes affected enemies, however nearly every enemy in elden ring has havel levels of poise with some of the larger/more heavily armored ones just straight up ignoring all forms of poise damage whatsoever. Additionally poise on enemies and shield break were tied into the same stat while enemy stamina was virtually removed. All of this makes for the same enemy in one set of random number generations being a nearly unkillable vortex of blades never ceasing his combos quite long enough for you to counter, and the next set he can simply stand there continuously winding up regular R1s.

Major flaws

Lazy Boss Design: Some of the earlier bosses in the side areas feel much like just normal enemies with some only having one or two attacks entirely relying on the previous random attack delay to try and make it feel more difficult than it actually is, and when you learn this trick they go back to being 100% pushovers. Even more offensively these bosses will show back up in the second half of the game in pairs of two or three without any additional coding in their attack patterns causing them to be even more annoying as when fought 1v2 their patterns are hyper aggressive large aoes that intend to kill you through brute force of spamming massive aoe damage frames rather than finesse of in and out tag team combos. There are seldom bosses coded to play as a duo which made those few that were feel like the stand out rather than the rule. This is incredibly was annoying because with slightly more effort the dual boss fights could have been more than "split them up with mimic tear/ashes/coop summons and 1v1+1v1 them" since their patterns will almost always lock on the last thing that hit them.

PvP issues/Bugs/Interaction Oversights: As is true of every fromsoft title there are dominant PvP strategies that are coming out that people will simply copy paste off of reddit to be da best!(moonveil) without really thinking whatsoever. This is less of a complaint of the lowest common denominator being the go to build for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and more a complaint of bugged interactions causing invasions to be unwinnable (ex. instant death buildup within 2.5 seconds of being in 2x greatsword range of the opponent, while they have permanent spell immunity and reflection and physical damage immunity). These are mostly patched at this point but these oversights aren't dismissable simply because they were patched after a month as most people will be playing the game mainly in the first month. Further most of these bugged interactions existed in previous titles.


Honestly the game is great overall and if you're looking for at tl;dr I'd say quit being lazy and just go form an opinion for yourself by playing the game. Its a fantastic game thats well worth the money I'm just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ because it could be better if fromsoft put more effort into polishing the core mechanics, hammered out some of the less meaningful aspects of the open world systems, better developed the side content into meaningful encounters storywise, and stopped trying to make their games "hard for hard's sake" instead of aiming for ds1 style "punishing but fair".
Публикувана 19 март 2022.
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4,629.5 изиграни часа (3,359.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Every league launch gets buggier and buggier. Every league they release is good at the beginning then casualized for the mythical "wider audience" nerfing all content to the point where its braindead easy with no challenge whatsoever. Every league they make the admins get more and more censorious to the point where posts that were was once just good fun are now a 2 week bannable offence. Honestly just play Diablo 2 at this point. It might be buggy and the graphics might be ♥♥♥♥, but at least they aren't devolving the game every 3 months for their Chinese overlords.
Публикувана 6 юни 2020. Последно редактирана 24 септември 2020.
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29.2 изиграни часа
Pretty alright game. Don't buy for xbox, and if you're playing on PC find the static BR mod for a more relaxed level of gameplay. You can probably get a copy off a second hand key seller but if not I'm sure less scrupulous of you can find it on secondary sources.
Публикувана 18 октомври 2019.
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86.4 изиграни часа (63.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Long time MonHun player with thousands of hours across multiple games and I can say this is by far the worst monster hunter game. Lets take a look at why:

The armour sets are uninspired both visually and practically using high textured assets that have a lot less impact and visual appeal despite having obviously more time spent designing their movements

The weapons are all reskins from previous games or otherwise bland for the same reason as the armours, and then they also made elemental damage useless in the damage formula in favor of spamming status ailments or playing pure phys damage.

They removed the preparation aspect of gathering and crafting, while simultaneously making huge open areas between the soft-coded fighting zones that they COULD have filled with useful items but instead have more useless garbage like rocks or stones for slings which you'll almost never use

The monsters themselves lack diversity with an overwhelming majority of them being either fire types or brute wyverns, which are the least interesting to fight as it devolves into getting guard bonus on lance or GS and tanking every hit, or playing a dps class like bow which is overtuned with evasion+ and dodging every attack, or stunlocking with HBG and constantly swapping ailments and traps to avoid actually dealing with attack patterns

The only good addition I can think of was the final boss, but it was a complete slog getting there, as they make you fight the same set of monsters twice with no real new additions for HR.

Perhaps the worst part is that they went back on their word about DLC expansions being free, adding the Iceborne expansion as paid DLC for the half of the game that they didn't release.

Overall I'd recommend you get a MH3U for a balanced introduction to the franchise, with MHFU line of games or MH4 depending on which platform you want to support as followups. I'd say to pass on this one since for beginners likely it'll ruin the experience, and for veterans it'll feel lackluster and bland. This game completely betrays its original fanbase in order to market towards a more generalized audience, but it even fails at doing that correctly by making combat repetitive, uninspired, and stale.
Публикувана 4 февруари 2019. Последно редактирана 12 октомври 2019.
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8.8 изиграни часа (8.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Shes literally me
Публикувана 22 ноември 2018. Последно редактирана 24 септември 2020.
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3,293.4 изиграни часа (2,917.4 часа по време на рецензията)
it gets worse with each update, just play league at this point lmao
Публикувана 11 март 2015. Последно редактирана 5 юли 2021.
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