>=SF=< Quantom X
Chris   Arkansas, United States
:purpleteam: Please see info box below before adding me
The Ultra MAGAMan :megamanjump:
Devil Want Our Kids - Topher

Trade Link

Alt account storing trading trading cards to craft next sale

Alt account holding trading card sets for sale

Rời mạng
RULES FOR ADDING ME! (please read)
Due to the massive influx of random people adding me out of the blue, I must now put stipulations in place.

If you're adding me, please comment on my profile the reason why. be it for trading, you know me from a game or something, or even if you're just "collecting friends" and want my high level on your friends list. you MUST comment why adding me.

Low level accounts below level 70 will probably be automatically ignored if no comment left.


It is getting out of hand. If you're adding me just to have me as a friend because my profile looks cool, or you just want more high level friends... You can not do it for free.
I require a trade offer sent giving me 3 cards from your inventory. Non marketable cards are better.
If you want to just collect me as a friend, you must pay me 3 trading cards.
Trưng bày ảnh nghệ thuật tiêu biểu
Quantom X official signature, 2015
47 23 3
Nhóm yêu thích
TRUMP IT UP! - Nhóm công khai
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Nhóm yêu thích
Blue Lives Matter - Nhóm công khai
Blue Lives Matter!
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Trưng bày ảnh nghệ thuật
Hyper Frost Productions YouTube Icon
12 1 2
Trưng bày video
Megaman Battle Network 1: With Voice Acting! (Part 1) Tutorial and Vs Fireman
14 3 1
Trưng bày video
Murder of Sonic With Voice Acting (Part 1: All Aboard!)
75 13 4
Trưng bày ảnh chụp
Here we are! I'm in the credits of this game! And 4 of my voice acting team!
12 1 2
Trưng bày ảnh chụp
<3 That is just like, the perfect freaking screenshot for this cosmetic.
35 4 3
Hướng dẫn yêu thích
Tạo bởi - Whygee
NES era Mega Man games were extremely enjoyable and replayable. As a kid, Mega Man was my constant companion. That said, actual video games (as in, not single screen blips) were still in their infancy, and sometimes the codes were... in their infancy as we
Hướng dẫn yêu thích
Tạo bởi - TyrantYuuki
311 đánh giá
A simple collection of boss weaknesses, alternate weaknesses, items, and passwords -for those who just want to skip the beginnings-.
Thông số Salien
Cấp độ đạt được
Trùm đã chiến đấu

Điểm kinh nghiệm đạt được
Trò chơi yêu thích
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Đã chơi 0,4 giờ
This game and Neon Drive were made by the same company. It feels like Neon Drive was a proto type for what this game, 80's Night, would be come.

This is still barely a game though, but is still a big improvement over Neon Drive.

So what's the objective of this game? you hold W to drive straight, you use A and D to turn left and right to change lanes and avoid hitting other cars. You keep driving as to get points. that's it.
you get achievements based on points.

In order to get said achievements, you have to quit the game. so if you do go from 0 to 5000 in one setting, you will get every single achievement in the game at the same time. Making it look like you used SAM or something like that, so be aware.

Anyways, so how is this game different from Neon Drive?

Both have 4 lanes of traffic, however in Neon Drive, the right lane is always empty so you can just stay there and keep going. In 80s Night, all 4 lanes have traffic so it's already an improvement there making it you actually have to play'
In Neon Drive, there's no auto straighten. so you're constantly tapping A and D to try to stay in the lane you're in till you change. but they improved that in this game. once you finish turning, you automatically straighten out going forward, very good!
This game has achievements where Neon Drive does not.
There does seem to be more progression to actually work for in Neon Drive, as you earn money by driving and can buy different cars. I never earned enough to buy one as the game was too boring for me to play more than a few minutes with no achievements to go for.
80s Night isn't much better but at least there's achievements to work for. I played it long enough to get them all, and that's it.

this is barely a game, good for shutting your mind off for a bit to just passively drive with reflexes as you listen to a podcast to get achievements.
Neither this nor Neon Drive have music.
If you just want an easy driving game you can get a bunch of Letter achievements for, play this for about 20 minutes and you're good. Don't bother with Neon Drive.

this one is hardly worth it either.
Trưng bày đánh giá
Đã chơi 2.431 giờ
A very enjoyable Idle Game.
Starts out outside just as a run down old haunted house, but by the time you get late game it's decked out like the most epic and sick Halloween Party you could imagine. With witches flying around, a Lovecraft horror squid reaching out the bottom, and zombies shimming around all around.
Also unlock other rooms, like a prepper bunker, the main hall, and a mad scientist lair in the basement. as well as a haunted bathroom in the most recent update as of the time of this review.

I'm not one to explain to you what an idle game is or how they work, just that this is a good fun one.
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Vật phẩm đã sở hữu
Trao đổi đã thực hiện
Giao dịch tại chợ
Selling off most of my vintage weapon collection. ask for details. all been gifted by me.
Vật phẩm muốn trao đổi
Vật phẩm đã sở hữu
Trao đổi đã thực hiện
Giao dịch tại chợ
Various items for sale. ask for details. no random adds. leave comment first.
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2.431 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 6 Thg03
24.720 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 6 Thg03
2.109 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 6 Thg03
Sabchik 2 Thg03 @ 5:31am 
Collecting friends and Trump is the best president:steamhappy:
Ciselek38 28 Thg02 @ 6:26am 
Collecting friends and exchange of something is possible
sky 25 Thg02 @ 4:18am 
collecting friends + cool profile
𝘼𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙧☆ 18 Thg02 @ 11:58pm 
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 15 Thg02 @ 1:58pm 
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡔⠋⠀⢰⠎:rainfir::luckclover::lilyheart::cmwz:Wonderful WeekEND :ratsdiamond::cmwx::happyclover::rainsec:
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 💗⠈⠙⠫⠿⠿⠿⠛⠋⠁💗:abutterfly::bfly::wl5butterfly:
katryan 13 Thg02 @ 2:44am 
im friend collecting, i dont have any reasons for adding :)