Anthromorphic Homosexual Fox of the genus Dianthus Vulpes   Philippines
○ I am you're lovable pink femboy fox and I a very excellent player in most game categories~

○ Im a Furry Weeb Brony and I am proud of it. Please put your hate comments below and make as funny as you can.

○ Incase you asked.... No, I`m a Male

○ I am just desperate to get my profile filled with hate comments or what ever. Thanks if you did comment on my profile.

○ Im an excellent Spy and Sniper main and I extremely hate Pyros especially the one who`s equipped with the Phlog. If you`re a Pyro main, please don't ♥♥♥♥ with me.

☆ Note:  I don't accept random invites. If you invited me to trade or advertise a site. I would instantly decline. I only accepts people who played with me in my recent matches. If you do wish to add me then please add your comment on my profile below.

○ If you want to trade just send me a trade offer with the reason for it and I'll check it up.


♡ Feel free to offer anything or donate something to me :3

Profile pic source:

My Trade link: profile:

Websites that i use for trading:


♡Pinku Foxsu~♡


Commands for increasing fps (tf2)-
mat_phong 0 // (default 1)
cl_firstperson_viewmodel 0 // (defualt 1)
cl_interp 5 // ( default 0.1000000)
mat_mipmaptextures 0 // ( default 1)
cl_detailfade 0 // (default 400)
cl_detaildist 0 // (default 1200)
r_drawdetailprops 0 // (default 1)
mp_decals 0 // (default 200)
r_decals 0 // (default 2048)

cl_phys_props_enable 0 // (Default 1)
cl_phys_props_max 0 // (Default 128)
props_break_max_pieces 0// (default -1)
r_propsmaxdist 1 // (Default 1000)
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 10000 // (Default 600)
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 10000 // (default 100)
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0 // (Default "5.0f")
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0 // (default 15)
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 // ( default 0 )
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 // (default 1)

mat_queue_mode 2 // (Default -1 and 0)
lod_TransitionDist -1 // (Default 800)
r_lod 2 // (default -1)
r_shadows 0 // (default 1)
mat_hdr_level 0 // (default 2)
mat_vsync 0 // (default 1 or 0)
mat_dxlevel 95 // (default 90 or 95)

tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0 // (default 1)
Currently Offline
Dianthus Vulpes Info
☆ Hewwo~ my name is Pinku! Your average pink furry gay friend!

○ Sniper and Spy main here. I'm really damn good at this two classes and I took pride of it.

○ If you really want to add me, kindly please comment for the reason.

○ I'm a friendly person and I always help out some request you guys ask. Yes I may spam ridiculous yiff binds in game but those are just for funs and games!~

So you better get used to it!

♡ Currently learning on digital arts. I'm still bad at it but I'll work things out. I would appreciate it you put critiques on my art works for me to improve or if you're kind person you can just comment your thoughts about. Thanks!

♡ My laptop is broken so I literally can't draw until I get myself a new computer. Rip 10 years old Acer junk

☆ Just put your hate comments below whether it is a joke or not, I'll take it no matter what cause I am really desperate for it. Bonus if it is funny as hell.

Thank you ♡

♡ Boy I do love to suck on Twilight Sparkle's Futa marecock. So big and tasty~


Websites that i use for trading:

If you want to trade then kindly use the trade link below.
Feel free to offer or donate items

My Trade link: profile:

Profile Pic source:

Games that I liked and excellent at:

- Destiny 2
- Payday 2
- Team Fortress 2
- Warframe

Haha yiff!
Artwork Showcase
There`s no escape
5 2
Screenshot Showcase
Destiny 2
Recent Activity
1,831 hrs on record
last played on 21 Mar
218 hrs on record
last played on 21 Mar
530 hrs on record
last played on 21 Mar
256Hz Testicle Tuning Fork 16 May, 2023 @ 3:21am 
enough futa preference inspection, time for your E621 blacklist
Okazaki Yumemi 8 Apr, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
Thanks for the giftapult! I appreciate it
Scarlllyyy. 25 Dec, 2022 @ 2:02am 
Merry Christmass foxsuu!!
Ufo 9 Aug, 2022 @ 2:32am 
WHY PPL PIGNOY alwyas useless play in dota2!
solzy 3 Aug, 2022 @ 3:40am 
stop shooting me
noobinaytor 30 Jun, 2022 @ 9:28pm 
3rd world nitwit tbagging