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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3,191.8 hrs on record (539.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Jan, 2016 @ 2:35pm

Just follow these rules to play DOTA2:

1. Make sure you have an intimidating nickname "ex: EZ RAMPAGE"
2. Pick mid carry or gay offlaner that u have GOOD/EXPENSIVE set
3. Say something scary (CapsLock :ON) "LET ME MID..TY" or "I GO SOLO BOTTOM/TOP"
4. Predict win!
5. Just lasthit like a pro (spamming "S")
6. Buy midas early and spamming "We Need Wards!" even u get rekt..
7. When u feed just type "WTF LAG", when u got kill/ killsteal remember to laugh on all chat "HAHAHAHAHA"
8. When u lose the game just blame support and when u win the game just say "EZ GAME"

Very simple game
Rate: 99/10
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