
Последние обзоры Floridaskye

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0.2 ч. всего
Solid game, good gunplay, nice new map.
Опубликовано 25 ноября 2020 г..
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509.1 ч. всего (167.2 ч. в момент написания)
Ok, going to write something nice for once. Let me tell you, I loved the original Destiny. It was probably my primary reason for owning a console at that time and I played the crap out of it. When Destiny 2 came out I was rightly excited, though not sure why we needed a whole new game. That excitement waned a bit when it became apparent that this was now an Activision/ Blizzard product that you needed a Bliz account to play.

Still, I bought the game, and the original Season Pass with all upcoming DLCs without a thought, but I found things strange. Why didn't your character talk anymore? What was this push towards microtransactions and eververse exclusives. What happened to the intricate storytelling? The game was shallow and the first two expansions were tossed out without much thought, took a few hours to complete, and then back to the meaningless grind. You want new equipment? Run the same 3 strikes over and over or do some PVP. They had a huge game with Destiny and so much content to keep you busy, but all those planets, and all that content was gone. I said, screw this and uninstalled. Oh, a new Leviathan Raid? Eh. Oh another new Leviathan raid? what? Oh a third new Leviathan raid? I stopped paying attention after that.

Fast forward to the news that Bungie was leaving Blizzard with full ownership of the game. Guess they didn't make the same mistake they had with Microsoft. Anyway, that got me paying attention again. At first there were small changes. Eververse retreated into the background, microtransactions calmed down, the studio announced that they wouldn't rush out content until it was ready like they had with Curse of Osiris and Warmind. They started a new season pass with a free rewards path that included exotics, the seasons become weekly stories where content was expanded upon like a good TV series. Each week a new episode and some new missions.

With the announcement that there would be no Destiny 3, only the continued expansion of the Destiny story through Destiny 2, they hooked me back in. I wanted to see what this was all about, and with the final arrival of the enemy that had been spoken of in lore and whispers since the original Destiny game, I wanted to get back on the train.

With Beyond Light, Bungie has made a clear declaration that they are doing things their way now. If that was not apparent their shelving of the original content speaks volumes. It's no accident that all the work they did under Activision was taken away by the Darkness. While still part of the lore, the Red War, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind are gone from the campaign, replaced with a brand new New Player Experience that tries to get new players caught up with what's going on or at least introduces them to the systems of the game. New players no longer have to sludge through hours of campaign, or pay for a skip, to jump strait into the current story.

Each Season, Player's levels are set to the maximum from the previous season, so it's not hard to get to the next level cap well before the season ends, even if you're a casual player, and there are many ways to level and get better gear. While the strike playlist still exists, and PVP is still a constant, there is now the gambit where two teams compete to summon a primevil and kill it before the other team, there are Nightmare hunts on the Moon, there are Hero story quests, there are dungeons, there are bounties and daily and weekly missions. There are quests for legendary and exotic weapons, and each week sees everything refreshed and another chapter of the story. Will the Darkness bring about a new collapse? Why is the Darkness so interested in the Exos, what is Savathun plotting? Will your character be twisted by the darkness as you use more of its power? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I'm exited to find out.
Опубликовано 21 ноября 2020 г..
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12.5 ч. всего
Give me a good mystery and keep me guessing to the end as to what is actually going on, and I'm a happy camper....unlike the main protagonist....antagonist....whatever he is. He ran a camp. Get it? Happy Cam....never mind.

Ok, so first off, let me say that this game does have enjoyable moments. The world is beautiful, there are some tense moments, and the dialogue isn't horrible. There are some well written story elements. However, as beautiful as the game is, traversing this world is not. The game sells itself as a tense horror like experience. There's not much horror. Gross stuff? Sure. But the only jump scare comes during the initial cutscene. This game is a walking simulator with some puzzles and a drinking problem.

Next, as I said at the beginning, give me a mystery and I'm a happy...well you know what I said. The mystery of what the actual hell was going on kept me going. I won't give any spoilers, but there are themes of descent into madness and loss and all those other sad things. Themes which are better done in games like Senua's Sacrifice. But the game keeps tossing out these little bits and pieces, you start to think you understand, and it goes in a different direction, and for me that kept me playing in order to get an answer to all the questions the game was tossing out there. Spoiler at this point, you will never get a satisfying conclusion. I have seen every possible ending and it just leaves me with more questions than answers. It seems like the devs were going for some type of Inception ending where the top keeps spinning and you are left wondering, is he still in the dream world? But there is very little payoff here, and it seems more lazy that anything, like the end of Lost. What the hell was the smoke monster? Why was there a wheel in the center of the island, what was the island? You will never get an answer to that, or to the mysteries in this game.

Finally, more spoilers, the main character is not likable and has no redeeming qualities. Even when his failures as a husband and father are exposed to him and laid bare, he just makes excuses. Why did you beat your wife? Well women are all lying pieces of crap so why not. What? About halfway through this game I wanted to walk the dude off a cliff and be done with it. But I kept hoping he'd find some kind of redemption. I'm still not sure if he did. Main characters can be flawed, and should be flawed, but they need to have an arc and playing as a wife beater and child abuser is not that enjoyable.

So that's my review, hopefully it helps someone make a decision as to buying this game or not. I say, if its on sale for under $10 pick it up and make your own decision.
Опубликовано 17 октября 2020 г..
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4.4 ч. всего (3.9 ч. в момент написания)
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Review take two. The work timer is gone/optional, resolutions have been fixed, and a bunch of other improvements. It certainly seems like the devs are listening to the community and I like where things seem to be going. So, is the game enjoyable? Reasonably. Is there progression? Kind of. Is there a reason to play for hours and hours? No, not right now.

My only complain at the moment stems from the fact that eventually, things feel like a grind and you are taking apart the same two ships constantly in order to get to the next rank so you can add some more ships to the mix. After the third or fourth ship you already know where all the cutting points are, and are basically a pro at stripping these things down. It's at that point that things feel like an assembly line. I worked at a chicken plant when I was younger and I do not relish the whole assembly line feel. I like to be challenged, and right now I'm not getting that. I made it to the next tier of ship but found out that it's just a longer version of the previous two ships that I'd already been taking apart.

So, yeah I'll watch for the updates and if things look promising I'll come back. Being able to decorate your hab would be a nice incentive. Who knows. I think the game does have promise, but at this point I can't be bothered.

One last thing. Get someone in the office to voice these recordings you pick up. A bad voice actor would be better than this text to speech bot reading stuff too me.
Опубликовано 16 июня 2020 г.. Отредактировано 12 июля 2020 г..
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Ответ разработчика от 16 июн. 2020 г. в 14:37 (просмотреть ответ)
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22.1 ч. всего
I've played through this game three of four times now. Not consecutively but at least once a year. I've never had any optimization issues playing at Ultra but then my computer is a beast so who knows. I just played this again recently after finishing Control on PS4, because screw EPIC, and the story still holds up as one of the best Remedy has written. There's nothing wrong with the combat and I certainly never thought it was janky. All the time powers are great and the actors are first class. The whole thing with the TV episodes was great and the subtle differences based on choices and unlocked fluxes is unique int he video game landscape. However, I can certainly see how some people might not have enjoyed the break from the action for that long or had the patience to watch them all.

Overall this game is still worth the price and still holds up graphically with today's games.

A note to Remedy, you have replaced Bioware as my favorite storytellers, please don't release another exclusive game on the EPIC store. It hurts my soul.
Опубликовано 8 мая 2020 г..
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3.4 ч. всего
So let me fist say that I want to give this game a positive review, but there's too much here that I dislike that would need to change in order to give this game a thumbs up. Which is sad, because I really like the atmosphere and what story there is. The ship is incredible and there's a lot of time and thought given to the locations. So, spoilers ahead.


First of all, the action scenes are annoyingly bad and consist of running aimlessly down corridors, and I say aimlessly because most of the running sequences do not tell you which direction to go, you have to figure this out by dying repeatedly and being made to watch a horrible death animation. Run from the guy with the knife, run from the time monsters, run from explosions, run from lightning.

There's one moment where you have to jump from a moving tram car, but there is no indication on which door is about to open or that you need to time the jump correctly. The voice on the com yells Jump, this resulted in me looking around to figure which door was open and then jumping into the fire. Next time I figured out exactly which door was going to be opening and when the voice said jump I jumped, into the fire. I finally figured out you have to wait to be right over this steel grate below the tram to jump.

With the time monsters (other than one exception by the Tesla elevator) you're told to run, but take a wrong turn, death animation, start sprinting too late, death animation, sometimes when you do everything right, death animation, and the darkness of the game does not help in finding your way while sprinting, or the fact that the sprinting animation narrows your field of vision. I had the gamma almost all the way up and it was still too dark in spots where I missed walkways multiple times while dying repeatedly.

In another section, the player has to make their way across an bunch of walkways while I giant Tesla generator is sending out waves of death inducing electricity. You figure out quickly that you need to hide behind objects when the pulse goes off or you'll die, but the person asking you to run this gauntlet never tells you that, he just says, hey get over there and good luck. However, you also find out that not everything that looks like you should be able to hide behind it will protect you, so...death animation. Look, I don't mind dying, but at least give the player more means to succeed than to fail.


As far as the puzzles go, they were alright. Most of them involve spinning things or pulling levers, or picking something up in one area to be used in another. Nothing game changing, and extremely simple. I was willing to overlook this to follow the story.


I am generally willing to withhold my disbelief until a story is completed and I can see all of the parts. This whole story revolves around some experiment going horribly wrong and breaking time. It starts off with a letter that you find out hasn't been sent yet and through your explorations you will find cryptic notes seemingly written by your future self. There's even a section where you see yourself doing something that you haven't done yet. Your immediate goal, however, is not to fix the problem but to escape the ship with your sister. So, I was expecting some payoff where in the second half of the game you end up going back in time to fix everything that happened. BUT THE STORY JUST ENDS!!!! Obviously I hate cliffhangers, especially in video games, and especially where I have not been warned that this is one chapter in a larger series. Do not tease me with time travel and say "Oh this will make more sense when I'm looking at this from the perspective of the future." This is not Quantum Break. Though it may be, who knows. All I know is that I completed the game in 3 hours while being told the whole time that there was a larger payoff, and then at the end I get told, oh but not in this game.

Note: Dev's put in the description or something that this is just part of a story before you pull people in expecting a full experience. I love what you've done here but ending the story on "I know how to fix everything" and then running Credits is kind of...I don't know...anticlimactic.

Now I feel like playing Quantum Break again.

Overall, this is a good game, with an interesting story, and a great location to explore, but I'd have rather had a walking simulator with a story, like Pine. The monsters don't add anything other than annoyance, and the knife wielding murderer has some kind of motivation that apparently we won't be told in this game. I'd have loved to just explore these amazing locations and have the time to take everything in. I'd have also loved an actual ending to this story, but it's not really memorable enough to wait for a second game to fill in the blanks. This is an episode of television at most, and no one wants to wait years before the next episode.
Опубликовано 6 мая 2020 г..
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258.1 ч. всего (59.6 ч. в момент написания)
I waited until 3.0 to start playing, and I'm glad I did. The game is so much better than what I saw in videos at launch. The Economy doesn't crash anymore, I'm in love with Split ship design, and I have enjoyed building my space empire.
Опубликовано 5 апреля 2020 г..
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2.2 ч. всего (2.0 ч. в момент написания)
Not sure what I even just played. If I'd have payed more than $3 for this game I might have been upset. The environments are stunning, but other than that it's a weird walking simulator on acid. Nothing really gets explained in this first part, It's like JJ Abrams wrote the script. What weird medical thing was she doing at the beginning? Whats the weird glowy thing about? What's the deal with the missing ship? How'd they even find it? Oh well, maybe part 2 will explain something?
Опубликовано 7 марта 2020 г..
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3.1 ч. всего
This game, jesus. Short, but worth the sale price of $14. Great story telling, though I wish sometimes that didn't completely grind forward momentum to a halt. Still, one of the best I've played in this genre.
Опубликовано 19 февраля 2020 г..
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49.6 ч. всего (26.3 ч. в момент написания)
Love this game, even better than the first one. No matter how angry it makes me, I keep coming back to play more.
Опубликовано 20 января 2020 г..
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