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Posted: 6 Feb, 2024 @ 3:30am
Product received for free

Short and sweet N64 platform game.

Tutorial - Easy to pick up once you get the hand of it ( Played on keyboard and mouse ). Saw no issues here , died a few times figuring out the controls but great overall. Hints are everywhere so its easy to understand.

Area 1 ( Blue Line - Downtown Bounce ) - I took a while in this level to get everything. The kicks are tight and precise to land on a platform especially to get the secret there ( idk if I am doing it wrong but I climbed the highest point to get there ) . Died a couple times but fun overall. Saw no issues here. 100 % this zone objectives and challenge.

Area 2 ( Yellow Line - Volley Harbor ) - I especially hate water levels but this area is pretty good. Saw no issues here. Kicks are satisfying if you know what do on the fly. I had a perfect run where I angled and kicked the crate ahead of me from a island, there inside a jump/speed pad took me from ramp to ramp into a chimney to a building across me. Damn that was some sonic ♥♥♥♥ I thought. 100% this zone objectives and saw a minor issue in the challenge room where I broke the boxes there and they didn't respawn even though I tried returning to last checkpoint. This was fixed however when entering and exiting the challenge room door.

Area 3 ( Chartreuse - Kickball Central Park ) - The area was great overall. Had to hit three switches to lower the water level to get the bus pass. Saw a issue where checkpoints a broken here. I hit every checkpoint here but it send me towards the beginning. I was a bit annoyed but 80% this area. The time trial was getting to me.

Area 4 ( Peach Line - High Glide Skyline ) - Annoying level. Had to a die a couple of times to find the remaining chips hidden in holes in the building. The kicks are precise here at the end where you need to fall off and hit at the right moment when gliding. This area also very late made me figure out that some plants are jump pads and would helped me if there where hints indicating it. 100 % this area and saw no issues here completing it.

Area 5 ( Magenta Line - Bird of Ball Street ) - Ending of the game. The area was very quiet in the beginning but ramps up after collecting the first letter. Climbing from tower to tower was exciting where everything you learned from the beginning was used here. The last challenge room was quiet unnecessary with adding spikes to throw you off but challenging nevertheless. 80 % this area and saw a minor issue if you quickly spam kicks when Cassowary tries to get Pangolin from the hot sand it still kicks him. This however is hard to pull off and randomly if you do this Pangolin does not go back to the checkpoint but goes back the area where the kick occurred. Fun and good ending where the explore the city area.

Hub area - Started of with nothing but a patch of grass there but after getting all the secrets You can explore the area quite a bit. You can hit the bell, get hit like a baseball, kick the furniture there ( why can I sit and sip some coffee with Cassowary lol :) ) and jump on some clouds there. Good hub area. The only problem is the hub is quite deserted there and the quiet bird chirping does not help. I also want to know what is the HOLE at the bottom of the stairs besides death.

Overall, great game. It is worth the price playing it.
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Warriot 7 Feb, 2024 @ 10:33am 
Thanks for the tip for Area 4, was also stuck on plant jump pad.