Lindh   Sweden
Always :csgob: rushing
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1 hrs on record
last played on 11 Feb, 2024
13.2 hrs on record
last played on 19 Jul, 2023
130 hrs on record
last played on 19 Feb, 2022
Fayz 18 Nov, 2012 @ 12:58am 
1456 CTF - Arx Novena
1462 CTF - Crossfire
1457 CTF - Drydock
1447 CTF - Katabatic
1516 CTF - Raindance
1523 CTF - Sunstar
1512 CTF - Tartarus
1493 CTF - Temple Ruins
1534 CTF - PermaFrost
1538 CTF - Dangerous Crossing
1522 CTF - Stonehendge

Login <Server ID> < Password> - Alternative login from within the server
select <Server ID>
Server <Status| start | stop | shutdown |>
Start - Shows server on the custom server browser
Stop - Immediately ends the match and removes server from the custom server browser
Shutdown - Removes server from the custom server browser

Map <next | start | end> <map ID>
Map Next
Map start - Skips warm up time (if applicable)
Map start <ID> - Skips to Map ID
Map end - Ends current map

player <list | specs | kick | ban > <player name>
player list - Shows all players
player specs - shows all spectators
player kick - kicks a player from the server
player ban - bans a player from the server