FalterXV TTV
FalterXV   California, United States
Rule of thumb:
If you are rude in any way that is grounds for an instant block from me. Please exercise proper respect and decorum, or, I will not bother with signs of hostility from you or said persons. I always know more than I let on, and if you go out of your way to be overly hostile to me, my friends, my likes / dislikes - your steam profile will be blocked from communicating with me. I have no patience for cyber stalking, harassment, defamation, libel, or bullying. Especially considering how much I get on a near daily basis.

And, while I accept all walks of people, I will not go out of my way to cater or pander to hostility or harassment. No sane human being would.

If your profile is listed as private expect all of the distrust. If you can not share your most basic of info, and choose to hide EVERYTHING then I have no reason to be warm, "fuzzy," and kind - least of all trusting in you, your actions, or your behaviors. A friend request from a "Private" or "Friend's Only" profile will not be accepted.

(Check the "Tru Tru's" box for more links defending myself from harassment and defamatory slander.)

REP / R E P L I C A N T / Replicating Man / The Running Man / CMDR Replicant doxxing me.

My Twitch.tv Live Streams are hosted here: [www.twitch.tv]
Featured Artwork Showcase
Stasis main FalterXV
Featured Artwork Showcase
FalterXV smiling at ya'!
Artwork Showcase
Arctic Warfare
Screenshot Showcase
The egotistical Moodthedestroyer goes down to a rifle build without doing ANY damage to me. Hmm. Typical.
Screenshot Showcase
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
Video Showcase
FalterXV vs. AuroraMercedes_VT - FalterXV TTV - Armored Core 6
Artwork Showcase
"I Beat O7 in Clan Brawls so you didn't have to!"
Video Showcase
FalterXV - "Mein Schatz, Scharnhorst!" - World of Warships
Who am I? Who am I!?
I am the great and infamous, FalterXV89

But, you can call me Falter for short.
I am many things, but most notably I am me!
There is nobody (not even among those who pretend to be me or aspire to be like me,) who can emulate what I can do even remotely. And, oh man! The lengths some of the stalkers and cyber bullies who hate me go to to almost associate anything that remotely resembles what I do as being me is probably the most flattering bit about being myself.

Have you been called a "Falter alt" for standing up or defending me? If you have, you know what I'm talking about.

I am kind, honest to a fault, genuine, and often scape goated / blamed

I don't trust easily, don't have a reason to trust anyone, and I have been the target of cyber bullying and stalking since 2015.
You will usually find that I do not put much, (if any) vested interest in anyone unless they can not only get past my abrasive front as realizing it is because of the trauma in my past and present, but also be able to be completely honest with me. The more dishonest a person is with me, the more I will distance myself. And, it's not uncommon for those who do attack me to try to pigeon hole words or phrases from my profile to justify their mistreatment of me.

A lot of my stalkers and haters are narcissists with their goal often being to make me feel alienated or alone while they heap endless amounts of hate mail onto me. Narcissistic people are often defined by a tendency to lie and manipulate their fuel, be unable to be empathetic, have delusions of grandeur, tell fabricated stories to those who will listen to make themselves seem better than they are, and be unable to take any sort of criticism. Often resorting to attacking the person who knows the truth about them so they can't ever be exposed.
If you've seen the packs of bullies on Steam or anywhere else, you'll recognize their patterns of behavior.
Being the near constant victim of bullying from narcissistic people has made me distrusting of everyone.

I am needlessly attacked, assaulted, and assailed on a near daily basis by stalkers and haters who gaslight me to no end. You have only to look at the trail of harassment and people who hypocritcally follow me around to see for yourself. The most common comment you may see are those directed at me either telling me or implying to me that I deserve to be bullied or mistreated. Even when I've done nothing wrong, but especially in the event that those who dislike me don't want to show that I am needlessly attacked by their crowd or friends. The more their crowd attacks me, the louder they become trying to protect their own in pushing an agenda to villainize me.

I am an extremely insightful person, and am easily able to cut through what people say to see the genuine intent, (or lack thereof) in what they say to me.
Don't expect me to have the same moral values when it comes to friendship either. I am extremely selective, and have my own personal definition of what a friend is to me.
Friends are family. So, if I seem cold or callous to you despite talking to you it's not because I don't like you, I just have different standards.

I am the best combat pilot in the entire Elite: Dangerous universe

And am primarily pursued into my real life by the PvP group known as the Code.
I am also known not only as a joke, but also as a form of seriousness as the 'God of Elite' and the 'God of the Gunship.'
The PVP group, (the Code) who stalks me, is an amalgamation of a lot of other less successful PVP groups, none of which were or are good, and all of which I have defeated in the game completely and utterly.

I both live stream and edit videos for Youtube and Twitch

Most prominently I can be found on Twitch. Though, the only reason I haven't done much individual Twitch streaming is simply because I haven't had a computer that is up to spec.
Only very recently have I finally been able to settle down after years of stalking forcing me to move, to invest in a new computer capable of streaming.

My Twitch [www.twitch.tv]


I have a degree in Art/ Animation, and have heavily considered returning to school to become a Paralegal. I have extensive knowledge in basically, anything I set my mind to as I am a quick study, witty, intelligent and well written / spoken.

If you can get me to open up, I'll talk your ear off and then some!


Lastly, I am an avid fan of anime and otaku culture. This fandom and love is both known and supported by my family and friends.

I have been relentlessly targeted for years because of my love for this hobby and medium. So, bear in mind that if you want to talk to me without me instantly telling you to take a hike, be mindful of the harassment you send my way in regards to my appreciation for such a normal hobby.
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Azur Lane Fan's United - Public Group
Welcome to Azur Lane,Play us!
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Welcome to the World of Warships Steam Community
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Review Showcase
5,669 Hours played
Pros and Cons:
  • Intuitive if you have the time and/ or patience to get to grips with All the elements of play
  • Combat is Solid, and with a very deep element once you come to terms with PVP is PVE.
  • Engineering offers a great base for customization and tailoring
  • the best salt farming this side of Sag-A
  • It can be tough if the player does not sort out controls, nor has the patience to learn how to use Flight Assist Off
  • Very much a Space Simulation & Combat Game. Everything matters, and it is hard for some to accept this fact.
  • Stats and use of weapons are not easily evident, which can make scrubs or casuals frustrated.

High Skill for mastering the Game, very Low Skill to enter - (With) a lot of Room to improve and/ or "make yourself" in game.

While the game is easy to pick up if you have familiarity, the depth is hard to see at a glance. And, the game only really opens up to the player when they learn about BGS, Powerplay, and PVP. (In addition to the Flight Assist Off mechanics.)

However, if you are able to get past the higher skill "gate" to the main game - you will enjoy it!.

Secondary Cons:
Getting doxxed by the community for being too good isn't fun. And, that's something of a past time of there's. In fact, (one of the forum overseers was completely banned from steam for doing that to me after I was brigaded by Zantar and his friends.)
CMDR Zantar, CMDR The Replicated Man, CMDR Harry Potter, CMDR Jazod (guess he's Jajod now after his perma ban,) CMDR Nishimura, and CMDR Yamato 2012 are among some of the worst.




Good thing most have been completely banned from the game in some form or another. Though, you may run into alternates from Yamato, Captin Pelley, Jajod, Nishimura, Maztek, or Replicant as they are so obsessed with the game that they refuse to accept their bans and move on.
I would recommend blocking them as they all use : Elite Not So Dangerous to cheat the client or combat log.

The Game is fun and engaging, with a lot of opportunities, should you choose to embrace every element, and the 'Risk versus Reward' system of the game.

After Fdev abandoned this product and, after their new content update, I would not really recommend this game anymore. It's become a buggy mess with banned exploiters, combat loggers, aim bot hackers, and developer banned players doxxing anyone who beats them in PvP.

For builds and advice, visit my Twitch at: FalterXV [www.twitch.tv]

3.8/ 10
Review Showcase
My name is Commander Armored Core Veteran (since Master of the Arena,) and this is the best Armored Core 6 game on the Citadel.
Black-Bastien 7 Mar, 2021 @ 4:16am 
Thanks a lot for this information
FalterXV TTV 6 Mar, 2021 @ 10:28am 
There are two official mod packs for World of Warships. But, if you choose the Azur Lane overlay from Aslain's, or the HP overlay from the Mod Station, both do a similar thing.

The Skin for my Admiral Graf Spee came from Aslain's official mod pack.
The voice lines in battle came from the Azur Lane collaboration that Wargaming did, same with the Azur Lane port.
Black-Bastien 6 Mar, 2021 @ 5:47am 
How did you manage to have azur lane world of warships on steam
DeLacy 25 Dec, 2020 @ 11:14pm 
Hey man, I recently came across one of your posts on an old thread on SLFs, could you teach me how to use them? I recently got a Krait Mk2
FalterXV TTV 24 Dec, 2020 @ 1:23am 
I don't friend people who have been VAC banned. I don't even know who you are. I don't even know what that is either.
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Begone thot.
yike 24 Dec, 2020 @ 1:13am 
I think we got off the wrong foot. I was actually wanting to hear your side of the story that you've got posted on your profile. Won't lie, you managed to peak my interest and fascination to hear what an intellectual has to say over such a... deep rooted topic about the baby fur.