narco system
Mr Needle   Tokelau
the more i learn about human behavior, the more i realize why serial killers exist...

when did i become so detached to the point i can be around people that did me dirty and genuinely not give a fuɔk... i owe my self an apology:special:

The hate that I feel is strong
Some things that I sing are wrong
So focused on keeping on
It comes with the things you love
Everyone's loving the movement
Flex and I flex on my rhymes
Sometimes I think that I'll lose it
Not nothing, I have just my mind
Sometimes I feel alone in this shᴉt, damn
Can someone please tell me how to live? damn
I know I'm a God with the sheep, damn
I still feel alone in this shᴉt

I'm not making sense, my head's a mess
I'm sick of feeling dumb


single for 30 years, pretending being straight while thinking about homosexuals all the time when talking about pride and how much "you hate (secretly want a boyfriend) homosexuals"... a typical thought process by the basic minded, uniquely identically same personalities and thought process who grew up thinking more about gay men, compared to straight women. TALK ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fml for saying this, i am way straighter than you will ever be mr goon

you call me a bad influence? so what if you think you are productive but we both care more about decaying? it is seen on behavior. nice flex bra..

fuɔk you for only seeing the angry side in me, because some people weren't blessed with more than one neuron in their brains that makes them able to have more opinions. i didn't notice how your "idgaf about your feelings because you are too crazy" personality contributed my chronically ill brain make my reality even faker!!!

i choose to be a better version of my self by avoiding homosexuals who call them selves straight lol
stay awayyyyy you won't last more than 30 seconds before you bust a nut anyway.. keep practicing on your virtual reality mask and virtual reality vacuum cleaner king.

think how you will never have a second chance to live another one hundred years on planet earth in this universe that is only a small drop of water compared to the infinity and beyond


I pretend to forget
Понарошку забываю
Ponaroshku zabyvayu

Living again and smiling wide
Вновь живу и улыбаюсь
Vnov zhivu i ulybayus'

It’s not your fault
Не твоя вина
Ne tvoya vina

It’s my lesson
А мой урок
A moy urok

The white moon
Белая луна
Belaya luna

In my hand a note
В руке листок
V ruke listok

I’ll write down my thoughts
Мысли запишу
Mysli zapishu

In these lines
В эти стихи
V eti stikhi

This is my life
Это моя жизнь
Eto moya zhizn'

Heartbreak from love
Горе с любви
Gore s lyubvi

(copy paste for russian) coz it looks weird here lol
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fuck unwanted children who hate others because they hate them selves. your parents failed you. you can do better..
I Lost The Will To Win
I lost the will to win, ayy ayy
That is worth fighting for
I lost the will to win
Was it worth fighting for r-?
I lost the fire within
Was it worth fighting for rage?
It's just a little harder

I say
The loyalty of things changed so fast, yeah
Let me
Compare it
Gettin' myself back now
Yeah, I said
You are so patient
Lie and believe
Don't make shᴉt now

I lost the will to win
Was it worth fighting for rage?
I lost the fire within
Was it worth fighting for rage?
It's just a little harder

It's just a little harder
It's just a little harder
It's just a little harder
It's just a little harder
Featured Artwork Showcase
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The (pests from society manipulated by the media pretending to be human) Voices
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try my saliva. one drop and you are hooked for life. no more needles, white powder & crystals. no more WOOHOO I LOVE DRUGGIES
narco system 20 Apr, 2024 @ 4:12pm 
V 20 Apr, 2024 @ 4:19am 
keep scrolling : V what is script name for auto melee?
V 20 Apr, 2024 @ 4:19am 
keep scrolling : hacker?
V 20 Apr, 2024 @ 4:18am 
keep scrolling : why cant i find ur profile V
V 20 Apr, 2024 @ 4:11am 
keep scrolling : crawl out my ass already

How u can be that bad and rq also
Callin' people cheaters and u are ass lol
sasho 20 Apr, 2024 @ 3:54am 
your horrid bro lol you accuse others for being bad but you is literally drone low that ego my g