en-ˈdē-mē-ən   Sulphur, Louisiana, United States
[Insert funny quote here.]
Please bear in mind that I'm not accepting your friend request if I don't know you. And if you're trying to buy items from me, move along. Nothing is for sale here.
Favorite Game
Hours played
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Moonlight: also endy
Moonlight: I can see why people are confused about your gender
Moonlight: you seem like a guy in your info but you seem like a kind of
Moonlight: weird ♥♥♥♥♥♥ edgy gamer girl

Maple愛の詩♡: No I mean touching myself when I talk to people

Maple愛の詩♡: well
Maple愛の詩♡: the exhibitionist part of me appears

Maple愛の詩♡: ♥♥♥♥
Maple愛の詩♡: why does my hand always slip

Endymion: Currently trying to decide what to do.
Maple愛の詩♡: Do me

Maple愛の詩♡: Okay
Maple愛の詩♡: Next time you say Jackie like that I'm going
Maple愛の詩♡: What the ♥♥♥♥ do you want

Maple愛の詩♡: That's dumb
Maple愛の詩♡: I mean cool
Maple愛の詩♡: I mean I'm lost

Maple愛の詩♡: WOW
Maple愛の詩♡: OFFENSIVE
Endymion: Nani the ♥♥♥♥?
Maple愛の詩♡: Hi

Endymion: Can you be a little less vague?
Maple愛の詩♡: I dunno

Maple愛の詩♡: oh shush
Maple愛の詩♡: before I actually turn you into a masochist

Drowning In Sorrow: Eat me~
Drowning In Sorrow: I mean say
Drowning In Sorrow: ♥♥♥♥
Endymion: That can be arranged.

Drowning In Sorrow: Isn't that just arouuusssiiiiing~

Wow!: You're like saying that it's wrong to be turned on from wearing a skirt and no panties in public
Wow!: That isn't wrong!
Endymion: Of course not, because people have done it before.
Wow!: Oh shush
Wow!: That's like saying
Wow!: The commies killed Jews in gulag, so we should do that again
Wow!: I mean ♥♥♥♥ let me reword that

Endu My Laifu: Ill just stick my panties in your mouth
Endymion: Hot.
Endu My Laifu: AAAAAAAAA

Eventually: I'm so down today that I can't even make a decent joke about sucking ♥♥♥♥
Endymion: Does it really take that much effort?
Eventually: No, but on a normal day I only feel ecstacy

Endymion: Well, this is awkward.
Endymion: ♥♥♥♥.
To Love And To Be Loved: You just had to stick your ♥♥♥♥ inside the oatmeal didn't you
Endymion: Way to bring my ♥♥♥♥ into it.
To Love And To Be Loved: I'll bring your ♥♥♥♥ into something

To Love And To Be Loved: We will cross that bridge when we get there
To Love And To Be Loved: Except you can cross it
To Love And To Be Loved: I'll jump off

☆♡Daisuki♡☆: Remind me to take a shower, because I forget and after a few days I just smell like sweat, guilt, and semen
Endymion: I get the first two, but the third?
☆♡Daisuki♡☆: I dunno
☆♡Daisuki♡☆: take a wild guess

Love♥Shine: who you think I am
Endymion: A massive pervert.
Love♥Shine: uig6dsezcv/hubygvcf,. /bNbvg/ h
Love♥Shine: Im sorry, I came on my keyboard

Love♥Shine: but yeah you are
Love♥Shine: enlightened
Love♥Shine: *boop*
Endymion: Enlightened?
Love♥Shine: you have pointless information
Endymion: I wouldn't say pointless.

Love♥Shine: endy lemme smash
Endymion: Jackie, I swear...
Love♥Shine: whaaaaaaaaaaaat
Endymion: Heck off and stop trying to lewd my little sis.
Love♥Shine: Im not lewding

Love♥Shine: hi
Endymion: I swear it's like you say random ♥♥♥♥ to get my attention even though you already have it.
Love♥Shine: I want ur endy ♥♥♥♥

Archangel♡: Kms
Archangel♡: Lol
Archangel♡: I love ♥♥♥♥♥
Archangel♡: ♥♥♥♥
Archangel♡: I love ducks oml
Endymion: Nah, both.
Archangel♡: No, ♥♥♥♥♥
Archangel♡: DUCKS
Archangel♡: Aaaaaaaaa

Endymion: I wasn't expecting anything of interest to be honest.
Archangel♥: What what
Archangel♥: Why
Endymion: Meh.
Archangel♥: Okay I'm
Archangel♥: Masturbating while talking to u
Endymion: Oh.

Endymion: This is why I value our friendship.
Endymion: I can ask you stupid ♥♥♥♥ and you'll answer honestly.

Endymion: Also, what the hell was the point of the comment on my profile from 3 hours ago?
Repetition: tie me up
Repetition: then noose me
Endymion: I'd love to do the first, just not the second.

Archangel♥ has changed their name to Cumdumpster♥.
Endymion: Now there's an old alias I'm somewhat fond of.
Cumdumpster♥: heheheh

Endymion: So I'm a tsundere now. I'll be sure to remember that.
Anything: no
Anything: please
Anything: dont
Endymion: You're sure?
Anything: yes
Endymion: Mkay... baka.
Anything: please

Endymion: Because some of the stuff you say sometimes causes me to become concerned.
Actually Worthless: :^)
Actually Worthless: Show me a picture of a ♥♥♥♥
Actually Worthless: Duck
Actually Worthless: Duck
Actually Worthless: DUCK

SS-Scharführer Monika: For the record, I haven't done lewd things for like a week already. I feel pure!
Endymion: Um, who are you and what did you do with the perv I know and love?

Endymion: Oh, you're referring to that "pure" nonsense.
Datenshi: once
Datenshi: heck you

Fallen Angel: hey
Fallen Angel: gotta get your ♥♥♥♥ wet somehow fam

Endymion: I thought you were going to say something else entirely.
Fallen Angel: which was
Endymion: I don't really know. It didn't pertain to pizza though.
Endymion: Literally anything besides that.
Fallen Angel: :^)
Endymion: Either I'm missing the joke or you really do have a fetish for pizza.
Endymion: Probably both.

Faith: can I have
Faith: that cash
Faith: uwu
Endymion: Why though?
Faith: porn
Faith: and drinks
Endymion: Who the hell pays for pornography?
Faith: shut it

endless dread 20 Mar, 2024 @ 3:02am 
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endless dread 23 Nov, 2021 @ 10:00pm 
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Roughsketch 28 Sep, 2021 @ 6:23pm 
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endless dread 29 Aug, 2021 @ 9:05pm 
Ribs 28 Jul, 2021 @ 7:10am 
wait a minute
Ribs 28 Jul, 2021 @ 7:09am 
creeper, aw man