☆Riffel☆   Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
ᴜᴍ ɢᴀᴍᴇʀ ɴᴜɴᴄᴀ ᴍᴏʀʀᴇ, ᴀᴘᴇɴᴀꜱ ᴅᴀ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴀᴡɴ ᴇᴍ ᴜᴍ ʟᴜɢᴀʀ ɴᴏᴠᴏ.
ℝ.𝕀.ℙ - ☆ʀɪꜰꜰᴇʟ☆ 06/06/2022
Coment - F for respect
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.......................................... Welcome to my profile................................................................
"The past is made of irreversible events, so just look forward, always!"

"O passado é feito de acontecimentos irreversíveis. Por isso, olhe apenas para frente, sempre!"

I did not have Airton Senna and Zico as idols because I did not live at the same time as them, but I have FalleN as the greatest idol .. Inspiration for life!

Não tive Airton Senna e nem Zico como ídolos pois não vivi na mesma época que eles, mas tenho FalleN como maior ídolo.. Inspiração pra vida!

Channel On YouTube

My instagram [www.instagram.com]

Twitch/TV [www.twitch.tv]

Discord [discord.com]


CSGO Prayer
"Our CS are on LAN
Hallowed be it your AK
Come to us your COLT
Our rounds are saved
So in Aztec as in dust
Our everyday vest protects us today
Forgive our undefined bombs.
Just as we forgive those who have forbidden them
And do not let us get lagged.
The more we get rid of all flashbangs, amen

CS nosso que estais na LAN
Santificada seja a vossa AK
Venha a nós a vossa COLT
Sejam salvos os nossos rounds
Assim na aztec como na dust
O colete nosso de cada dia nos protegei hoje
Perdoai as nossas bombas não defusadas
Assim como nós perdoamos quem as tenha defusado
E não nos deixai ficar com lag
Mais livrai-mos de todas flashbangs, amém

I am not donating items or games. So do not ask me anything ........ I only accept people with public profile and without VAC

Eu não estou doando itens ou jogos. Então não me pergunte nada ........ eu só aceito pessoas com perfil público e sem VAC

My Rank Information

➜ Silver 1 :
➜ Silver 2 :
➜ Silver 3 :
➜ Silver 4 :
➜ Silver Elite :
➜ Silver Elite Master :
➜ Gold Nova 1 :
➜ Gold Nova 2 :
➜ Gold Nova 3 :
➜ Gold Nova Master :
➜ Master Guardian 1 :
➜ Master Guardian 2 :
➜ Master Guardian Elite :
➜ Distinguished Master Guardian :
➜ Legendary Eagle :
➜ Legendary Eagle Master :
➜ Supreme Master First Class :
➜ The Global Elite :

(•_•)Will Copy And Paste That ?
<) )╯
/ \

Useful Commands / Comandos uteis

r_dynamic 1
r_drawtracers_firstperson 1
cl_bob_lower_amt 0
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 0
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_interp_ratio "1" ( "1" = internet acima de 10 mb - "2" = 2 mb )

+r_dynamic 0 -nod3d9ex -threads 2 -noaafonts -console -high +cl_forcepreload 1 -tickrate 128- +exec -d3d9ex -mat_queue_mode 2 -nojoy -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel


»sv_cheats 1
»mp_drop_knife_enable 1


»Butterfly : give weapon_knife_butterfly;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Bowie : give weapon_knife_survival_bowie;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Falchion : give weapon_knife_falchion;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Gut : give weapon_knife_gut;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Bayonet : give weapon_bayonet;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»M9 Bayonet : give weapon_knife_m9_bayonet;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Huntsman : give weapon_knife_tactical;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Gold : give weapon_knifegg;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Flip : give weapon_knife_flip;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Karambit : give weapon_knife_karambit;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
»Shadow Daggers : give weapon_knife_push;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"

Servidores Mata-Mata FFA


net_graphproportionalfont 0 ( deixar net_graph pequeno)
                      𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕡

           ⇨ ᴄᴘᴜ • 𝐢𝟑 𝟗𝟏𝟎𝟎𝐅 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴍᴏʙᴏ • 𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐓𝐔𝐅 𝐁𝟑𝟔𝟎𝐌-𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴠɢᴀ • 𝐆𝐓𝐗 - 𝟕𝟓𝟎𝐓𝐢 𝟐𝐆𝐁 𝐆𝐃𝐃𝐑𝟓 ⇦
           ⇨ ʀᴀᴍ • 𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐗 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐲, 𝟏𝟔𝐆𝐁, 𝟐𝟔𝟔𝟔𝐌𝐇𝐳, 𝐃𝐃𝐑𝟒 ⇦
           ⇨ ꜱꜱᴅ • 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝐆𝐁 ⇦
           ⇨ HDD¹ • 𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐆𝐁 ⇦
           ⇨ HDD² • 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎𝐆𝐁 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴍᴏᴜꜱᴇ • 𝐋𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐆𝟒𝟎𝟐 ⇦
           ⇨ ʜᴇᴀᴅꜱᴇᴛ • 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 𝟕.𝟏 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴛᴇᴄʟᴀᴅᴏ • 𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐆𝐁 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴍᴏɴɪᴛᴏʀ¹ • 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝟐𝟕𝐩 𝟏𝟔𝟓𝐡𝐳 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴍᴏɴɪᴛᴏʀ² • 𝐀𝐎𝐂 𝟏𝟗𝐩 𝟔𝟎𝐇𝐳 ⇦
           ⇨ ᴍᴏɴɪᴛᴏʀ³ • 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐪 𝟏𝟓𝐩 𝟕𝟓𝐇𝐳 ⇦
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xD Gaben Plz no vac ban me xD
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ᄃΛЯᄂΛO 20 Dec @ 5:10pm 
voce faz muita falta seu trabalho na comunidade fez muita diferenca,esperamos ter voce novamente
dan; 13 Nov @ 7:01pm 
​🇭​​🇪​​🇾​❗ ​🇸​​🇴​​🇷​​🇷​​🇾​ ʙᴜᴛ​ ​🇲​​🇾​ ​🇫​​🇷​​🇮​​🇪​​🇳​​🇩​​🇱​​🇮​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇮​​🇸 🇦​​🇱​​🇲​​🇴​​🇸​​🇹​​ ​🇫​​🇺​​🇱​​🇱​ ,​🇫​​🇪​​🇪​​🇱​ ​🇫​​🇷​​🇪​​🇪​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇦​​🇩​​🇩​ ​🇲​​🇪​ ​🇧​​🇦​​🇨​​🇰​ ​🇮​​🇫​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​ ​🇳​​🇪​​🇪​​🇩​ ​🇦​​🇳​​🇾​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​ :akaneheart:
🐾WaphyMX5 2 Nov @ 12:17pm 
F abandonou os irmao no cs
Sogradesce🙏 2 Nov @ 10:35am 
Em um ninho de magafafos tinha 5 magafafinhos se um safadinho morrer quantos magafafos ficaram?
Rei de Copas™ 19 Oct @ 2:56pm 
nao acredito que vc parou com cs2 ,vc considerado o top das galinhas e do nada decidiu parar... sinto sua falta