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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
33.0 год. загалом (28.2 год на момент рецензування)
TL;DR: Great game, played entirely solo so far and I have beaten the first vanilla starting area for the first time just now. If you like RogueLITE games and dungeon crawling with friends, then this is a great pickup. Even at full price right now at 12 USD is worth it, but it a MUST buy on sale if you do enjoy Roguelites.

I have played this on my desktop PC and my Steam Deck. I initially played Paladin, but switched to Sorcerer. Have only played these two classes so far.

* Simple combat system(point-click to attack, run around, skills available)
* 9 Classes of different gameplay styles
* Puzzles of increasing complexity per level
* SECRETS! Walk-through walls and breakable walls for you to find for extra currency/items
* Hub/Town that provides upgrades for your base stats, skill upgrades, companions/pets(that fetch currency for you during runs), shop that sells items/keys for your next run, potion upgrades, wishing fountain for run modifiers, Wizard shop for magic dmg/resistances, chapel/church for "blessings"(perks? is the best way to explain it), and a bar/pub that has drinks for run modifiers and gambling(high card vs low card), more on gambling below.
* Beating a set of levels allow a shortcut to the next set of levels, this is nice for a quick way to get back to where you were in a previous run.
* NG+ System: Once you beat the base game, you unlock NG+ where some enemies change their tactics while also having their damage and health increase.

* RogueLITE: You do not keep items after death, however you progress your character, so each run technically gets easier.
* Progression grind: There is a noticeable grind to progress your individual characters. This is both a pro and a con as this does prolong longevity of the game, however some people may not enjoy this.
* Multi-class grind: Although not required, the game is designed for you to play the majority of the classes as each class gives a specific bonus that is granted to all other characters. Again, not a huge deal, BUT it is a system that is available.
* Pixel graphics: iGPU only laptops and the Steam Deck run this with zero issues performance wise. Though if you're looking for a "pretty" game, then this isn't it.
* "Act" system where each "Act" is a set of levels of a specific theme and set of enemies with increasing difficulty. Each Act is separated by an end boss that must be defeated before you can go to the next Act.
* Game does not explain what is "kept" or "shared" between classes, mostly need to compare classes by playing/buying upgrades or read wikis to understand fully.

* Not controller friendly, requires some tinkering to get working on a regular controller and Steam Deck. I prefer KB/M at this point.
* CURRENCY/RESOURCE GRIND: This game suffers from a TERRIBLE gold(currency) and ore(resource) grind. You need gold to upgrade your character, but you need ore to upgrade the shops in the town, however if you need ore but only have gold there is a "ore trader" available, which you need ore to unlock and upgrade in the first place! Okay so lets go grind gold right? WRONG! Because:
* GOLD TAX: When you're trying to collect gold to send back to town, the more gold you have the more you are taxed. By default, once you reach 10,000 gold you are immediately taxed 50% or more for any more gold you earn. This gets exponentially worse. By reference, you will need ~500k gold to max out your class base stats, ~180k gold for chapel blessings, 25k for the first pet but 100k for the best pets, ~80k for potion upgrades, ~325k for magic stats...so about 1.2 million gold to "max" out a character, which isn't the end game grind! This is the cost so you can effectively start grinding end game!
* ORE: The top gold tax is exacerbated by the fact that you have to upgrade all of your shops with ore before you can keep upgrading your class. This is ~1,500-2,000 ore that is needed. You're lucky to get about 10 ore per run in the beginning levels(Act 1).

My "fix" for the above(currency and resource grind) is to use the gambling system, unfortunately. Once you unlock the "Tavern"/bar(which you need to get to Act 2 and find a specific character to unlock the bar, which is RNG based), you can gamble your gold. When I unlocked the Tavern and got to 10k gold, I went and gambled my 10k into 10 million. From reading online I was pretty lucky, but there are known (in-game) exploits that allow you to "always" win essentially. I found the gambling system to be a requirement to get any footing into progressing my classes and town/hub.

The above should not be required, but the grind was beyond ridiculous where I was playing for about 15 hours and felt zero progression, but after gambling I was able to max out my sorcerer and beat the base game within my next 3-4 runs in 2-3 hours.

Now I can start end game grinding.
Додано 5 січня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 12
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50.2 год. загалом (10.1 год на момент рецензування)
Updating my review after putting some good hours into it.

God of War is still an amazing franchise and Ragnarok is no exception. Ragnarok continues the story from the 2018 reboot but with improved visuals, gameplay, and an overall polish that was sorely needed from the first.

Unfortunately the game still suffers from "devs that aren't PC gamers" syndrome. The lack of a Field of View slider or offset or adjustment absolutely ruins the gameplay and my own physical health because, surprise!, PC gamers don't sit 15ft away from their monitors, we're 2ft away!

Due to the lack of a FoV slider this game causes severe headaches, or a borderline migraine, for me within 30 minutes of playing. This is a common issue for many PC gamers due to the fact that many game developers aren't PC gamers themselves.

Luckily there are mods out there now that allow for FoV adjustment AND it compensates for cinematic camera placement as well, so a little bit of tinkering solves my issue, but it does not solve the fact that Ragnarok does not natively support a simple feature.

We've had FoV adjustment in PC games for over two decades, not sure why game devs think they can skimp out on a very basic feature, especially when Ragnarok has so many accessibility options already built-in.
Додано 21 вересня 2024 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 28 вересня 2024 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
3.8 год. загалом (2.7 год на момент рецензування)
Probably one of the best "simulator" games out there. Game has elements of GTA, but also looks and feels a bit like HL2/Gmod RP.

Great little game!
Додано 15 вересня 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
63.2 год. загалом
Original Review April 25 2024
I genuinely love this game as it has a great overall theme, gameplay loop is solid, and if you even have one other friend to play with, Helldivers 2 is an enjoyable experience.

However...Arrowhead can't seem to focus on what is important. I understand content can make or break a game, but since launch the performance of the game has drastically gone down hill with every patch, new game breaking software issues come up with every patch(crashing, glitching out of terrain, can't reload, loadouts not being applied, etc.), and in a PvE game weapons are constantly being nerfed while others remain untouched(or are just broken and don't work).

I play games to have fun and unfortunately Arrowhead is actively fighting against this.

At full price at this current moment, I don't believe the game is worth picking up in its current state.

If you can get it for around $20 then it may be of value, or wait 6 months for Arrowhead to figure out how to make a game fun.

Updated Review Sept 28 2024
Hey look, it is 6 months later and Arrowhead finally realized they messed up!

Weapons feel a lot better after the recent balance patch, We can actually kill things now!

I am still not recommending this game as matchmaking as a whole is still terrible since launch. It takes forever to find a game, takes forever to load into a game, and once you complete a game it takes forever to load back onto your ship to then start this process all over! Oh and don't forget about everyone kicking you if you try to join their game!

If you have a squad to play with or intend to play solo, then pick this up when it is on sale, otherwise don't bother if you're looking for pub lobbies.
Додано 2 квітня 2024 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 28 вересня 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
23.7 год. загалом (10.3 год на момент рецензування)
Tons of UI and UX issues. Can't have an offline solo heist. Gun and mask customizations don't save at all, but then consumes money and paint with nothing to show for it.

What's the point in doing heists and gaining money if you can't buy and use stuff?

Glad I didn't pay full price for this, game is barely worth $10 or so in its current state.
Додано 21 січня 2024 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
5.6 год. загалом (1.4 год на момент рецензування)
Amazingly smooth retro style shooter.

The gunplay is basic, but satisfying and great for aim training.

There is some replayability for achievements, higher difficulties, and exploration. So, for $5 it may be a perfect pickup depending on what you want out of the game.

I finished the main game on 2nd highest difficulty in under 2 hours, so it is a very short game, but again, it is incredibly satisfying to play.
Додано 6 січня 2024 р..
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3.2 год. загалом
The game is fine, but the overall premise of mechanics either requires good communication or innate telepathy between teammates to setup attack and defensive positions.

Also, the game's UI is atrocious and the maps and gamemodes are bland and too few.

I think in a year or two this would be a solid game, just too early out of the oven in its current state.
Додано 22 грудня 2023 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
11.9 год. загалом (2.5 год на момент рецензування)
I'm a huge One Piece fan, started watching back in 2012 and am current in the Anime. So, may be a bit of a bias here!

I'm not far into the game, but the intro/tutorial seems to be 1-2 hours long. The game starts off as the Sunny(Strawhat's(the main pirate crew that Luffy(the main character) is the leader of) ship) becomes shipwrecked on a "mysterious island"(that is not part of the show whatsoever) and the crew is separated and then quickly finds each other, but then loses their powers(explained, don't want to give much away). The crew and game seems to be at the same point in the show as the Whole Cake Island Arc or just before it, in case anyone is curious about powers available.

The game performs well, however so far I have noticed there is no mouse sensitivity slider and the sensitivity is somehow tied to the framerate of the game? Also there is no FOV slider and you have to use a 3rd party tool(Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker) to give yourself access to the console(~) menu, and then do "fov XXX" to adjust the FOV, but that does change how cutscenes are shown(they will be zoomed out or in depending on your FOV adjustment). Not a huge deal, but does suck when you change FOV due to motion sickness/headaches.

I still need to play more, but first impressions are very positive on my side. I believe the overall story is solid so far and fits the theme of the show and the characters are all voiced correctly, are accurate to the show in their mannerisms, and the gameplay is solid as a turn-based RPG. I was able to get this for $20 USD, which I think is a solid price for this game, so far I wouldn't recommend this game if it is over $30 USD.
Додано 21 листопада 2023 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.6 год. загалом
Played this at launch with the $15 EA membership, just to see how the game was. Played for about two weeks before writing it off.

Saw that this has a free weekend (Oct 14 2023) and thought "Hey, maybe they changed what was wrong with the game before?"

But nope. The UI is even worse than it was at launch, classes aren't "classes" and nobody plays with classes in mind. The game is overridden with Battle Passes, Seasons, and cosmetics up the ass.

Even at $10 on sale right now, the game isn't worth it. This isn't a Battlefield game. Go spend your money on Battlefield 4 or Battlebit Remastered instead.
Додано 14 жовтня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 26
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
0.5 год. загалом
Was able to purchase this for under $10, but I believe this is a solid offering at the $15-$20 price point.

I loved Skate/Skate 2/Skate 3, so seeing this release gave me so much joy. However, even though I am enjoying my time so far with Session, it definitely does not play like Skate.

Skate was a good mix of 50% simulation and 50% arcade fun, while Session is more like 75% simulation and 25% arcade, if that makes sense.

If you're looking for something a bit more realistic, then Session is for you, but if you're looking for more of an arcade skate game then you may be disappointed.

Again, this is a solid game so far and I can see the potential, but after playing the Skate games for nearly 10 years it is very hard unlearning the controls from that game and learning the new controls for Session.

I didn't see any menu options to adjust controls, so even though I know this game isn't Skate, I would greatly appreciate being able to change the controls in Session around to mimic Skate's original control scheme. Just want the option to.
Додано 24 вересня 2023 р..
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