Michael Yanni   Seattle, Washington, United States
I play because I can.

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Jojoec 1/jun./2020 às 20:55 
Dooooooooo itttttttttttttttttt
Pretty 👧🏽 Marlowe ✿ 4/nov./2018 às 23:25 
Emotions are alien to me. I'm a scientist.
-- Spock, "This Side of Paradise", stardate 3417.3

There's nothing disgusting about it [the Companion]. It's just another
life form, that's all. You get used to those things.
-- McCoy, "Metamorphosis", stardate 3219.8
lily~ 15/jun./2017 às 7:09 
Wanna feel old? Portal Done Pro was made over 6 years ago!
Eggroll 28/mai./2017 às 14:19 
pls touch my smol pee pee
Cepel 22/mai./2016 às 10:25 
+rep nerd
coldeshka 15/ago./2015 às 6:32 
+rep good player!