Dalip Singh
Is this the big gay? He is big and he is gay. Also is small gay part of the conspiracy? He looks shift too.

One day I had mcdonalds for breakfast, chipotle for lunch, bdubs for dinner, and a minimum of ten draft beers. The next morning my bowels unleashed nuclear waste that would make Chernobyl radiation feel like a nice balmy summer morning. I would rather recall that turd, smear it all over my body, and lick my fingers clean than have any portion of my body come in contact with yours. I've seen divots on a golf course smaller than the cellulite craters on those Michelin men you call butt cheeks.
joctorhakim 17 Mar @ 12:31pm 
blame obama. blame him again
BigPapaHugeTime 16 Mar @ 1:50am 
RadicalAction 16 Mar @ 1:24am 
blame him again
RadicalAction 16 Mar @ 1:07am 
blame obama
BigPapaHugeTime 1 Mar @ 10:40pm 
who are you?
Sensu Bean 28 Feb @ 6:04pm 
boy dont you love to mash learn frames ♥♥♥♥♥♥