Squid   Florida, United States
Back again baby, now let's do this sh*t right this round
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185 Hours played
So with the new update, they seem to be making an effort to give us the game they had promised us, Keep it up NMS, I want to see what you are capable of!

This was my old review before the update:

"I got into the hype of this game and sorely dissapointed. I was one of the pre-order people, got my exclusive ship, stasrted on a radiated planet. The grind for zinc to live was utter crap. But, despite, I played on. After w while I finally fixed my ship, flew into space and beamed dinto another system. Excited, I landded on a planet, wasn't irradiated, but the atmosphere was thin, sp it drained my lifesupport fast. Loved the diversity in the harmful atmospheres.

got up to a 41 slot shipuntil I came accross a 48 slot on the planet, crashed (the grind to fix it sucked ass) then i found a nicer looking one (mine looked like a dildo) and had to grind yet again to fix it. Why cant we simply transfer the parts of the first ship to help the other?

all of the races seem at peace with each other, onyl hostile were the pirate, unknown what their race was, and friendly fire was greeted with death! I was rescuing a cargo ship and accidentally hit the ship, then they went after me, not the pirates! the pirates and the fleet were bombing on me, died. Done.

The Multi-tool!
best build was damage on the boltcaster, mining efficiency on the laser GRENADES ARE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ USELESS!
and i say this with a grain of salt. I clear through enemies with my multi-tool's boltcaster, but grenades can damage you.
slot cap is 24, you can't buyem, you have to upgrade and then regrind to rebuild your tool.

The Inventory Slots!
so you first upgrade is free, a free slot in your suit. cool!
Know algebra? here is the price formula a=10000x a being total money, x being number of upgrades after the first.
10000 bucks per upgrade, not entirely bad but its annoying to find these little drop pods that look like metatil avacados.
cap is 48 btw

Now, for one of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ things I hated about the game. for best efficiency in anything, shielding, damage, stamina, etc. you have to have them adjacent to another upgrade that is similar, for instance:
Damaging for a specific thing (photon cannon) must touch in any slot adjacent to another to get a "boost" so 4 shields side by side, gives u mor shielding than if you hadem in any order, this makes multitool and spaceship coordination annoying cause you must regrind the materials to rebuild perfectly good upgrades! Its bad enough I have to repair them or recharge them when I find them, now I have to scrap nearly my entire ship just so it can be the most "efficient" The game does not tell us this in the tutorial btw, if it did, I must've missedd the notice

This game has potential, not every planet shouldd be this identical, has tons of empty outposts, a trading post, a few scanners. ALL PLANETS HAVE THEM!

Planets with a city or 2, tribal staged biomes, Give me a damned caveman and I will battle him. Seriously, the oly things you battle on the ground are hostile sentinels and random creatures who are "frisky" by nature. Give me more of a challenge. I have torn through fleets of pirates and cargo ships. Im temptedd to try to destroy a space station I am so bored of the game.

The questline is interesting, you can ask to continue the path of Atlas, find a way closer to the center, or ask for an upgrade I already have.

Give. Me. A. Challenge!

this game is worth maybe 20 bucks, not 60, i want to keep the game cause of its potential, but I feel I got jipped, and many will agree with me on this game."

With the new form of survival and the base-keeping, This game is starting to turn around. keep up the grand work all!

NEW UPDATE! So I have built a base and havent built my lil land-rover but I am loving the newest additions to the game. Please Hello Games, keep up the excelent work!
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