Dagat Ahas
Kamandag   Philippines
Dagat Ahas meaning - Sea Snake & a reference to the FR3 Naval Fortress :aztecs_snake::vl_skull::deadskull::deathstrike::tisskull::nftd::aztecs_snake:
Thanks for the steam awards! much appreciated! :winter2019happydog:

Thanks to faelynaris for helping me out with the awesome pixel art snake/boxing gloves avatars:aztecs_snake::Boxing_glove:

To my friends: I would never be able to not rate and support your content whenever I see it. I always do what I can with the time that I can squeeze, so for the stuff that I may have missed, I apologize. Take care y'all and have a nice day as always!

Just a heads up, I also upload screenshots in numbers and never edited them as I treat em more of like my personal gaming journey but I took breaks in between(days or even more than a week) when uploading to avoid friends activity feed fatigue.

Scroll down profile page to my info box if u wanna know more info bout me. It's a lot of info, not like I love talking about meself but more about making future interactions & conversations easier and I like to write ( keeps my english skills on a decent level)
Yep this is also the same account "Lambo-San/ Pro-D-Ghie" used to play

:starite: I accept most friend invites as long as we have many mutual friends/things in common, active steam content provider or just finding fellow gamers in general. if not then please leave a comment on my profile, it helps especially lately where random scam accounts working together pop out often, lastly no private profiles please, thanks! :mhwhappy:

:starite: I rarely change steam name/background and I always use Snake & Boxing gloves as avatar (I have like 4 of them and I interchange em every now and then)

:starite: I can't trust anyone with a VAC/Trade Ban on their account

:notebook: I'm Old School so: I always prefer gameplay over graphics when it comes to games, I'm a traditional artist that use pencils or rarely acrylic paint. I'm always fair and I treat steam friends all the same regardless of gender, steam level,steam inventory worth & amount of games owned(except when it comes to trades- I will trust you base on your steam account value)

:dswilson: I spent a lot of my young life hustlin and grindin in the streets for survival and seeking thrills on different aspects of life so I apologize if my conversation skills might be off-putting at times due to my brazen personality, but Hardships in life has taught me to always treat people I meet with respect & politeness and thus I always value manners over everything.

"I walk a different path ~Captain Nemo"

:notebook: Nowadays I only trade for games that I want to play. Not looking for profit, just looking to save a little. It's not my style to shoot lowball offers, It will only seem to happen if I have no prior knowledge of the value of the goods I'm after. Also I don't prioritize many games in my wishlist and just added most for bookmark.

My SteamTrades Profile [www.steamtrades.com]

If I am offline feel free to send me a trade offer on the link below:


already sold almost all of my steam gifts and dota2/csgo cosmetics:tcry:
2x DC hook- sold to avenger197 and limurA
3x Timebreakers- sold

:chocola::bolt::riftlife::riftlife:LAMBO SAN!:riftlife::riftlife::bolt::vanilla:
Currently Offline
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Yo! Welcome to my Profile! Carpe Noctem
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they see me flutin they hatin ♪
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Dagat Ahas
87 80 2
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Life is a Game with Snakes on every Level
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Created by - Rude
155 ratings
Sorry friends,bit busy atm as I'm boxing again but I still try to be active on Steam always thanks!
This is a shared account of Dagat and Maria(Lambo) -inactive
:bbmushblue:Blizzard Battletag- Chameleon#12893
:Srainbow:Uplay/Origin- DagatAhas
:RewdButton: EpicGames- Dagat-Ahas

:notebook: If I added you randomly, It is because you have an awesome steam profile,we have the same gaming interests and having you on my friend list/community would be nice. Always lookin for fellow Achievement hunters and Gaming Enthusiasts that appreciates the beauty of games :)
:bolt: I often check out my friends contents: screenshots, reviews(especially reviews), etc. I try to rate and comment on em whenever I can :2018spacefox:

I'm pretty friendly (maybe too friendly) and polite but not ignorant so If you wanna talk or ask anything just drop a msg in chat even if I appear offline(might be invisible) and I'll respond ASAP

I like to review games and take screenshots :happyleon:
I like Horror, Point and click, Turned based strategy, City builder, RPG's and any game with an awesome storyline.

Front Mission 3 on ps1 will always be my favorite game of all time!

Chrono Trigger- Masterpiece RPG GOAT!
>Honorable mentions: Monster Rancher, Fatal Frame, Harvest moon, CastleVania SOTN, Chrono Cross, Tron Bonne, Team Buddies, Vanguard Bandits, Valkyrie Profile, FF8, Suikoden2, Threads of Fate, Hogs of War, Herc's adventures, Ape Escape, PoyPoy 2, Fencer Musashi, Wargames:Defcon 1, Metal Saga, Rival School, Yugi-oh forbidden memories/sacred cards, Parasite Eve, Silent hill & of course the old RE games.

South Park is one of the finest creations Human has ever made. :awoblackdiamond: Digimon forever!

:Boxing_glove: My Personal life has been thru a rollercoaster but the brief 2yrs that I spent competing as a Pro Boxer (8 bouts) is one of the things I'm really proud of.:boxing_glove_kao::Speed_Bag:

:GameDust_Neverout_Chat: I always am honest and also an entertainer by heart so I do like to share stories and even joke around but always in the nature of making people aware It was all in good fun. I am a well opinionated person but I also don't like offending people( at least online) so I'd rather keep things for myself than to rile up other people just for the sake of own ego.

And yes I mostly read information you put on your profile or if there isn't, I just read some of your reviews as its easier and basically gives me a grasp and understanding of yourself :smile:

Generally, I respect almost everyone regardless of your beliefs or where you came from. Well except for "Condescending" people, those I cannot stand! People with superiority complex with no rep often gets pummeled in the world I grew up in.

I HATE TRENDS! honestly, it ain't in my definition of cool. I'm sort of a minimalist, Anything that is trending whether it be games or movies or anything also has a decent /higher chance of being lame or unecessary so rule of the thumb is to just avoid them most of the time. Let the silt settle for a while for a quality experience.

I am competitive in nature so when it comes to multiplayer games, I always only play in "Ranked" games if it's available, great test and exercise too for maintaining mental fitness.

A bad habit of mine when it comes to gaming is- the more I like a game, the more I tend not to finish it right away and leave it at like 80% and by the time I come back to playing it again, I'm already lost on the game mechanics and of course stockpiling games until they are antiques XD

I will unfriend/block anyone if they are sending suspicious links, being so toxic & annoying or really inactive. I might remove someone mistakenly especially if you change your name often, please add me again if it happens, thanks! I don't care if you unfriend me but I may not accept any request again unless it's a mistake, your account got hacked or we just became steam friends due to trades.

I never use any cheat(hacks) to play video games, It's stupid and pitiful :c: I'm not against exploits tho as long as it doesn't affect other players gameplay and compromise game integrity.


For people asking about dota2 item trades, Im done trading. Miss my DC hooks though but here is a tribute of my awesome Dragonclaw :)>>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p7Au2V-gKI

Artwork Showcase
My Chester Bennington drawing back in 2012
58 48 2
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Review Showcase
I went out around 2 AM to go to 7-Eleven and get meself some snacks & stuff when suddenly a hobo appeared from a nearby waiting shed and blocked my path while asking me for a minute of my time. With my vast knowledge and experience of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, I began to analyze the situation and put my skills to the test! I kept my distance, carefully circled back to scout & sneak behind the shed and it's just as I expected! I saw a group of crackheads crouching and ready to jump me at a moment's notice! I whistled as hard as I can to summon my Horse, Gonzalo Rodrigo! I mounted ma horse via somersault and ran down those crackheads! It was a no-brainer! They never stood a chance, especially when I came ready equipped with a Halberd(Mod)

You start off the journey controlling our protagonist that looks like a fusion of young Bjorn from Vikings and Schoolboy from Rambo 4.
You go here and there and get non essential tasks done to get familiar with the game and learn more about our hero in the process. We see him using his charms on some gal working at the tavern to score some free beer and he makes sure to collect debts to help the family as well. He also gets triggered when he hears political propaganda crap being spread around and he even checks out the behind of the daughter of his dad's client! mad lad!

We've established that our hero doesn't shy away from adversity nor chicks! We got a sniff of what smells like a glorious adventure!

And now that we are done with the preamble, here comes the best aspect of the game!~

The game already laid out a good start for us! but Ultimately, It's up to us plebs to "Shape our Destiny" just like the quote from Brave Heart ~ Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.

* Be a good boi Henry, A young man of Virtue traveling the path of righteousness towards liberation or maybe just be a medieval redneck to enjoy the countryside view and hunt some wabbits.

* Go from Rags to Riches and capture absolute glory by giving no quarter! but pay no heed and you could end up spiraling down the path of a tyrant, imbued in violence and revenge.

* Lose conviction and be viewed by the enemy as weak! You see your character lameness meter go up and end up a wimp, just like when Stan from south park almost turned into a ♥♥♥♥♥ for refusing to eat meat.

* Play the politics game and be a pompous noble or maybe a standard Felon that lie, cheats and steal or maybe just lay waste on everyone and everything around you! In the end, It really is up to you my lord.


Most things are done manually/realistically and it contributes on how the game is one of the best when it comes to role playing, and immersion. Well maybe they went too much with the manual features for gameplay but there is nothing mod's can't improve in this day and age. I recommend playing the game mod free or with as few mods as possible in your first playthrough tho, The game is already very very good as it is!

The Combat system is somewhat hectic and needs getting used to. I understand why many players would be dismayed by it, especially in situations against multiple opponents where you just feel like a slab of cheese gettin pushed into a grater. Worst mistake I've done is unknowingly skipped the last sword tutorial part with the knight guy and spent like a third of the game unable to do a "Master Strike" before realizing why I'm unable to. Combat can be quite satisfying tho once you get over the hurdle.

The Storyline might be the most historically accurate compared to any other video game, so yeah! it feels like you go back in time often and wonder how lives really were around that time period.

Lastly are the Random Events, They are great! Sort of Trials that perfectly fit the early parts of the game or it can just be friendly interactions but it's up to you to figure out which is which. My first harsh Lesson - First time that I got ambushed, I was unaware of these events. I approached a dude saying he wants something by a crossroad so I come near him, then suddenly a group of hoodlums sprout out of the bush and trees nearby! I tried to fight at first but got overwhelmed real fast! I got hacked at countless times until they sent me crawling down the river like Leonardo de Caprio in the Revenant! Bled out, Rekt! No Mercy!

9.5 out of 10

Every man dies, not every man truly lives
~ William Wallace from Braveheart
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101 hrs on record
last played on 20 Mar
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last played on 18 Mar
100 hrs on record
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Jurasim 2 hours ago 
Korsted 4 hours ago 
good advice today

Being happy is like peeing your pants
for example, I haven't done that since I was eight years old!
!melmerel 6 hours ago 
QueeN 8 hours ago 
   :justaflower::flower_button::sflower:         :sflower::flower_button::justaflower:
:flower_button:   :ns_blue::ns_blue::flower_button:   :flower_button::ns_blue::ns_blue:   :flower_button:
:sflower::ns_blue:      :ns_blue::justaflower::ns_blue:      :ns_blue::sflower:
:flower_button::ns_blue:   :junoHi:   :ns_blue:   :junoLove2:   :ns_blue::flower_button:
   :justaflower::ns_blue:               :ns_blue::justaflower:
      :flower_button::ns_blue:   :doodlelove:   :ns_blue::flower_button:
         :sflower::ns_blue:   :ns_blue::sflower:
xBuizz 22 hours ago 