Dee Arr Kong or somthing like that
"nature will take over man and machine" - some computer from a dream i had years ago
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Wahsteinious 10 Mar @ 7:20pm 
the real fred fast bear
el 10 Mar @ 6:40pm 
Made in China 9 Mar @ 9:50pm 
That's kind of my reasoning for being 30-40k SM at the lowest, since Agape Ring makes these builds possible (+access to upgraded weapons from the DLCs for anti-twink).
Since you're interested in PvP, feel free to hit me up if ever want to do some fights - low level or otherwise.
Dee 9 Mar @ 9:43pm 
id never use max level weapons on people in the starting areas at the starting soul memory, thats pretty boring, and if i did id only do it as long as I could get the weapons myself which already would limit how low my soul memory could be since id have to kill like 3-4 bosses.
Made in China 9 Mar @ 9:38pm 
GGs then, glad you're doing it the honest way and not just nuking newcomers with +10 weapons
Dee 9 Mar @ 9:35pm 
lmao you posted that comment right as I posted mine so you didnt see that i did, in fact, get sin from invading :P