Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
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Also if you're weird read below,

People, characters or stories by the 'list' of names below that, you could say, helped mold me as a person:

Harlan Ellison --- American writer --- (1934 – 2018)

"Most fiction says you may or may not be alive tomorrow; science fiction talks often about the future."
Queen --- English Rock Band --- (1971-1991)

"When I'm dead, I want to be remembered as a musician of some worth and substance."
Freddie Mercury

"Arguments are healthy. They clear the air."
John Deacon

"Once a musician, always a musician."
Roger Taylor

>Mike Grose

>Would write more here but there's a character limit (heh get it, characters)

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Before I hear people say the classic "Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim is better" debate here, my first Elder Scrolls game was Oblivion. Now stating that, I have beaten Oblivion and Skyrim to completion before playing Morrowind so there is no nostalgia harking back to when this game was released for this reviewer.

With that being said, Morrowind is the best gem Bethesda has ever and will make to date. A game that you can get lost in, figuratively and in a general sense as well. When I start a new character I build a history around the race and gender of the character I am making. If that's an Orc Zerker that lost his home to the empire after being a prisoner for over fifty years or a High-Elf lesser-noble came to Morrowind to prove themselves and earn enough gold to come back as the wealthiest and most powerful house in the Imperial City next to the Emperor himself.

A solid game worth playing today, recommended on every platform from someone that enjoys a great story, an alien and beautiful world, the play styles with melee and magic are fantastic and you have to earn how you swing that weapon or cast that healing spell that will save your life through practice or make sure you have the stamana to lift your arm to hit something and cast that spell needed (or learn to use the console commands). Highly detailed and has a high replay value for such an old game.

Below I will talk about modding and my opinion of Todd Howard's ethics of making video games, read more if you dare or care too, if you aren't willing to read below that is fine, this is the end of the review.



There are plenty of mods on Nexus that I have used over the years for graphical settings and a bigger world to be immersed in. I enjoyed my time with Tamriel Rebuilt and Morrowind Rebirth. Before moving forward about Todd, I wish to add something about the community that make these mods, back in the day some companies were okay with fans of there games to make mods while most sued their fans for copyright abuse.

Bethesda didn't and was praised for this by their fans at the time. Which overall if we look at the gaming industry, that was a smart move. Though I don't like how today's Bethesda relies on them to fix their games even if they are doing it out of the love for the video game. Bethesda needs to learn to fix there games the time when they release them. But overall about modding, I have given money to some of these hard working people that make these mods and if you use them yourself for long periods of time, I would ask you to do the same. There are guides out there how to install mods. I wish you luck on installing them.

Now for the real reason I asked others that just wanted to see a review to not look at this is Todd Howard's opinion on game development. Which is that video games should allow everyone at anytime, be able to pick up and play any Bethesda game and have a fun time with it. I agree with this outlook on video games in general, what I don't agree is that every Elder Scrolls game after Morrowind doesn't feel like I'm in a RPG that gives a flying ♥♥♥♥ about its world building. For example, interacting with NPCs that know anything useful, I enjoy to learn about the world from these NPCs, how they live, by what they wear I know if this is a noble, peasent, warrior/threat and so on.

I enjoy the plot that they provide in Morrowind. Though when you take out these important events, characters and conversations that Oblivion as well as Skyrim does, the player character SHOULD be there or the very least a huge part of it. Its ether we just missed the conversation to an important event, missed the event entirely or just got there in the nick of time to hear a one liner or two. Let alone having NPCs ask questions on how you built a specific character and have conversations that can lead you into world shaking quests that have nothing to do with the main quest but can affect them in huge ways that are meaningful TO YOU and your playstyle!

I have played what was the best in my eyes to what Bethesda has provided us, I don't think they will ever change their outlook to have a rich RPG-based world again that isn't reliant on GURPS. When I think Elder Scrolls, I shouldn't think "Its for the casual gamer" though, this is an opinion from someone that enjoys ADnD as well. I hope this review gave some outlook for you and I welcome you to comment. Thanks for reading, have a swell day.
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CidDaBird 19 Jan @ 10:00am 
You know, we all have self doubt sometimes
Fattest_Llama 13 Jan @ 4:39pm 
Should've believed in the jumping no scope smh
CidDaBird 24 Jun, 2024 @ 10:57am 
Next week will be a new chapter of my life, everyone that I'm friends with now. I won't forget.
CidDaBird 12 Mar, 2024 @ 7:00pm 
Akira Toriyama, you will be missed.
CidDaBird 4 Sep, 2023 @ 9:36am 
Rip Steve Harwell, Shrek would of never been the same without you
Soda☦ 25 Aug, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
+rep nice player