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233 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
27 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 440.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 19.8 saat)
Do you like grinding for 3%-6% drop chances? Do you like combat that feels "floaty" and your early game is nothing but others clearing all the content / bosses for you in an instant? Like to stare at walls for 2 hours repeating the same mini-game only to get nothing for it? Like to play a character only to realize in group content your character is useless? Like dodging that feels like you're stuck on a rail as soon as you hit roll? Like jumps that reach no height and grappling hook mechanic that feels like it was made for a game in the early 2000's? Like gunplay? Well 90% of the guns are ignored in this game and only a handful are used. Hope you like using the same gun everyone else is using and chasing meta. Only 3 characters are valued and played end game so I hope you don't like playing / creating unique characters or builds. People will literally leave group content if you're not a meta character. In dungeons and other content you can't even shoot enemies because a Bunny character clears all content before you even reach the enemy. Hope you also like drip fed content.

This is an MMOSG without the massive part and SG standing for shooter grinder. You grind endlessly for minimal power increases while being toyed by the cash shop short cuts all along the way. The cash shop contains in game currency, shards, mods, 30% boosts to all drops and characters that would take you 100's of hours to grind. All with the power of the credit card. The most vocal defender of this game is usually the credit card warrior. Even catalysts and energy activators can just be bought with real money while their material drops are 6% and 20% and take 38 hours and 8 hours to make. This game is 100% pay to win.

Thing is though I love and can endure massive grind. However in this game I found myself dozing off in the middle of a dungeon run because of how dull the combat is. I would sometimes just have to stop playing for the night because I feel so tired running in place. At the time I made my first negative review I was only less than 20 hours in and I spent another 380 hours and I can tell you the gameplay doesn't change at all the more you play. You are just farming more characters in pretty gold rimmed skins. You chase the meta characters for bossing and farming, so you can make them as fast as possible. The stronger you become the more same content you continue to repeat. The only thing that changes with more grind is the numbers on your screen and the enemies that absorb said numbers. Their newest hardest difficulty boss ramped up boss damage so hard that no amount of defense protected you from getting one shot. This is all telling that the developers have no idea how to balance a game when defense feels useless and only 3 characters are played end game.

I don't enjoy this kind of gameplay loop and I gotta warn others like me who are on the fence about this game that perhaps they'll give it a go. You'll spend hundreds of hours repeating the same things just to brute force a drop. I've done the same in games like Monster Hunter, but the combat in those games is invigorating, challenging and full of variety and excitement of pulling something amazing off. The warning is also for addictive gambling. This game can get you hooked just like those phone games by making you feel like you have to return every X amount of hours to put a new research going or to do a season challenges because they are all time gated. If you don't you get that awful feeling of missing out and that you've wasted all your hours playing if you don't keep playing. Truth is the more you play the more of your time you're wasting in this game that has already lost a sizeable amount of it's players.

How does the game change from normal to hard?

The only thing that changes from normal mode to hard mode is 3% drop chances become 6%, but you can do hard mode private dungeon runs (most can't do these without heavy investment or meta character Bunny) to try and get another 20% chance drop after a long run to increase that 6% into 12%. Ultimately it doesn't change the grind at all and makes it even more about gambling. Hard mode dungeons start off difficult but if you make an Ultimate Bunny and deck them in a good reactor and trans module, she can solo all of the hard dungeons and you can do this in private and earn double amps. Soon they will make this more of a group thing but I can guarantee you that you will still only play Bunny in these dungeons because they will rush ahead of you, kill everything and you'll be walking behind them trying to catch up.

If you unlock the best weapon and character(s) does the gameplay change?

Nope. The best grinds in this game are where people are literally running in circles like a bunch of gerbils stuck in a wheel. As Bunnies of course. Void Reactor / Shard farming is literally sitting in one spot all the time staring at a wall for a timer to run out, and doing dungeon runs is insanely boring because the only character that does them in a timely manner is Bunny. The game changes if you use another buffed up character that isn't meta, but eventually you just feel cheated because you've been forced to the side lines, to play alone / solo, because you aren't a Bunny.

Is hard mode.... Hard?

The game doesn't change much from normal as long as you stack 30k to 50k DEF and have 6-10k HP you're safely surviving most content in hard mode and the game stays exactly the same it did in normal. Grinding the necessary items for that kind of defense and health takes a day of your time at best. It's only a few cheap bosses with multishot mechanics that still one shot you and the last group bosses that also require an investment in a weapon or a meta character (Lepic or Gley for damage). Otherwise you will not clear them.

Holy crap well... Did you like anything about the game?

The only thing as a Monster Hunter player I enjoyed in the beginning were the boss fights as an Ajax character who focused on helping the team with shields. That was until I realized there's 2 characters that cheese almost all boss fights and the fun stopped quickly because I didn't have said cheese character at first. I stopped playing the character I liked and focused on making a meta character only to find out it wasn't satisfying at all. I went from being a game where I used my gun, attacked weak spots, avoided damage, helped team mates up to... hit 2 buttons, roll and hold my fire. I still continued to try and make my Ajax better and better, but no matter what I upgraded I couldn't become a DPS character because the end game Gluttony boss ONE-SHOT me despite having over 50,000 points (HP + Shield) and 40,000 defense. All because the developers will never balance characters and will just ramp up the monsters meaning you are forced to just play meta characters forever.

Anything else that's good?

The music is great. Graphics are a bit overdone tech vibe but still beautiful. Enemy variety is there but a Bunny can just sprint past 90% of the enemies and kill them so variety makes no difference and doesn't matter at all. I actually like the bodacious bodies of the women and their sexual outfits. I'm glad to see this on the gaming market making an apprearance as the western gaming market is filled with women that look like men and men that act like morons. Also this game has zero woke garbage or current day American politics, which is a welcome change not to have to hear the liberal American left inflitrating into the gaming athmosphere to push some political agenda.
Yayınlanma 17 Temmuz. Son düzenlenme 23 Ağustos.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 7,109.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 6,453.3 saat)
It's OK.
Yayınlanma 29 Ocak.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 78.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 18.7 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
After hearing the games success and seeing what it looked like I was pretty sure this was another meme game with no real depth to it. Didn't help that the game is in early access and that usually can be a red flag. To my surprise there's an actual game here with progression that goes quite far. It is a meme, I mean there's a Totoro crossbred with a Raichu on the cover holding a gatlin' gun, but if you get past the strange there's a game under it all. It looks good and best yet performs really well. Seeing the game garner so much success means it's a community loved game which means it will receive lost of community love in form of mods in the future.

This all comes from someone who isn't a Pokemon fan at all and only watched the cartoon a little as a kid. I still enjoy this game and after barely reaching level 30 I have a lot to discover. For automation fans who like games like Factorio or Dwarf fortress I wouldn't call this a simulation or automation type of game. Those elements are in here and you can fine tune them for sure, but it's mostly all about squeezing the most out of your little critters by capturing a lot, breeding them and combining them to make mega beings. Which all takes time and strategy for sure.

I haven't tried the online aspect yet because I can't. The game won't load the map. I can't talk about what multiplayer will be like. The game takes a lot of notes from Ark and it doesn't hide it. It's like a weird mixture of styles and genres. What if Zelda, Pokemon and Ark had a baby? This is what it would look like.
Yayınlanma 24 Ocak.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 798.3 saat
The game has had a good run. It managed to be a fresh take on the battle royal market by being an actual first person shooter with a movement system that took skill. The graphics were vibrant and it had interesting characters.

Not anymore.

It's not a secret that the developers of the game pandered to the woke crowd from the start. They introduced characters that broke the norms, were gay just because or ethnically mixed. It had a specific liberal angle that it wanted to push on its' players.

Then why does the inclusion of Catalyst bother people? Well so far you could just think that the inclusion of all these woke aspects was ironic. Because it's a death match. All of the characters are crazy. They are murderers after all. They fight for some reason, sure, but they kill others to get there so human life holds little value to them. This gave the game a dark twist. At the end of it all, they are all crazy. None of them are heroes at all. However, since the inclusion of Catalyst, a transsexual male to female character, they also removed ALL gendered voice lines from the game. They went back on a design aspect.

Political and gender role talk aside, the game hasn't progressed at all. It is stagnant and I kept encountering cheaters left and right. If you're someone who plays alone this game can be a nightmare to play. Not to mention I have to share servers with Russians, who scream at the top of their lungs all kinds of nasty. When I suggested we could be able to block playing with them, the topic was removed from the discussion forum.

Skins are boring. It's not fun opening loot boxes. You just get "red skin" or "crappy camo skin" out of them. Even if you unlock good skins, it's just not fun at all. Some skins also blend characters too well into the backgrounds and you can't force models to look default. Some gun skins even make aiming down the sights much easier (by making the gun look smaller = more vision).

So in short, this is a very woke game that took the woke aspect too far. It has tested my patience and the patience of others and I think many are leaving it finally behind. It's hard to play a game that literally lectures you on how your world view should be through voice lines and character design. I'm just so tired of it that I had to pop in and write this review in one go.

I hope the woke you so cater to will fill the void of the actual players who quit the game. You can always cry on Twitter about it, that it's the players fault, not yours.
Yayınlanma 1 Şubat 2023. Son düzenlenme 1 Şubat 2023.
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11 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 714.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 77.9 saat)
The game feels very unfinished with missing content and maps feeling like they are on constant repeat. You will feel like you're doing the same map over and over again, just from different paths. Literally.

The difficulty spike from ranks 3 to 4 is a huge leap and rank 5 is nearly impossible. Sometimes the game will just throw groups at you that will one shot everyone. Sometimes poor server performance and constant crashes will frustrate you, as the game will take loading up multiple minutes even on a fast NVMe SSD like mine. What makes it worse is that if your team finishes the mission while you crash, you get nothing. If you're carrying an item and crash, the bot that replaces you will drop the item and it will most likely get lost forever.

What you get from the missions is usually just a currency that after a certain point will become useless. You have to rely on random drops from after missions or from a store that cycles. It's tedious. People are bad online too, but it isn't their fault because the difficulty spike between missions.

There are very few builds for classes. Usually one or two will trump the rest. Trying anything else will be pointless.

The classes themselves take forever to level up. 2 days of 24 hours grind might get you to max. However most perks seem rather useless and again only a few seem to be useful.

Ogres as a class seem rather underused because their defensive shield is very troublesome or pointless to use. You rather have a damage dealer than someone who just stands there holding a button. You can't draw agro to you with skills anyway so it's rather pointless to try and play a tank. Also no matter what you do you will be one shot just like everyone else on the hardest difficulty.

The game is beautiful and has good fun gunplay and satisfying monster killing. It's addictive but right now I can't recommend this to anyone. It's not a full priced game, but without paying full price you will look like a cheap player even after paying for the game because the in-game skins are very lack luster and there's nothing you can "grind" to look more like a dedicated player.

The carrot is not on a good stick in this game.
Yayınlanma 13 Aralık 2022.
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10 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 39.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 31.8 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Brief early access review

The good

The game's most positive aspects lie in presentation, music and how well the colony runs, once setup properly. You'll be met with a steady stream of challenges depending on what starting conditions and map you choose. Some more harsh than others. Some just as casual as can be. If you find fertile forests to be too easy then try arid deserts for a change.

The enemies / challenges

Your main enemies are disease, famine, wild life and raiders. You can equip your colony with soap, do proper crop rotation with crops that fit the climate you are in, hunt and forage, send all colonists to group attack a raging bear and even eventually equip your peasants with plate armor and crossbows with tall stone guard towers to shoot from. All you can craft and do yourself, provided you have the know-how on how to get there.

Slow burn

One of the biggest draws for me in this game is that you cannot rush certain steps. Your people aren't ants. They are people. Their basic needs must be met and distance from where they work and where they sleep becomes a challenging aspect of mid to late game management. You're constantly trying to grow enough food and store it for the longer haul. Growth comes with a heavy price and to ensure your town can grow you have to make your village desireable and that means making the place beautiful.

No diplomacy, religion or politics

Sadly the one area I find the game lacking so far is any form of diplomacy or politics. There is no religion to speak of either. I would say the people in this game are European hunter / gatherers, perhaps even Finnish in origin, since they don't seem to engage in diplomacy with neighbours at all and simply focus on their own colony.

No skills, personality or growth of character

Another missed opportunity is that your citizens could have skills of their own. A carpenter working on wood would, suffice to say, become good at his job. Sadly this doesn't happen at all. You don't even control where individuals go to work. In this way they kind of resemble ants because you can easily replace a person with another. When raids happen it doesn't matter if you lose a hunter or a guard: just replace them with fresh ones.

People age, but it doesn't affect them other than the eventual death by old age. Eventually small outbursts of disease and death stop being meaningful because as long as your villages is desireable, has food and entertainment, people can be replaced.

This means that people lack character. I suppose hoping for dwarf fortress level of personality out of your villagers is asking too much, but I really was hoping there would be something. When raiders push through your defenses and kill a skilled blacksmith you should feel it. Or when the captain of the guard dies it leaves you vulnerable for a while, because you lost one of your best fighters.


There is an education level, but it's kind of meaningless. As long as you accept immigrants eventually you get 1 person who is educated and then you build a school and people will slowly get educated and that's it. Nothing else to it. Stops there... yep. Needless to say it feels like an unfinished aspect of the game so far.

No brick roads / trains or machine technology

You eventually can build cobblestone roads and luxurious looking opera halls that almost beg to be accompanied by 1800 century trains and people in top hats, but sadly you can't advance to a stage that far. It feels like perhaps that is to come in the future, but maybe I'm getting my timelines wrong. Still, there's no steam engines or an industrial advancement. You can't get that far in this game.


They become bigger and bigger as the time goes on and enemies become stronger each raid. However I found that after having 10% of my population in service was almost always enough to counter any kind of raid and I never really faced much of a challenge.


I have an i9 9900k CPU and a RTX 2080. The game is choppy when you have a big village and especially once you load it in the game will struggle to keep up with you moving around. However after 5 minutes of looking at everything I think the game runs at a 40-60 fps for me, but it should run better. I believe performance is something they will improve on given time and you can always reduce the settings to meet your standards of frames. Still, wish it was smoother. Total War games run at 120 FPS on my system but this game struggles. It says something.

Closing words

I wrote this review in 30 minutes so don't expect much in depth here. I would love to open up about the small things that I like, like how warehouses fill slowly up with stuff you put into them. The music is amazing and I think this is a fun game for a sim city fan or cities skylines fan. Even banished fans will like this. I would say this is more polished than banished and more fun. Maybe I'm just a fan since this makes me feel like I'm playing my own peoples historical survival simulator.

However safely I can recommend the game. It's not that expensive and I bought the game only after seeing 10 minutes of gameplay. Games like this are relaxing to play on cold snowy Saturday mornings in the coming winters.
Yayınlanma 4 Eylül 2022.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 303.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 141.8 saat)
Simply put it's a must have DLC for the base game. Master rank, formerly known as G-rank, is where the true game begins. I've yet to rush to the end game content and have taken my time hunting and trying out the lance and gunlance. The new switch skills leave a lot to be desired for these two weapons and some skills just aren't even worth using. This will depend on your playstyle of course.

I can't talk about end game but mid-game content is plentiful and the challenge is there, especially if you're a solo hunter like me. Online you either find 2 types of parties: one that stomps the creature to the ground without it getting any chance of retaliation or a party where the longsword users take turns carting to big moves.

All in all a solid expansion, but it's way too early to give it a final score until I can farm the end game content which will come out in parts.
Yayınlanma 9 Temmuz 2022.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 7.6 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
To put it mildly: The game is very slow and the combat feels unresponsive. The monsters and AI have pathing issues and often act in a way that forces you to abuse it. The resource gathering is slow and boring. There isn't much to craft in terms of gear. Getting started takes forever and it can depend greatly on what kind of world you spawn for yourself. The first boss is lack luster and boring to fight because you literally have no arsenal of moves, skills or anything. Just left click and move out of the way and that's it.

I have no idea why this game is popular. The only good things about it are the graphics, the style it represents and the building system. Don't get me wrong the building is slow and tedious but it enables you to make a lot of cool looking buildings. However there's no reason to do so. Only function of a pretty building is if you can show it off to your friend or server, so if you play alone and farming trees for 40 minutes and then building a castle for the next 2 hours isn't your thing then turn away.

I'll admit I didn't get past the black forest but the progress path is so clear and uninspired there's no reason to. So many games have done this. You farm and gather in one zone, build the best you can get and then move to the next zone and repeat until you reach the final one. There's no cool gadgets or skills to unlock in between zones. For example you can't glide or tame a horse to travel faster. There's no NPC's to interact with to trade and sell. There's no interesting armor to make in the beginning and making them is tedious as hell.

In short: Boring, slow and uninspired.
Yayınlanma 5 Haziran 2022.
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22 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
Oblivion's sound track set a whole new stage for video game music. Much like Morrowind the music vastly sets the stage. A lot of the time in the video game industry emphasis on graphics and gameplay take center stage and rightly so, they are video games. Sometimes however you have a game with such an incredible sound track it just stays with you for life. I think Oblivion's OST is one of those. It really brings life the world of Cyrodill and breathes the sense of epic adventure, calm lands and fantasy. You can feel it and music is one of those things you can easily bring with you anywhere. You can't play Oblivion on a hiking trip to the mountains, but you sure as hell can listen to Peace at Akatosh and it instantly transfers your thoughts to those glorious moments you spent in the game.

Music is an instant teleportation to times long past. Replaying a game isn't the same, because you know the outcome and you know what is behind all the corners in the dungeons and what the stories of the towns and dungeons are. It's simply not the same. However when you listen to the music it brings back the exact feeling you had when you first played the game with innocent eyes full of wonder and excitement.
Yayınlanma 30 Kasım 2020.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 1,164.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,164.1 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Edit in 2024:

What once was a great place to meet people and make new connections, have fun random moments (mostly during COVID years where everyone was trapped indoors) has now turned into a kindergarten full of nothing but restless kids and stupid teenagers, shouting over one another. In the mix of it all there are all forms of online predators (furry, e-boy etc.) and freaks of nature outdoing each other in more and more vile ways. The lead developer hosting mental wellness meetups for only one group of people, his own, has gone full censorship mode and bans anyone who considers these creepy and possibly harmful for a platform that mostly hosts children.

This game is 100% 18+ as almost every avatar you see is sexualized.

Still in the midst of everything you might find few good conversations but mostly feels like VRChat is a lost cause. Most adults stick to private groups and worlds and you can't meet people to have fun conversations with without having to crawl through endless rooms of unsupervised children just isn't worth it in my opinion. Age racism is also very common among the kids, which I approve since it might keep them a little more safe from creeps.

Here's the old review made long ago:

Good fun for social interactions and immersing yourself in a social environment. At least until it dies, which might happen. If you're reading this in the far future and the game worlds don't have hundreds of people in them, or they do and they are all private, look around for another VR social game. Right now there are many being developed and who knows if they'll win the market over. However VRChat has the most people in it and caters to almost everyone. It's a good place to just sit back and chat or to joke around and get yelled at by kids and trolls. The game runs like absolute ♥♥♥♥ due to people making avatars with crappy performance. You can't get this game to run well on a VR headset due to this fact. Don't even bother. It will never be fixed either as the developers seem to work at a snails pace, but then again the game is free and there's no monetization in place so I can't blame them.
Yayınlanma 13 Kasım 2020. Son düzenlenme 12 Ekim.
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