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0.1 hrs last two weeks / 179.5 hrs on record (18.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 1 Oct, 2023 @ 7:51am
Updated: 8 Oct, 2023 @ 10:54pm

Note: I've done a 60h playthrough on a pirated copy at launch before getting it on Steam.

I'd say this is borderline not recommended just because it's not for everyone. The strong suits of KC:D are the writing and the immersiveness but the combat is ungodly levels of unappealing. You get used to it after a while but at no point will anyone with a sane mind say it's anything short of bad. The saving system is kinda weird and will be sure to make you either stop playing (temporarily or not) or download mods to save at will. The stealth system isn't always reliable and you're kinda clueless as to when you're seen or not, sometimes NPC's will even see you commit a crime through walls. Aside from those major gripes, it's a cool game. The immersion/RP possibilities (i.e.: feeling like you're living in medieval times) is sublime, the dialogue and side-stories are rich, the skills/stats are fun to progress, the weather is well-done and the views you can see in some parts of the map are just breathtakingly immersive. I also love the zero-to-hero approach they took, you can sorta feel Henry get smarter and stronger as you level up. I'd say a mix of the niche genre and the combat is what stopped this game from being a cult classic, with most people having sadly forgotten about this game less than 12 months after its release.
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