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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.0 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 9 Feb, 2015 @ 3:59pm
Updated: 28 May, 2015 @ 1:47pm

TL;DR The problems in the couple of first days post-release absolutely killed any chance this game had from the get-go. HIT is still a fun game though and very similar to Murder from Garry's Mod. (5 people atleast to be fun)

The server problem seems to be resolved so I could finally play and it was fun! The game recommends 5 people minimum and it really is the minimum amount of people needed to make it fun, so try and wait until you can get atleat 5. Theres no chat in game so there's a real psychological effect on how you play. The spy lady is kinda strong though with her ability its easy to win. It's kind of like TTT in GMod mixed with the ship another mod (this one I havent tried). Recommended for sure if you have 3-4 friends to play with and wanna have some casual fun.

EDIT 3: I am officially downvoting the game until further progress is made regarding servers. I spend more than 10 mins at a time waiting in lobby for people to join, and if im lucky I get 1-2 people. I've never been able to join games, nor do I even see some (this is almost 3 days after launch). My review WILL change once the servers are sorted out. The concept is quite interresting.

Looks very fun from what i've tried out all by myself while servers are getting setup. Awesome concept!

EDIT: To all people downvoting the game and my review, why don't you just give them some time to get the servers setup? The game has some fun gameplay elements and it would be a shame to downvote a game to oblivion before anyone has actually played a match. This isn't a bigtime company, give them a chance.

EDIT 2: I can't really recommend the game until servers can get up (this is not final as I like how the game plays). It's been 2 days and servers are still dead. I've played one game with 2 other people randomly, but It gets kinda boring when you don't have the recommended 5-6 players to spice it up. Hopefully they're really working on it.

EDIT 3: I am officially downvoting the game until further progress is made regarding servers. I spend more than 10 mins at a time waiting in lobby for people to join, and if im lucky I get 1-2 people. I've never been able to join games, nor do I even see some (this is almost 3 days after launch). My review WILL change once the servers are sorted out. The concept is quite interresting.
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