🔥 悪夢 Zitherwoe's Echo
Absolute Evil   Rize, Turkey
Links to websites linked to the steam profile:
✔️ Social Club profile [socialclub.rockstargames.com]
✔️ Current FACEIT profile [www.faceit.com]

Someone who isn't at peace with himself won't be able to concentrate on the task.
He's impatient, quick-tempered. He is easily caught off guard.
The man who is in harmony with himself thinks clearly and acts quickly.
He is ready for victory. He is ready... for development.

Тот, кто не в ладах с самим собой, не сможет сконцентрироваться на цели.
Он нетерпелив, вспыльчив. Его легко застать врасплох.
Человек, который находится в гармонии с самим собой, мыслит ясно и действует быстро.
Он готов к победе. Он готов... к развитию.
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1,263 hrs on record
last played on 30 Nov
75 hrs on record
last played on 29 Nov
39 hrs on record
last played on 3 Nov
🔥 悪夢 Zitherwoe's Echo 8 Nov, 2023 @ 2:52pm 
Left unsaid :>