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282.5 timer totalt (277.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
7 Years ago (2015):

I played this game a little bit on PS4 first, just cause I had the Collectors Edition with the Pipboy in it.
Anyway, I also bought this PC version and played it a lot.

I really like the setting etc., but still my personal favorite is and was Fallout 3.
Cause I really loved the beginning of it.
FO4 also has a nice start but nothing beats FO3 on that.

I'm a completer, means before I even touch a new Main quest I try and do every single possible side quest.
This is how I always play these type of games and will do in the future (Starfield) as well.

But this also leads to my biggest problem, I never finished it back then.
I played hundreds of sidequests and every main quest until I reached a point of no return.

The point where you have to decide! I hate (and love) these big decisions.

So, instead of deciding I simply stopped at this point somehow...

June (2022):

I saw the first gameplay of Starfield, I must admit, I'm (a bit) hyped.
What can I do for distracting myself? Yes, FO4!

So I finished all endings but without overwriting my pre-decision save.
Now I saw them all, only thing to do now is walking around, build settlements etc.

Present Day:

Result, still a great game, with Bethesda typical bugs here and there.

Now let's wait for the next big decision in Starfield...
Will I stop there at the point of no return?

Probably not again.
Publisert 22. juli 2022. Sist endret 28. juli 2022.
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25 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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16.0 timer totalt
I played Syberia 1,2 and 3 before and I really liked them.
So I was really happy when I heard of the 4th game.

And I must say, i was not disappointed.

Still, this game wasn't perfect, no game is anyway.

Story was good, not great but it entertained me.
The WWII side theme never gets old it seems.

Some twists in the game were not that surprising, but came out pretty good.

The puzzles are kinda moderate, I haven't used the ingame help button.
I wish they would have been a bit harder here and there.

The scenery looks great, the Steampunk theme is well implemented as on all previous games.
The character model are a bit out of date for these days, mostly stiff hair, except for a ponytail.

What I really missed was combining items in your inventory.
Also the inventory at all didn't had the good old feeling of complete mess with useless stuff you find,
on side with trying the useless stuff on everything and receiving funny reactions.

When you play with gamepad you may can't reach a handful of investigation points,
so you have to switch to mouse on these. But that's not a big problem.

On my playtrough I missed only one side task, annoys me a bit. xD

To receive all achievements you have to start the game at least twice,
cause of one decision in the early mid-game, but you don't need to finish it then.

My playtime was around 14-16 hours, doing everything.
Replay would be only worth to see how some other decisions change the conversations.

And last but not least...
The "ending"... well, if you know the previous games, then you know what I mean.

Good Game, next please.
Publisert 19. mars 2022.
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150 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
48 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
318.2 timer totalt (17.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
30 hours in and I haven't even met Keanu yet.

Side Missions/ Activities first!!!

Hour 31! HEEEEERE'S Kea... uhm Johnny!!!
Publisert 14. desember 2020. Sist endret 26. november 2022.
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10 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.3 timer totalt
Very challenging side-scrolling space shooter.
Cool soundtrack, many boss fights and many flashing explosions.

Works best with controller.
Publisert 20. august 2020.
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210 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
59 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
292.0 timer totalt
Completed on PS3 with Base Version.
Completed on PS4 with the added First Person View.
Completed on PC with better graphics.

Waiting for GTA VI (CE CITY)
Publisert 27. november 2019.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.4 timer totalt
Publisert 29. juni 2019.
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30 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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4.0 timer totalt
I played this game completely blind, no infos about story or whatever before.

In the first minutes i somehow felt like this game is about the World War 2.
Very sad... What does that say about me? :S

Then the first real puzzle appeared and i was like.. huu?
And with every further minute in the game it became even more strange.

Then... the final level... you thought you saw everything? You thought wrong.

I can't... no i won't even describe it.
If you didn't knew anything about that game you didn't expect anything like that...

The Controls of this game are pretty simple. UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT and RIGHT CTRL.

Yes... i said RIGHT CTRL, a button you don't use much in games.
Due to that fact i wasn't surprised that some people (including me)already had problem with the very first action in game.
But once you got it it's all good.

The animations are nice and smooth. The 2,5D Levels look gorgeous.
If you played LIMBO and liked it then you will like this one aswell.

The puzzles are not too hard, sometimes even a bit too easy.
The death sequences are bloody brutal. You will love it!!!

The playtime is very short (under 3h for me).
I think it's worth to play it but decide yourself if it's worth to pay it.

I give it a good 7/10
It really should be a bit longer.
Publisert 2. desember 2016.
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109 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
30.9 timer totalt (9.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Game runs perfect for me at highest settings and my pc is not the best anymore.

Many say you have to set the FPS to Max instead of Standard 30.

Controls are okeyyy, it needs some training.

Anyway, the gameplay is different and it was 100% clear from the beginning that not everyone will like that, im ok with it, i like exploring and collecting.

A real MP would be great but it`s not necessary for me right now.

The 60€ is a bit overpriced, i have to admit that.

The worst part i discovered yet was the fact that you have to press and hold "E" at the white screen when it says initialization.
So many people thought there game has crashed including me! XD

Still this game deserves a 8/10
Publisert 13. august 2016. Sist endret 17. oktober 2016.
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98 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
3.9 timer totalt (1.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Review after first EP,

As a viewer of the tv series and a reader of the comics i really enjoyed the first EP.

If you know the comics you may or may not have already asked yourself
what happened during that timeline were Michonne was (on tour).
For me it`s a nice addition for that part.

The controls are like the other games, clear and easy. A little Combo-QTE surprised me a bit.

Like the other TT-TWD Games it`s again full of CEL blood and nice gore SHADING,
if ya know what i mean.

I really like the soundtrack, In- and Outro. It has something and fits good.

We all know that the story is again already written and can only changed in small parts by you.
At the end of first EP i kinda felt i should have used the other way.

On the other side, it`s a Mini-Story and may has no sequel so i could be totally wrong
and it will have many different endings. We will see.

I finished the first EP in arround 1,5h while enjoying everything without rush.
All 3 episodes could be arround 4-5h then. That`s enough for that price i say.

Now let`s wait for the next EP...

9/10 for now
Publisert 23. februar 2016. Sist endret 23. februar 2016.
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9 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
8 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
3.5 timer totalt
Publisert 20. oktober 2015.
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