Stupid, stupid, idiot gamer   North Carolina, United States
:p03: C0D3.3 / Code / Cody :p03:
:stimulation: Play Outer Wilds and Return of the Obra Dinn. :stimulation:
:winter2019happyyul: "Come, sit with me, my fellow traveler. Let’s sit together and watch the stars die." :winter2019happyyul:
Currently Offline

Scammers, don't waste your time. I'm not dumb and I doubt you want to spend your precious time in a dead end conversation. For both of our sakes, don't try it. I also don't accept random adds.

If I don't know you or if you don't give a reason to add me, I will NOT accept it.

I also will not leave people's random comments on my profile when I clearly have not met them before. While I appreciate occasionally getting a +rep saying I'm a nice person, I'm not gonna leave it up just because it's nice. I will leave comments on my profile if it's something true or at the very least genuine.

Unless I post on a trade form, add you to trade, or have an "Items Up For Trade" box on my profile, I have NOTHING up for trade. Don't ask.

About Me
Hey gamers, it's me, C0D3.3
Just a local gamer currently "suffering" from Warframe brainrot. AMA about Return of the Obra Dinn, Outer Wilds, Inscryption, Warframe, or Battlefield 1!

Below you'll find some "frequently asked questions" (Although they're not technically frequently asked since no one actually asks them), and some frankly uninteresting and unimportant ramblings. Reader beware, you're in for a pretty boring experience if I had to guess.

Q : Favorite game?
A : It's a close race between Outer Wilds and Return of the Obra Dinn, but I think I'm going to have to go with Outer Wilds. It's such an incredible game that I truly think everyone should experience. If you're gonnna play it, please go in as blind as possible (Even up to not reading the Steam page).

Q : Main games?
A : At the moment, I'm really big into Warframe! It's a great game, even if the new player experience could use some work.

Q : Favorite songs?
A : The Outer Wilds, Obra Dinn, and Battlefield 1 OSTs. I also tend to enjoy a lot of acoustic/orchestral/instrumental tracks!

Q : What are your policies on friending?
A : If you wanna add me, either tell me in-game or leave a comment on my profile. As per the above info box, I won't accept obvious scams or random adds.

Q : Where are the bodies hidden?
A : Wouldn't you like to know, weather-boy?

Is anyone actually reading this?
Are... are you actually reading this? Why? It's a wall of text. It's the ramblings of some guy on the internet whose profile is themed around a video game character. My words are infinitely less valuable than the time you're spending reading this. Yet you're reading it still? Uh... thank you? I guess? If you were truly interested enough to read through all of this, then maybe you're considering friending me. Go ahead I guess, just make sure to tell me somewhere.

Hey uh... you can go now
Thank you for reading and have a good day/night!

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Recent Activity
64 hrs on record
last played on 27 Feb
1,729 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
2.1 hrs on record
last played on 14 Feb
Belgian Waffle 20 Jan @ 6:17am 
ok i figured it out, thnks for the reply i was just being a monkey brain last night
C0D3.3 19 Jan @ 11:17pm 
oh man, im not actually sure how much i'll be able to help since i havent touched siege very much since 2021, but i would just double check to make sure you absolutely dont have the right version in your library, and if you dont then either send in a request to ubi customer support or request a refund through steam and try to buy the game again?

unless you mean you are trying to access the test servers, in which case definitely try talking to customer support

again im not sure how useful this all will be, but i havent done much with the game in many years so my time with having extensive knowledge about it is in the past haha
Belgian Waffle 19 Jan @ 8:24pm 
i also added u so i could get ur attention
Belgian Waffle 19 Jan @ 8:23pm 
ik you made the comment awile ago but fo rthe "test severs" for rainbow6 that your not ment to useand not need a cd key for, well its the only option avaible, wtf is with that?
Mothheart 21 Jan, 2024 @ 11:25pm 
this guys a silly goose fr :k8happy:
sandvich gaming the roise update 24 Nov, 2023 @ 6:57am 