Bottswana ⇋HG-A⇌
James   West Sussex, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Admin for HarpoonGaming.
Web developer and Computer Engineer.
My Work [] SteamRep []
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
Profile Info
Hello. I am Botts, or James if you prefer. I am the Systems Administrator and Tech Developer for Harpoongaming, and also a Administrator/Developer in my real-life career too.

I do not accept random friend requests from people with no common friends.
I no longer work for Dota2Traders. Please do not contact me for anything Dota2 related.

I don't usually trade but if I do please ensure you are talking to the right person:
> I have a level 41 Profile.
> Join date in 2006
> 40+ Friends.

I am a member of the following restricted steam groups:
> HarpoonGaming Staff and Admin,
> League of Extraordinary Admins.

| steamname: Bottswana ⇋HG-A⇌
| steam3ID: [U:1:348723473]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:174361736
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:
Bottswana ⇋HG-A⇌ Trade Banned 7 Dec, 2016 @ 7:45pm 
I have closed off comments until further notice. Note the date of this comment as 11/5/2016

If you are here to tell me that someone is trying to scam you. I will always KNOW it! there are millions of scammers out there, feel free to contact me if you want a fast help., as admin I will do all my means to help you.

If you are here for me to do SERVICES for you, then read my info box 100% including my requirements, I make no exceptions. If you meet the requirements then add me.

REMEMBER this day 11/5/16 that I * DELETED all my comments sections , including friend requests and pasts comments due to spams and disrespectful behaviors! PLEASE! when you add me , wait for me to respond, as I have other things to do. REMEMBER I reserve the right to decline Services to any user for any reason. - signed by -- Bottswana ⇋HG-A⇌