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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 135.1 hrs on record (111.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 13 Apr, 2024 @ 7:17am

From the beginning, I am now at the endgame.
Where to begin...
First off this game is no where near as good as the first one and doesn't even come close to the expansion.

While the game is visually beautifully the pathing and terrain are absolute garbage beyond and immense amount of cursing I can't put in this review. Sure I can understand some rugged pathing here and there but much of the landscape is not traversable and literally wasted.

With the above in mind you will be sent on numerous quests that will have you going from one end of the map to the other constantly on this garbage. On top of that the places you do come across to explore, and caves whatever. 90% of them are extremely boring and lack luster for such a title, while also being incredibly small in size and also guess what, more narrow pathing. Its like there is no one left with imagination for dungeon/cave creation within the development team.

Do you like exploring for that sort of random generated loot with respawnable chests that gave you the thrill of exploring areas multiple times we had from the first title? Guess what that's gone too.

Did you enjoy the thrill and the hunt for the dragon and lesser dragons? Maybe in hopes of getting that one piece of equipment dragon forged early because you were awesome and manage to kill one early against incredible odds? Guess what, that's gone too. Instead the option to pay for it is with some hobo in a cave late game.
Oh I forgot, on a little side note, your cloaks are no longer upgradeable and the substats on all the other gear no longer improves with upgrading making the the differences between gear or similarly stated gear absolutely worthless.

The combat appears to be improved ever so slightly and I mean SLIGHTLY from the first title. While still pretty clunky, some classes have some better abilities and better fluidity while putting together attack combinations, but most do not.

The monster density is pretty low and boring to me and the bigger more "fun" enemies are very scarcely populated about the garbage terrain. I am not sure what the respawn time is for them either but it feels like its quite long and that's boring.

Should you manage to get passed all this and make it to the hidden endgame, you are given 12 "rest till morning" days to explore a more chaotic world with better monster density. However there is no heads up that all you have is 12 days before the apocalypse and the worlds just ends game over bye bye and only one way to heal your unrecoverable health gauge without rest and force to use stupid exploitation techniques to heal your allies. Also there are some big lights from the sky that you are given no clue about that if you don't go deal with they cause clouds to slowly creep into your map making it no longer explorable. Now imagine what that does when the pathing is extremely bad and narrow with limited ways to get anywhere. Oh and forget about fast travel, we can't have that. You can have some teleport stones instead to hop around with but those are extremely limited and expensive as well.

So you made it this far and have dealt with everything. You haven't been resting much or at all so you can save your days that you have left before the worlds ends, done a bunch of stuff and then all the sudden died somewhere from something stupid. Guess what happens if you don't have a revive stone and don't use the revive stone. You are not loading from a check point, you are starting ALL over from day one from when started the endgame world or the last day you rested. Have fun doing all that ♥♥♥♥ over with no mention of that's what will happen to you.
Cheers GG

This has been the biggest disappointment on a game title I have encountered since the Final Fantasy 7 fail remake and probably the biggest disappointment ever. I usually never leave reviews on games and I am usually able to find enough good in them to say yeah it was okay, but this sequal is an abomination compared to the first.
I can't imagine how anyone that's played the first of this title with expansion will like this sequel.
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