Barko Sharko
The only Shark Furry in   New York, New York, United States
1: State why you Added me or get Ignored.
├┬┴┬┴┬┴┤Read down for More├┬┴┬┴┬┴┤

2: I NEVER put my account to private, if this EVER happens, contact me however you can and ask before reporting my account to find out the reasoning behind such a course of action.. Discord, Telegram.. ask me there before reporting my account as Hacked/Phished to prevent false reports.


3: If you are here to Purchase/Trade In-game Items/skins/whatever else or checking for account Validation (for any account named "Deathcrest") i will inform you as to whether or not you've found the correct account or if someone is messing with you/stealing my Alias)


4: I am a "Loyal Gamer". ("What is that?" You ask? Well.. It means if i start a game with you such as a story or survival game.. I wont play it without you.. I wont progress ahead.. I wont share spoilers.. I may not even play the same games with others and will patiently wait for you as long as it takes so that we can pick up where we left off (Together).


What else is there... OH!

I'm a Shark Furry (12+ Year Long Furry Pride) with an affinity for chewy foods, Cooking and clearly consuming Spicy, Sweet and Savory foods (including but not limited to Candies, Meats, Jerkies & more)!

Glitches/Hacks/Bugs/Cheats....All these in my eyes.. the use of them is pathetic in the world of gaming and you don't deserve what you've acquired with them.
Can you really even say you deserve whatever is given to you when you're cheating to obtain such lovely treasures, achievements or progress? Nope!
Work for what you want.. I do and it feels all the sweeter knowing the time and effort i put into getting what i wanted wasn't in vain.

If you use glitches, hacks bugs or cheat i wont play with you.
Also i tend to prefer playing games on their maximum difficulties so be prepared cuz we're gonna get our buns kicked!
Currently Offline
Leave the Toxicity in Rust and League of Legends where it belongs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What the Shark doin?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Birthday: 09/20/1991
Sexuality: Demi-Pansexual :trainbowbarf:
Fursona Species: Shark

Discord: barkosharko
Twitch: (Mostly dead in the water and just starting up. So much to do! So far im saving up games to give awaay for free and i need a new PC before things start to take off!)

Conventions Attended:
FurTheMore 2015

WISHLIST updated on: 12/7/2024 (I actually setup my wishlist from most to least wanted instead of throwing stuff in there Willy-Nilly. If High Demanding games are in the back it's because i dont know if my rig can handle them. Order of games may change depending on Reviews/Patches/Community Problems) (WISHLIST UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION DUE TO PROCRASTINATION WHICH PAUSED ON- 7/30/2020)
-Helping others :tgrin:
-Trying to Find someone ACTUALLY willing to teach me to draw (If you're willing PLEASE let me know :heartb:) :tcry:
I also have a massive assortment of video games that I've been saving up for giving away for free and in raffles as well as trading (most liekly not for other games but ask and we will see what we can work out)!! I buy tons of games that i dont even play. i dont buy them for myself but for the amazing furry fandom community (and other people whom may want them)! Keep an eye out for raffles and/or come upfront and ask me about my games! You can see my list of games (which i update regularly when i get more) ( ) Also feel free to hit me up on steam or FA if you want something! Note me or whatever, ill happily respond!

Total Games in Storage so far: (Lost count but over 2100!!!) (Updated 5/20/21) :tdealwithit:
(The games aren't saved in my steam inventory so dont bother looking there. I have the games in a safe storage and they keys have all been obtained completely legally) :claugh:
(Dont let the Update Date fool you.. I'm STILL buying games to THIS DAY.. I've just bought so much i cant even keep track anymore.. i think its like.. 2500+??- 5/20/2021)
Screenshot Showcase
*Screams in Shark*
1 4
Recent Activity
3,181 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
300 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
1,078 hrs on record
last played on 12 Mar
The Bean King 10 Mar @ 7:20pm 
Barko Sharko 24 Feb @ 12:43pm 

If you're going to attempt to upset someone, please do so accurately
meat lil guy 24 Feb @ 11:57am 
+even tho i got ♥♥♥♥ on in hunt still was nice :steamhappy:
xOvyTVx 24 Feb @ 12:18am 
-Rep who knew an enemy team would be upset i necro my own team for them to get another kill after it was requested by my own teammate <3
xOvyTVx 23 Feb @ 11:38pm 
-Rep angry 3 star when i necro my own teammate who told me to necro him. may be in need of fat dose of copeium GGs :) <3
The Bean King 19 Feb @ 10:53pm 
Added cuz cool rust furry