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Останні рецензії користувача Bahnana Toast

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Показані результати 41–42 із 42
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
3.7 год. загалом
UPDATE (november 20, 2014)

So I'm giving this review another go, seeing as to how I've been trying a whole lot more platformers since my last review, which sounded very unforgiving.

Unfortunately, my statement still stands that I can't recommend this game to anyone I know.

Last time I reviewed this, I couldn't exactly put my finger as to why I couldn't get into this. I wondered if my bar of expectation was too high, especially since this game had a nice percentage of positive reviews from the community, and that I just expect too much from indie platformers.

But after playing games like "You Have to Win the Game", as well as the more well-known "Super Meat Boy", I can safely say this game is too dragged out, punishing you for mistakes harsher than it should.

I understand that half the fun and adventure comes from learning your own mistakes, but as you progress, the zones get longer and harder. And personally, the zones get too long for me to even quickly remember what I've done wrong on my second try on that zone. Sometimes, the game just punishes you for not even being psychic.

Honestly, how was I supposed to know I need to jump onto a safety block after going through 3 conveyor belts and onto a deteriorating platform?

How was I supposed to know I'm not supposed to hyper dash on conveyor belts, and my jump was going to be no higher than if I tried to blast off my seat with my fart??

And how was I supposed to know that my invincibility frames after getting hit was as small as my mom's height!? What the ♥♥♥♥!

I really tried to like this game. But with the lack of checkpoints, there's no point in having a live count. You're better off reloading your save with all your power ups intact before you get mauled by another set of fat quails.

And because there's lack of music variety, it just makes the game all that more frustrating. Yes, I have the option to turn off the music, but why am I going to change a feature that obviously was meant to be there by default?

The game is supposed to be played with said settings intact.
So I play it.

And I hate it.

The beginning first world is fun, I'll give this game that much of credit.
But after going through 8 zones and a boss zone, you already feel worn out.

And then you go through another 4 worlds with 9 more zones each?
And the game says you're not done yet when you reach the end, and you have to go through all 5 worlds again to collect coins just to get that ending??

I can't do that, especially when I know that I can die at any point. And if I don't learn fast enough, then I have to start that zone all over again. And if I exhaust all of my lives, then I get that unsatisfying boss/gameover music with a bull skull above my ahead, as if it's mocking me.

Unless the game is supposed to be Dark Souls, I don't like being treated an idiot.

That said, I can't give a thumbs up to this Mario clone.
If you want to try some platformers worth your time, try the ones I've mentioned above.

A game should feel rewarding when you reach the end, not frustrated that you must go back to collect 50 not-so-obviously-placed achievement coins.

But...don't take my word for it.

There's a good portion of people in this community that love this game to bits, and while I have the hardest time understanding why, I'm not one to give a death sentence to a game just because I hate it.

If you love this game, then kudos. Perhaps the $4 retail value is good enough for you. I would personally wait for a sale before buying.

And if you didn't like my review by the end of this (which by the way, thank you fo reading this long essay of mine) then that's fine too. I just don't know anyone personally that has the patience to play this game from start to finish.

And to the game developer: If my words hold any value to you, then all I can say is please make the zones shorter, or at least cut the amount of zones in each world by half, and please add checkpoints to the game. It would make the game more fun for people like me if you did that, and would actually add value to the lives count system.

Thank you for your time in reading this, and I hope this helps give you some more insight to this game before buying.
Додано 26 жовтня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 20 листопада 2014 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
36.0 год. загалом (31.3 год на момент рецензування)
+ Innovative game mechanics
+ Witty dialogue
+ Fidget

- Replay value
- Character development
- Reed's box

Don't let the furriness fool you.

This game is a gem that is enjoyable by casuals and hardcore gaming enthusiasts alike. This game teaches you the game mechanics without feeling like you're being babied and stopped to walk across the street. And if you're the type of person that loves playing beat em' ups and/or fighting games, then this game won't disappoint.

If you're planning to play the game at a certain difficulty however, then choose to do so that at the very beginning. The game, despite it being addicting and innovative, will leave you feeling more than satisfied after playing through it once, but not enough to go back to it anytime soon.

All in all, if the idea of Anthropomorphic designs disgust you, you would do yourself the favor of going into this with an "open mind," as this will be one of the most creative indie games you'll play yet.

Final thoughts: I died to semen pods more than the actual enemies on hardcore. ._.
Додано 26 вересня 2014 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
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Показані результати 41–42 із 42