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Останні рецензії користувача Bahnana Toast

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Показані результати 31–40 із 42
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
144.8 год. загалом (135.3 год на момент рецензування)
This game will destroy everything you love, rape them, and will do it with a smile.
Додано 8 листопада 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 27 грудня 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
1.6 год. загалом (0.4 год на момент рецензування)
The main character's name is Albert.
That's my name in real life.

Unless you're Wesker...

No main character should have this name.


Oh yeah.
And the story, game mechanics and graphics are mediocre at best.
I guess that's important too.
Додано 8 листопада 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.4 год. загалом
Games too long for you?
Ever loved RPG games, but don't have the time to remember plot devices?
Or perhaps you just don't have the time to dedicate yourself to one game anymore because you're no longer that young adolescent tween that had all the time in the world, where you could just go to class one day and say "Yeah! ♥♥♥♥ this class! Imma play me some games!"...???

Then come on down to Famaze! Where you don't need to remember anything, mash arrow keys and the occasional "1", "2" and space, and finish the game before you have to go back to whatever the hell it is you were doing 30 minutes ago.
Додано 8 листопада 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
4.8 год. загалом (1.4 год на момент рецензування)
very space
much fast

Detailed Review
Don't let the screenshots fool you that this is boring.
This game is a wonderful 80s throwback that is creative for its design and gameplay, and is something that can only be experienced when playing yourself.

Granted, this game can be daunting for people with bad reflexes, but if you give this game a chance, you may be in one hell of a ride.

And then there's the music.
It's fantastic. I'm one that normally doesn't care for 80s music, but its soundtrack alone is more than enough for a buy.
The soundtrack and SFX really help make this game feel alive, where without it, this game would be somewhat, if not, completely a drag, especially for a game that's heavily music influenced.

I had my settings for the bloom and luminosity effect high to the point where I felt I was enjoying the most of what this game had to offer me. Not too high though, just high enough. (Your eyes will bleed if you max out settings.)

Personally, I think getting the right brightness and the right bloom will really help you have a great time with this game.

So that said, two thumbs up on my end.

But as for the price?
I'll let you justify if buying at full price is well worth it. At this time of the review, it's $6.99, and I personally would say to wait on this to go on a sale. (But then again, I'm always about looking for sales.)

I got this game with a bundle of 8 other games for $5 overall, so it's like I only spent $0.56 on this game.
But seeing how great this game played, I would be more than happy to spend even $4 on this game alone.

All in all, when you can get this game, it's worth giving a shot. Especially for retro enthusiasts.
Додано 6 листопада 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 6 листопада 2014 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
0.4 год. загалом
Play the third installment of RIP if you ever decide to pick this up.
You're not missing out on the first two.

This game is full of non-sensical gibberish where you can play either Death, the Super Devil or October 31st on a never ending struggle against...whatever cyborg fiction they're fighting against, I don't know, I'm still on the grammar for Super Devil, so I just shut my brain down for it's wondrous story going up against cyborg shotgun wielding Lycantropes, or at least that's what I saw in RIP 3's opening.

...what? My review doesn't make sense?
Neither does this game.

In any case, the game isn't entirely all that bad gameplay wise, but I did get this game in a bundle, so I'm just making use out of my $2.50.

I need a drink.
Додано 6 листопада 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 6 листопада 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
9.9 год. загалом (8.8 год на момент рецензування)
Dark Souls the platformer.

This game is very challenging and will incredibly stress out those who don't like their patience tried, but at the same time, this game won't be treating you like you're a dumb ass either like other games.

Unlike my review of a lesser known platformer that is also hard but more stressing, 8BitBoy, Super Meat Boy makes your deaths fun, and rewards you with satisfying and humorous cutscenes at the end of each world.

Earning bonuses feels rewarding, letting you know that you're one step closer to unlocking a new character.
And going through those warp portals and glitches will leave you feeling proud that you took that extra challenge.

To any developer that plans to make a super challenging yet fun platformer, this is a game you want to look at for inspiration.

Now brb, I'm going to go die some more.
Додано 4 листопада 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
4.5 год. загалом (0.7 год на момент рецензування)
Typography: the videogame.

Highly recommended for typeletter enthusiasts that want to learn a thing or two about the history of Typography, especially for those majoring in Graphic Design or even those just seeking some fun educational tidbits.

I've always found Typography my weakest ability as a designer and had a hard time following with typography lessons normally, but if I had this when I was in class, I probably would have done decently well.

You won't be seeing me playing this game religiously, but if I ever have a friend taking Typography and/or even showing passion towards the field, I'd definitely point them towards this game.
Додано 4 листопада 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
1.2 год. загалом (1.2 год на момент рецензування)
I named myself "SARS" and beat Malaria like a royal badass.
It's like Pandemic the game, but with skittles.


Would taste the rainbow again.
Додано 2 листопада 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
8.2 год. загалом
Did I enjoy this game?
Definite yes.

Do I recommend this game?
Definite yes.

When should you buy it?
When you can.

Summary Review
Quirky dialogue, creative puzzles and amazing storyline, this is a game that should not be passed up, especially if you like thinking "out of the box" puzzles.

Detailed Review
I got this game on sale with the Orange Box sale for $5, and honestly, I feel ashamed for not having played this game sooner. Without spoiling too much for those 7 other people that haven't played yet, this game basically takes place in a testing area where you are tried to complete a series of puzzles. And that's pretty much the premise of the game.

This game is short, but boy does it deliver.

And if you're a person with humor, you'll enjoy this puzzle game from start to finish.
Додано 26 жовтня 2014 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
20.8 год. загалом (18.7 год на момент рецензування)
Did I enjoy it?
Solo/offline co-op...No.

Do I recommend it?
If you have friends to play along with.

When should I buy this?
On sale. (Around $15 or less.)

Summary Review
Not a bad game at all, so as long as you don't treat it like your typical RE game. Recommended to be played with online friends, or else it'll suck.

Detailed Review
When I first played this on the PS3 on release, I was completely appalled with RE6's control mechanics. Trying to turn the franchise people knew and loved into a typical FPS shoot em' up, this is not what people expected after RE5.

However, as time passed, this game has found a place in my heart. Not as another RE game, but as a coop game to play with friends online, and this is where the game really shines.

When you play this game by yourself or play on split screen, the game is a chore. AI buddy is too retarded to be of any help, and playing split screen really can strain the eyes, especially if you don't have a monitor bigger than 27".

Honestly, I wish Capcom put the option to play offline coop on dual display, rather than being forced to just stick with two cropped rectangles on one screen, then this game would have gotten more thumbs up on my end.

But regardless, if you have a friend to play with and both of you have steam, get this game when it's on sale and play with each other online. You guys will have an awesome time.

Also a warning: If you guys are here for the story...yeah, you might want to chuck a good portion of that out the window. Most of the story is garbage, and won't be fun for either of you if you guys plan to take this game seriously. I tried playing this game both serious and both as casual fun, and I found myself loving to crack jokes at this games' story than actually being sucked into the story. And I'm all for story when it comes to games.

If you still plan to get the game, just know the controls take some time in getting used to. But if you're familiar with playing AAA fps games, then you'll get the hang of the controls faster. But if the only thing you've played is Resident Evil...you might curse the controls until the day you die.

But all in all, this is a game that people should try out for kicks. Just make sure to catch it when a sale hits.
Додано 26 жовтня 2014 р..
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Показані результати 31–40 із 42