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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.7 hrs on record
Posted: 24 Jul, 2015 @ 1:43pm

Early Access Review
Devlopment has been slow to non existent.

The differences between the first Alpha release and now are extremely minor.

I took some faith and decided to help support their alpha, However I did so expecting some results which so far do not exist, it is the same game as it was when the Alpha was launched, The main devloper behind the game buggered off and started his own studio.

Everyone whom paid into the Alpha should get a refund for the lack of work being put into this game.

I used to defend this type of publishing and devlopment model, The Aplha of the game is released paid or not to the community while they build the game, But when you do not add anything of value for over a year or more you do not deserve the support of the community, let alone deserve to sell your alpha.

Games like Kerbal space Program prove that model works, DayZ however ♥♥♥♥♥ on the idea, leaving a bad taste in peoples mouths.

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