9 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.9 hrs on record
Posted: 6 May, 2021 @ 7:07pm

There's definitely an audience for this type of narrative; it's brutally nihilistic and dismal. How would I summarise it best - oppressive hyper-realism? It reads like a drama novel, with appropriately long-winded scenes and fitting twists. It seemed a little "miserable for misery's sake" to me, but I'm sure that's exactly what fans of this genre are looking for.

However, I would not recommend this to the majority of people looking for a narrative experience. Unless you're a part of the aforementioned audience, I can see this being a slog. Every new turn of the story brought more excruciating hopelessness. Seriously, the game's bursting at the seams with it! I appreciate what was trying to be done but was unable to really enjoy it and found a few scenes difficult to get through, unfortunately.

That being said, I did enjoy the way the characters were written. They felt natural and right at home in their, well, depressing world.
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