2 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
3.0 hrs last two weeks / 638.0 hrs on record (558.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Nov, 2021 @ 1:36pm
Updated: 14 Jul, 2024 @ 10:13am

Ngl, this game is good when I first played and still is till this day. But it's just good. Not "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME IV EVER PLAYED" good, just a "Meh" good. Don't get me wrong it's Madness Combat, famous for it's simplicity of violet and action-packed animation, and that's not bad thing itself with the game. It's the execution that's bringing it down with the game.

The entire game feels like a chore to go through, where you just spam lmb with only one or two gimmicky enemies blocking your path (That doesn't even appear in all of the stages), and hell the gimmicky enemies are so easily counter-able to the point you question if they're really gimmick enemies or just enemies with a roadblock attached to them.

And the story... dear god it's just a little too fan service-y, if that makes sense. Hank teaming up Jeb seems a out of character for both of them, the entire Sanford and Deimos interaction, and the whole thing just feels friendship-y than "It's kill or be killed" like what Madness Combat is.

Arena is just a chorefest by just completing stages until you unlock the next piece to the story, with some stages just being a complete ass to do (Haunting House) or just a overall boring Roadblock (Slaughter Time), and hell it can be a huge grindfest most the times.

And the workshop... that an even worse "Dear God" since holy mosscreep. I've never a fumble of a Workshop than anything. Taking away stuff from what workshop built from (Not Enough Madness) like BossWeapons and Custom Textures on Other's mods, complicating stuff like the Material system and the statcard system, and overall just poor feedback from the Dev themselves (IE: Saying that people should use less swatches than making a swatch page system). Plus the community is kinda, let's say, special. Since most of them are worshipping Swain due to a lack of information on how the workshop was gonna work during NEM's regin (Despite being known beforehand). With a good handful of pre-workshop modders (like myself) are pissed off of how more complex it was and lacking features that NEM used to have that was in actual functionality and not the cheats. Albeit that was on Swain's part for being uncooperative to the modders.

Though despite this review being all negative and what not. I do have some positives like the design and textures, new factions, and what not. But that doesn't really change my opinion if the game is built on fan service slop and well... poor workshop support. I would only recommend buying the game if wanna do a little customizing on your hireling or hell even downgrade the game you bought and use NEM to make your story that surpasses the fan service-y of the og. Though if you're not gonna do that, then I would heavily advise to not buy it even if you're a madness fan.

(Also no I haven't forgotten about Krinkels with this, I just feel like Swain had more involvement than Kranks despite him making the models and art for the game)
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Moshael F. Mosscreep 4 Aug, 2024 @ 3:28am 
@Mikeeboilies3600 My brother in Christ that's what to be expected with Reviews. Plus did you even read it all?
Mikeeboilies3600 4 Aug, 2024 @ 3:04am 
yap session my lord :steambored::steambored::steambored: