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Senaste recensioner av Professional Sawdust Inhaler

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
15.3 timmar totalt
This game is the cat's meow
Upplagd 9 augusti 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.9 timmar totalt (0.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Great for summer sale farming, but the game itself actually looks really fun
Upplagd 1 juli 2019.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
27.9 timmar totalt (22.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Love the game. Looks awesome. Clean shooting mechanics. Love/Hate relationship with the respawn mechanic, on one hand I sometimes die right as everyone respawns, on the other hand, I sometimes die right after everyone spawns and have to wait 20 seconds. Otherwise, 10/10 would reccomend
Upplagd 18 juli 2017. Senast ändrad 16 september 2019.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
18.7 timmar totalt (3.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
People who say that this game is realitic are liars. The NPC cars rarely cut you off, they drive in the middle instead of tailgating you, and they actually stay in their lane. Otherwise, 10/10 would trucker again
Upplagd 3 juli 2017.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.0 timmar totalt
What it seems like: Oh! Just make an account and play a single game? That's easy!
Actual experience: Download game, takes forever to actually starts up, game crashes my computer... twice, extreme lag, runs at about 10 fps and has worse graphics than the ET video game, tries to play game, keeps dying because it's basically a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ slideshow, takes 10 seconds to respond while te game is frozen because it's so ♥♥♥♥, GAME CRASHES, has to play another game, takes like 2 minutes just FREAKING JOIN A GAME, MY TEAMMATES ARE A**HOLES THAT KEEP KILLING EACHOTHER, THE MAPS ARE PRETTY okayish but mostly crap, I FINALLY GET TE DAMN KNIFE, I'VE NEVER BEEN SO DAMN HAPPY TO CLICK A DAMN UNINSTALL, *Inhales deeply* but the knife is pretty.
Upplagd 26 mars 2017.
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291.4 timmar totalt (217.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
For quite a while, this was my favourite game. I would've gone to the ends of the Earth to get one of my friends to play it with me. But it's hard to keep playing this since there are constant changes in mechanics and a robot that you build this week will probably be mediocre next week. The game used to be so simple. Build a nice bot, play some games, have nice laughs, you lost? oh well, it was still amazingly fun. Compared to the earlier game, the games are much less friendly to new players, and the larger amount of weapons and movement options make the balance way worse. It kind of hurts me to leave a bad review for the game, but it's the only way the devs will listen.
Upplagd 25 september 2015. Senast ändrad 8 mars 2017.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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